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  • Hardware
    AMD RYZEN 5 5600X - RX 6700 + 16Go

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  1. kof69

    Game Loader All Rh

    I'm going to try that. Thanks
  2. kof69

    Game Loader All Rh

    Hello, I have a problem with Gameloader RH when launching the taito type x and nesica games. Before, everything worked fine now I find myself in front of a black screen. I'm using version 379. I stopped my antivirus but nothing works. I have an RX6700 with the latest drivers installed. Can anyone help me? THANKS
  3. Hello, I would like a new link too. Thnx
  4. Only training for me in TP 😢
  5. Bonjour à tous, Je lance ce topic qui devrait certainement en aider plus d'un. Passant d'une NVIDIA 1060 à une RX6700, j'ai eu de nombreux problèmes avec mes jeux teknoparrot malgré avoir appliquer les patchs AMD. Les jeux plantaient, ne s'affichaient plus en plein écran.... Après de nombreux tests, les drivers ADRENALINE 22.12.1 étaient la cause. Certains jeux affichent ce message au démarrage " Your AMD driver is unsupported for this game. If the game crashes or has new graphical issues, please downgrade to the AMD driver version 22.5.1 or older" or chez AMD, si la carte graphique n'est pas référencée, impossible d'installer des anciens driver... Merci AMD pour vos drivers pourris !!! En cherchant, j'ai trouvé ces drivers modifiés .... et de nombreux refonctionnent. Pas de problème non plus avec mes jeux PC Amernime Zone Radeon Software Adrenalin Les drivers sont téléchargeables sur ce lien Amermime driver N'oubliez pas d'installer les patchs AMD. ATTENTION: certains jeux ne fonctionnent même avec ce driver TUTO Polaris/Vega/Navi TUTO Legacy GCN 1,2,3 Bon jeu à tous !!!
  6. Hello, I just found a clue about my problem. It's the latest AMD drivers that are in question. If I uninstall the 22.12.1 drivers and use the windows 11 drivers, ALL teknoparrot games works, however some PC games no longer work (black screen). On the other hand it puts impossible to install the preceding drivers, the 22.5.1. My rx6700 is not recognized.... If it helps anyone.
  7. Hello, Thanks for your help 👍 I tried the: GPU Scaling -> game crash The patch -> game crash Borderless Gaming -> don't work Lossless.Scaling -> Great game start in fullscreen Magpie -> App not in english, I don't understand anything I'm starting to regret the purchase of my 6700 ... lot of games crash in TP with and without patch
  8. Thanks. Where can I find the script?
  9. Hello guys, for me the game work great in windowed mode but it don't start in fullscreen. Before I had an nvidia 1060 GT and everything worked normally. Now, I've a 6700 card with lastest adredanile driver, windows 11 and all vcredist and directx installed. I can't find a solution. Can you help me please. Thank you
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