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Tout ce qui a été posté par sky2310

  1. You're welcome buddy! Yeah, the original game allows this because there is a sensor in the actual gun that communicates with the game. The Wiimote/Dolphin Bar setup is great but it only has motion sensors and buttons to rely on. Honestly, after a while, I actually prefer using the secondary button to reload especially with the Gun shell mentioned above makes it feel authentic. Try this out and let me know what you think.
  2. Tested - confirm working for JConfig after changing ini file! Thanks for sharing.
  3. Sounds to me you need to update your Nvidia drivers. I do not have this problem at all.
  4. What I suggest is you map the reload button to the second mouse button and then link that to the top button on the Wiimote. If you have a gunshell for the Wiimote, there will be two triggers - one to shoot and one to reload which works a treat for gun games that require a reload function. If you specifically want to reload by shooting off screen like in the arcade, I'm afraid this is not possible as there are no sensors in the actual gun to allow for this to occur (as far as I know anyway). You just need to use Touchmote and Dolphin Bar on Mode 2 - mouse emulation. Example of the gunshell type:
  5. Plug in your controller first e.g. Xbox 360 (Xinput) or other USB supported controllers (Direct Input) and then open Teknoparrot and map keys in Controller Settings one-by-one. Note, Start/Coins CANNOT be mapped to a controller and needs to on Keyboard (at least this is my experience). Remember to click on SAVE SETTINGS before exiting.
  6. I am running Windows 10 Pro with all the latest updates + Nividia GTX 1080TI OC Aoarus video card. Works first go!
  7. As long as it starts with the Tekken directory - the start doesn't need to be in any particular name but yes, the other directories that follow "Tekken" needs to be left as is!
  8. Yeah...won't work...but I'm happy with the Teknoparrot version looks fine. Otherwise, get the Tekken 7 Ultimate Edition on PC!
  9. Hey everyone, for those that are having issues getting this game to load with JConfig - see my basic tutorial here: Note: I cannot get it to run out of Windowed mode (full screen) or have the window stretched across the full screen of my 4K resolution so any tips will be great!
  10. Hi guys, Thanks to 7zxkv, Tekken 7 Fated Retribution Arcade has been dumped and working. I know a lot of people have been having issues launching this, if at all, so below is a short tutorial on how to get it running with JConfig in Windows & Teknoparrot. Bear in mind that this is a very early release so it may not be fully working yet and still has some display glitches. JCONFIG: 1. Firstly, obtain the dump from the official thread (credit to member/moderator 7zkjv): 2. Download Jconfig setting emulator from here (credits to FlyBit, 1cc Community and Spiderzsoft for providing):!gdFEEKbb!KMU8c79UWwlInfMS2dGgjA 3. Extract the Tekken7.7z file with 7zip extraction software obtainable here: 4. Go to directory X:\Tekken 7 Fated Retribution\Tekken7\ and you will see the TekkenGame directory 5. Extract the JConfig setup directory (Tekken7_2018_10_08) and inside you will see the similarly-named TekkenGame directory - copy the whole folder and merge/replace in above game folder 6. Now go into X:\Tekken 7 Fated Retribution\Tekken7\Tekken7\TekkenGame\Binaries\Win64\ and run the JConfigTK7.exe Ensure a joypad is plugged in now - I recommend the Xbox 360 controller. Map buttons on the right by double-clicking on each button and pressing a key to assign (see below sample) + hit OK to save then X to exit Note: I cannot get it to run full-screen and load DX Window Mode has to be selected to work but this doesn't fill the screen for me and changing custom resolutions does nothing (My display is 4K 3840x2160) 7. To start the game, run the TekkenGame-Win64-Shipping.exe file and the game will load - starts with a buffering page, then loading screen appears and you will hear "Good morning...." if the game loads correctly! To exit press ESC and if the game crashes (in full-screen mode for example) press ALT + CTRL + DEL and select SIGN OUT then SIGN IN again (this is the only safe way I know of to close the game when crashed) That's it! If anyone works out how to make it run full-screen or in Windowed Mode that covers the entire screen please share your settings as I cannot achieve this yet! I hope this will help others out. Thanks to all of the above members/providers for this great game and loader. That's it! If anyone works out how to make it run full-screen or in Windowed Mode that covers the entire screen please share your settings as I cannot achieve this yet! TEKNOPARROT: 1. Firstly, obtain the dump from the official thread (credit to member/moderator 7zkjv) and extract with 7zip extraction software (see above for details): 2. Open up Teknoparrot and ensure you're running the latest version (v1.0.0.233 is the latest at time of writing this 3. Click on Add Game from top-left options menu and point to the EXE at X:\Tekken 7 Fated Retribution\Tekken7\Tekken7\TekkenGame\Binaries\Win64\TekkenGame-Win64-Shipping.exe 4. Click on Controller Settings and map controller keys (NOTE: Start/Coin needs to be on keyboard) and remember to click on SAVE SETTINGS before exiting - sample below NOTE: I have to say, currently, Teknoparrot stands heads and shoulders above other loaders as it loads this game PERFECTLY in FULL SCREEN effortlessly! I hope this will help others out. Thanks to all of the above members/providers for this great game and loader.
  11. Hey buddy, just follow my tutorial here and build your own script it's very easy - just make sure you point to NoMousey as the app after launching the hotkey. Watch short video here:
  12. Works fine. Leave all details default and just click OK. You must use the downloader software above.
  13. Many thanks for sharing!! For people needing some help downloading. 1) Download Megadownloader from here: 2) Extract the folder and run the application, accept terms and leave user login details to default unchanged and click SAVE 3) Click Add Link and copy & paste the above link and click the Play/Start button and the download will begin You can minimise the software and it will still download in the background, I get about 20mb/s so it took around 10 mins to download.
  14. I totally agree...I hate stacking a lot of softwares to get one game to work but sometimes it must be done. I don't really consider the Dolphin Bar a big issue as it's just plug and play and the Touchmote software takes 2 seconds to load and just sits there behind the scenes so not too bad! Yeah certainly a cool option for gun games...probably the best option available currently.
  15. Hi there, yeah these Wiimotes shells are great as they add a good gun grip, vibration, LED light and makes you feel like holding a gun. It also comes in a Black design (search for it on eBay or Amazon). I have never used Demulshooter before but it's pretty simple, it's command based (right-click properties and add commands to the short cut) then launch with Teknoparrot. A more simple way is to just buy another Dolphin Bar (only $12 anyway). USB Bluetooth bars should work the same.
  16. You're welcome! If you need a step-by-step guide, see my other AHK/NM tutorial.
  17. I cannot get it to work. Can you please do a step-by-step guide for JConfig??
  18. Thanks for pointing this out's the correct link:
  19. Hey guys, I'm going to make this a quick and simple tutorial in ENGLISH as there's really not much to talk about, but a lot of people have been asking me for scripts and such to use AutoHotKey (AHK) & Nomousey (NM) especially for lightgun games where the mouse is used to emulate the crosshair pointer and the intention is to hide it, so thought I'll make a short write-up on how to obtain, create and use this very useful piece of software. I'm no expert but this is what others on this forum have taught me and I am now sharing what little I know with others. In summary, what we are doing is creating an auto-executing hotkey to active NoMousey software to hide the mouse cursor and then disabling it after use. The two softwares will work together for this. AutoHotKey Software: NoMouseySoftware:;topic=143370.0;attach=322444 (I cannot find an active website supporting it so please provide if any) 1. Install AutoHotKey, have nomousy.exe available (nomousy.exe /hide to HIDE, and run nomousy.exe to UNHIDE) 2. Create new folder, right-click in blank space NEW > AutoHotKey Script 3. Input below quote and save in notepad then save 4. Right-click on script file and choose Compile Script 5. Test script then use --------------------------------------------------- run, nomousy.exe /hide ; run, TeknoParrotUi.exe --profile=SDR.xml ,, Min; Escape:: run, nomousy.exe ExitApp return Attached are some examples of pre-made scripts for some lightgun games that use these two softwares.. Again, I'm no expert so if you have any further suggestions or comments feel free to share with others here.
  20. Hey, here are No-Mousey script executables for HOTD4 + for other game games & instructions how to set up the script yourself. Enjoy and share.
  21. Hey everyone, A lot of people have expressed some difficulty in getting this game to work and more so bind with Nintendo Wiimotes to use as guns so I hope this short tutorial will help! 1. First, get the latest version of the TeknoParrot loader here: (you will be prompted to update in the application) 2. Download the game dump from here:!O6JTBabQ!JGeJEbMStkdl3D3S_sIah3LPgw8D1wRJCeWPRepIvhk 3. Run TeknoParrot by opening TeknoParrotUi.exe, click on Game Settings and point to where the EXE game file is: For example: F:\Arcade games\Games\Transformers\transformers_final\exe\TF_Gun_R_Ring_dumped.exe (tick Free Play & UseMouseForGun, untick Windowed Mode) 4. Click con Controller Setup and map a key for coins, I chose the 0 (Zero) key, then click on Save and exit 5. For no mouse cursor display download No Mousey config file here Extract contents to the root of TeknoParrot and then right-click on the Transformers.exe file and Run as Administrator (it will auto-load TeknoParrot) 6. Once the game starts, wait for title screen to appear and hit the key assigned to coins (zero 0 key) and then Press 1 key to start game Press ESC to exit game which will also revert mouse cursor 7. If you want to use a Nintendo Wiimote as a senor lightgun - get a Mayflash Dolphin Bar here Set to mode 2 (emulate as Mouse) and aim the Wiimote as a lightgun. Suggest you guy a good gun enclosure like this one That's it! It works fine for me! Credits to original dumpers, developers and forum members - none of this was provided by myself.
  22. sky2310

    The Sinden Lightgun

    There always has to be a border and various hardware, software hacks to make it work. The problem with this project is it seems like an "underground" project as opposed to a new commercial solution which is one of the reasons, I think, it won't ever be effective. Don't get me wrong, I love lightgun games, but I don't think this will ever be able to live up to what the classic Guncon-type ones provided.
  23. sky2310

    The Sinden Lightgun

    I have original PS3 hardware with all the setup so might give this a miss, but I use Wiimote and DB's on most arcade games.
  24. sky2310

    The Sinden Lightgun

    Totally the moment, Wiimote and Dolphinbar does the job very well. By the way, what's the PSMOVEService do? Using the PS Move on Windows? How to do this? I'm intrigued.
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