Hey, I've tried all of the options. For some reason, I can't get Initial D 5 to work. The error I keep getting in the budgieloader command prompt is this.
Note, I will be replacing some private stuff with lines
BudgieLoader - loading C:\Users\__________\Downloads\id5exp\initiald5\disk0\id5.elf
Unimplemented sound emulation API: SEGAAPI_SetSynthParamMultiple
Unimplemented sound emulation API: SEGAAPI_SetGlobalEAXProperty
Unimplemented sound emulation API: SEGAAPI_GetSynthParam
Unimplemented sound emulation API: SEGAAPI_GetUserData
Error Invalid Status.
Error Invalid Status.
Error: amDongleRecvI2C
Error: amsDsReadUniqueNo
Not Access Security Device.
libams: Init - -1
LocalHost IPAddr: ________