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  • Hardware
    Sega Naomi Cab, 1 Jamma cab, Taito Gnet mobo, Taito Type-X3 with Artax multi, STV mobo

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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. Sorry for the ignorance but what brook / xinput adapter should i get?
  2. Trying to download but no seeders There are seeders so downloading now
  3. Been back after a short absence and find Time Crisis 5 available - Thank you very much
  4. Thanks for the heads up - will give it a go today
  5. That is cool - wonder how they will make it console friendly? Maybe PSVR?
  6. Thanks for the upload link
  7. Thanks @Padua I get blank screen as well. Thanks @wildpumpk1n for your vertiwild PC Attractmode from Arcade Punks!!
  8. magnet:?xt=urn:btih: 7714f38fe02df962445b294f3a7a3a8bf267b9d7 & dn Add to bittorrent / qBittorrent - choose your game from there. Thanks goes to Raikoh
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