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Tout ce qui a été posté par Fulgore18

  1. Got the same issue at grid... Just delete the installed user profile and remap controls again. Than it should work.
  2. Nobody knows. That's why nothing is to find here regarding this topic. Nether SF4 and 5 nor Tekken 7 +... I also asked this a few guys here cause I always love the challange in Beat EM ups. At least Hard Mode. Les than hard ain't worth to play.. Just practicing. Maybe someday they ll know how to change difficult level. Cheers
  3. How to play Otomedius in full screen? And how to control the game? Joystick plus mouse? THANX
  4. Pulstar I have on my Neo Geo since years. It's awesome. Insector X I didn't know till now..
  5. Maybe some already know these games. Since a long time I love the cave shmups. Yesterday I tried two different games which makes so much fun. Also the used music is so motivating.... Game one Touhou 11. Looks horrible regarding the bullet mess but it plays so good especially while using the slow down Funktion to navigate precisely.... Trouble Witch This is great in any way. Great music cool level design and a absolutely cute female in game shop owner... Reminds me strong to Muchi Muchi Pork. Especially Trouble Witch looks awesome with reshade Have fun
  6. Still searching for Gigawing Generation in correct Tate Mode. Cant find anything just a yoko version with Bezel and a strange rotated frame. ThanX
  7. Fulgore18

    Easy Frontend

    Hi I am not familiar with frontend... What I am searching for is... On my arcade cab ( PC based) I have alot of shortcuts from different games on the desktop. Is there a easy way or Programm where I can choose the games from? Some kind of gui wheel or something like that. Cheers
  8. New Beta Version Free V3. Public Cant wait until it's full released.
  9. Regarding Redout Space Assault... Can somebody ease recommend me a good Flight Stick for this Game? ThanX
  10. Thanx RRZ and ducon 😊😊 Look and more... Listen to the music.... Fantastic BH Shmup
  11. Does anybody know some great vertical shmups? The last two which i play all day long were Crimzon Clover and Ghost Blade HD Cheers
  12. Fulgore18


    Hi folks... Playing this since a couple days. This is pure awesomeness... The atmosphere the setting the story... Everything is perfect. The guy has exactly the same voice like good old muthafking Duke Nukem... And he also radnomly says the same samples... Yippee a yeah moth... Give it a try and you don't regret it Cheers
  13. Hi there, I found something very helpful. With this lil prog you are able to switch or toggle through different resolutions you've set. This is very helpful for some strange games which needs for the first start the nativ desktop res. Example Guity Gear XX. You don't need the annoying process.... Right click desktop... N videa control panel and so on. There are lots of commands which are also great for PC based custom Cabs. Here you can find the Program Here is the tutorial for the resolutions Enjoy Greetings
  14. I play this game very often but now it's time for a change. Can somebody recommend me a good 32 :9 screen? Does this invest make sense for just one game or are there further games which can be used in super wide mode Thanx
  15. Found something interesting which let the window mode look better. The blue line is the small frame of every window. This is set in default to blue . Just go for window setting and set the window border to black. So why is the blue line only visible on the left side? Well this is because the game window which comes up while pressing alt+enter is not centerred correctly. I played around with the resolution but all other settings may look it more worse. I also change desktop back ground to white. Than you see that the window is shifted. Picture tomorrow cause I forgot to make a picture. So for today the best way is to place the Taskbar at the top. Set frame color to black. Than start game via jconfig in window mode. Alt + Tab change your control to desktop. Than easy enlarge the window to max size. Only bad thing is that the top window frame with the window description is visible all the time. Maybe someone is able to write script for positioning the full screen window in the middle of the native desktop resolution? Kind regards
  16. So I'm one step further. See Pic attached... 1st how to avoid those blue line on the left 2nd how to change difficult level 3rd the video between the battle... Is that normal that the speed isn't constant?
  17. Jconfig setup Tekken 7 not available Please reup ThanX
  18. Fulgore18


    Man this MGS Remake will be outstanding. I really enjoyed the whole MGS Series. ThanX for sharing this great stuff.
  19. SOME Infos for setting up the cabinet. Top bad that there still ain't no chance to switch from mph to kmh Greetings
  20. Does anybody know about the real names? Is there also a datasheed to change like in part one to get the names like Van Damme etc. Pp Greetings
  21. I also have this issue with my wired Arcade stick. I solved this issiu with joy to key. I configured Dreamcast Button map to keyboard. Like aso. Than in configured my Arcade Stick at Joy to key. No more glitchy movement and I can play al games well. Also Beat EM ups where you need fast input. Greetings
  22. Yeah me 2 My problem was in both games... Don't laugh..... I placed the reshade stuff in the wrong folder..... Damn it... Looks awesome. Another great tip is Rival Megagun.. This is pure retro. Thanx for your support 😘
  23. Hi I tried two games but can't find any way to get reshade running. Samurai Shodown... Tha latest one. King of Fighters 14 Both are 64 bit games. God those games gonna look real bad ass but don't know how to reshade... Thanx
  24. Lol So sorry for being blind as fk... Didn't read everything ThanX
  25. Does anybody know the password for unzip? THX
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