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Tout ce qui a été posté par Fulgore18

  1. Well i play it without any problems on my Arcade Cabinet with regular Arcade Controls. There is a final Version where you only have to invert one the the steering axes.
  2. Downloaded Game Extracte and installed as in this tut recommended. Rooter with TP Launch Game.... Working! Thanx... Didn't have any problems Great Stuff
  3. Hi there, well thanx again for sharing so great games i didnt know yet. I played the whole night Jamestown - Legend of the lost Colony. Wow what a journey. I bought instant the original soundtrack. So beautiful. Do not know when i heard such great arragements in a game the last time. This game is worth to play. A Masterpiece on oldschool top down shmup ! THX
  4. TY shmup like it Well i have one Problem. Full Screen do not work :/ Black Screen in the upper left quater....
  5. Hi Spindizzi i tried these things ... - tried so set volume on UI on -50 and all other possible values - tried different UI - tried to set it on CMD like you recommended but than it says could not open all other games i play on Supermodel Emu are working perfect.
  6. I love this Game ... sure i play alot SR 3 but ... this is also a great and worth to play game. I have on serious question which nobody has been answered right now ... neither on the Supermodel Forum. Is there any Version out which do have the Engine and Wheel squeaking sound ? I searched the whole web but i only found versions which do have music :( THX
  7. Well I play it with teknoparrot 165. Everyrhing is working perfect. I use thrustmaster t300 rs with pedals and th8a Shifter. For Sega rally I built myself a custom handbrake which also works perfect under tp 165
  8. Totally agree... Metal Slug is King of run n gun but I like to play this game too.
  9. So cool. Great animation and motivation music 👍🏻
  10. Played it for a few hours.... That's just a cool looking game.. Some lil negativ points but it is definitely worth to play. Beautiful music and some realy aromoapiehric and stylish backgrounds....
  11. Just one more for this masterpiece. There are 3 ways to play Darius burst with great performance. 1. Play it on full screen stretched. Works but don't look good. 2. Play it on full screen Splitt on 2 monitors. Great option 3. Play it on a 32:9 super wide screen monitor. Best option but to buy one super wide screen monitor just for one game....? Warning When playing on windowed mode do not stretch the window. I stretched it till the window reaches the left and right edge of the monitor. This may look not too bad but especially when lots of enemies approaching this may cause extrem framedrop. Nearly unplayable. This occur cause the stretched resolution is not supported. In the game folder is one adapter list where all supported resolutions are listed Just what I found out when playing DB. For solving the sound fail read post above
  12. Wow just found this link today. Great game thanx 4 sharing
  13. Hey guys Regarding the sound problem. I found the problem. It has something to do with the low frequency of the sound file. In the setup menu is the sound setting located. There is one slider especially for setting the strength of the Low Frequency of 2 subwoofer channels. One for music and one for special fx. I reduced the woofer slider from special fx down to zero and the problem is gone. It still sounds great cause the main Low frequency is in the music which do not have any influence of the problem . So maybe the LF from the sfx soundtrack is a lil bit to strong. So there should be just some kind of low cut. Just an idea. See my pictures for the setup in the test menu.
  14. Hi there. I love MK. I got the English original Manual of the Arcade. Anyone need? So another question. Is it possible to Update MK without internet? I mean to update via placing the update files into there correct folders etc? And last question. Anyone played the latest version? Is it possible to drift there cause on the first version I am not able to drift or I am too dumb Cya Update. Manual English. Just a nice to have Maybe helpfull for Newbies without the english conversion.
  15. Upgrade would be awesome.... But I think first problem will be the registration nr of the not existing cab... Well. I have some thing which makes me curious. I play daytona in TP. Ffb, steering, shifting works nice for me but.... The sensitivity of the wheel when it's time to place my name in the high score list... It is not possible for me to put my initials. Any solution? Arcade Manual Ty
  16. Hi there I tried the whole day to fix the sound issue on DB.... I tried every step but sill have this annoying issue. Please help me... I wanna play tho beautiful game. I run current Teknoparrot. Latest update. What runs perfect on my comp? Mario Kart DX Daytona 3 Demon Bride BazBlu Strania So... Dariusburst is the only one which I can't ay well regarding sound failure. I bight me today a superwidescreen for the game. If anyone wanna or can help me... I would be very thankful. Your doing a real great job here. Thanx so far
  17. Hey great Job Mate ... Is it possible to put a check box in like in the older ui so it is possible to show only the "installed" Games / Roms ? Because games i do not have or play are not from interest in the list... Just an idea
  18. Will there be someday a built where all games are working in one built ? Like Sega Rally 2, Dirt Devils, Emergency Ambulance etc.pp ? Sorry for my dumb question, but i do not have an working version for all Model 3 Games yet :( Kind regards
  19. Hi Racers, i still have a problem I am not able to config manual shifting Is there any tutorial for setting the game controls ? I am using for all ather arcade racers Thurstmaster TX300 Alcantara Edition and the TH8a Shiftbox Please i finallay wanna race
  20. Yes but changing speedo=kp/h do not have any effect. It is still mph...
  21. Hi there... Regarding the kp/h... I just played daytona 1 Arcade. In the service menu you have to switch Japan for getting kph. Localisation and version is put of service... Grey.. So is it possible to modify the exe for this? And I need help how to set the manual gear shift on the abxy buttons... Kind regards.
  22. Oh one of my still most played beat em ups ... But honestly this here is probably the best Version to play. Set CPU Overclock @134% Runs perfect on my crt.
  23. Hi there thanx for the pre configured version. I am also able to play the game with any controller thanx to this awesome tutorial here One more question ... I installed also the DS2K Thing. The changes wont be permanent. Do i have to set it in the ini instead the service menue ? And now the 1 000 000 Dollar Q: How to choose between automatic and manual gear shiftbox ? Manual is alsways locked. Kind regards ... Dont drink and drive Lets go wawayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
  24. Hi there I finally now can play daytona 2. I have sometimes some missing textures on opponents car. Does this occur depending on my hardware or are there some shader packs I need to use? If there is a better gpu need let me know what you suggest... I have an i5 4x 3.80 ghz Gpus is arcade VGA 3000 Ultimarc 16gb ram... Also I have problems mit sega rally 2 looks weird and sometimes on Virtua fighter. Very kind regards.
  25. One more question regarding the xinput. Where do I have to play the extracted files? And on big whish... Would it be possible to edit first post with same checklist for dummies? Example 1. Link for game 2. Latest patch 3. Patch for controls 4. Setup checklist And so on.... I honestly highly regard your all work here. I have spent lots of money in the arcade for daytona 1 and 2. Played insanely. To play part 3 at home is pure awesome but I am not that familiar with some settings or configuration and this kind of checklist will help a lot. Very kind regards
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