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Gwyllion a gagné pour la dernière fois le 14 septembre 2019

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  • Hardware
    NUC 8i5 eGPU 1060

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  1. Harley Davidson AMD Radeo
  2. AMD Radeon, rest of titles, latesta included as TWD or JPA, works fine this is the only Im having problems. Think it will need any AMD patch…
  3. Hi there, white fog when starting play, sounds works other static graphics too, I can play but I cant see the game play. How to solve? Thanks
  4. Any tested on Pico 4?
  5. Gwyllion

    [Tuto] Pinball FX 3 Cabinet Mode

    Hi there!! Any clue for Cabinet mode with the new Indiana .exe?
  6. Take other exe inside Bin/win64
  7. Gwyllion

    [Tuto] Pinball FX 3 Cabinet Mode

    Could you please share your working update 6 .EXE? I have no luck to work...thanks in anticipating.
  8. Gwyllion

    [Tuto] Pinball FX 3 Cabinet Mode

    @ducon2016 To be clear to all and copy to DUCON, the .exe shared is the last update with pack 6 from FX3 and works fine...although 50% of the times, hangs the pc too many times. But the other 50% of the time, works fine for me with the latests tables Funhouse, Space Station and Dr. Dude and with the patches shared by Ducon. Zen, the creator of FX3 Pinball knew that and share a new update with Steam , a new .exe file. Obviously, not cracked yet... Here you have the NEW .exe uncracked if anyone want to make our day better Thanks to everybody and specially Ducon2016.
  9. Gwyllion

    [Tuto] Pinball FX 3 Cabinet Mode Here you have It but isnt the latest .exe versión updated because hangs the PC.
  10. Gwyllion

    [Tuto] Pinball FX 3 Cabinet Mode

    Hi my friend, do you have the latest .exe of the update 6? It seems the first update 6 makes to close/break/hangs the PC. The latest Steam exe fix this. Thanks in anticipating.
  11. Gwyllion

    Comment jouer au rambo?

    1.- Install Windows 10 updated 2.- Install TP 3.- Overwrite files with FIX 4.- Open TP 5.- Select Rambo Game 6.- In Game settings Select RamboD.elf 7.- In options select UseMouse 8.- Play
  12. Gwyllion

    Game Loader All Rh

    Any sucess for IDZ? Not clear how to point the folders...
  13. @sonic323 completely agree with u. Really need the features of the U2 version.
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