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Tout ce qui a été posté par Swissychief
[Arcade PC] SDVX Vivid Wave
Swissychief a répondu à un(e) sujet de adonis495 dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Try turning on V-Sync in your Nvidia settings. Like, globally. -
[Arcade PC] Dance Dance Revolution A (Konami)
Swissychief a répondu à un(e) sujet de Baka9 dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Just bought a DDR Extreme cab with a 573 in there. I plan on stripping the innards and converting it to DDR A (Dump Data) and Stepmania machine. I will probably upload a tutorial on how to do this, as I don't think anyone has ever uploaded a STEP BY STEP guide on how/where to plug stuff. I have a J-PAC and a LumenAR on the way, so it should be a pretty complete guide on how to set everything up. Any interest at all for this kind of thing...? I know it's super niche... even more than arcade dumps are already... -
[Arcade PC] Dance Dance Revolution A (Konami)
Swissychief a répondu à un(e) sujet de Baka9 dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Buy an external one. Most of the Bemani games will not work without a keypad. I bought a USB one that I use on my PC. Works fine. They're like 15$... -
[Arcade PC] Sound Voltex 1 to 4 updates compilation and V / VI + misc
Swissychief a répondu à un sujet dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Using a Yuancon. It's perfect. Sign up to his discord for news on restock. -
[ARCADE PC] Museca 1+1/2 (Konami)
Swissychief a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
He seems to be holding the buttons for the spins. Basically I guess that's what spinning actually does... It keeps the button pressed... But that probably won't work for high level gameplay. -
[Arcade PC] Sound Voltex 1 to 4 updates compilation and V / VI + misc
Swissychief a répondu à un sujet dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
What you could do is have 2 versions of Asphyxia. Open yours when you want to save your scores, and open his when he wants to save his. I am currently on a new Asphyxia version, and my scores didn't carry over from the old one, so I assume this is possible. -
[ARCADE PC] Museca 1+1/2 (Konami)
Swissychief a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
You guys building your own cons for this? -
[Arcade PC] Sound Voltex 1 to 4 updates compilation and V / VI + misc
Swissychief a répondu à un sujet dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Well I can confirm it works. I just installed it over my 2019-10-08, and it's pretty good. If you have e-amusement issues, just make sure your server settings look like this (basically I had to delete one of the lines in there to make it work) (Also, this is assuming you are using Asphyxia, change your localhost to whatever your server requires): <network> <services>http://localhost:8083</services> <sz_xrpc_buf __type="u32">102400</sz_xrpc_buf> <ssl __type="bool">1</ssl> </network> In exchange for this, I still need to figure out how to get Premium Time mode to work... the option isn't appearing for me in Asphyxia. I will try another version soon. -
[Arcade PC] Sound Voltex 1 to 4 updates compilation and V / VI + misc
Swissychief a répondu à un sujet dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Wait... where did you get KFC-2020011500 for Vivid Wave??? -
[Arcade PC] Magicians Dead (Taito Type X4)
Swissychief a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
That's the whole point of the game... Get a leap motion if you want to play it correctly... :/ mouse emulation wouldn't really work either, because a lot of the moves require really specific gestures and some even require 2 hands. -
[Arcade PC] Magicians Dead (Taito Type X4)
Swissychief a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Bon point... ca explique probablement les problèmes que j'ai avec le joystick du nunchuck... -
[Arcade PC] Magicians Dead (Taito Type X4)
Swissychief a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Pour vous utilisez x360ce quand vous pouvez simplement mapper le tout à joy2key. C'est beaucoup plus simple je trouve... votre dinput devient des touches de clavier, et c'est tout. Pas de dll, UI simple à utiliser, etc... Je déteste x360ce... trop de mauvaises expérience avec mon vieux stick X-arcade... -
[Arcade PC] Magicians Dead (Taito Type X4)
Swissychief a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Scooby, j'ai un Nunchuck avec un adapteur Raphnet. J'ai du le mapper via Joy2Key car il est DInput, et je ne suis pas sur comment mapper du DInput dans le fichier de config du jeux. Avec Joy2Key, j'ai simplement mappé les bouttons et le joystick du nunchuck, et voila! J'ai également un Qanba Dragon de mappé de la même manière pour le boutton de combat. Donc pour avoir la meilleur experience d'arcade, J'ai un Nunchuck et un fightstick mappé via Joy2Key, et le Leap Motion qui fonctionne out of the box. À Date, tout fonctionne bien, mais j'ai encore deux problèmes. 1 - Le boutton de combat change le mode de caméra... Je crois que le jeux a déjà un mapping, et je dois changer le touche d'assigné à ce boutton (pour éviter ce conflit) 2 - Au début du match (avant le lock-on sur une cible), droit et gauche sont inversé... Mais ça ce place quand les ennemies spawn -
[Arcade PC] Magicians Dead (Taito Type X4)
Swissychief a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Anybody else find that free play takes away from the experience a little? If you set it to Credits needed, you can actually "buy" a 55min pass, and play the game uninterupted for almost an hour. The issue is the game still doesn't track your progress when you do this... But at least you don't have to start over every 5min, skip the tutorial, etc. -
[Arcade PC] Magicians Dead (Taito Type X4)
Swissychief a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Yes this is Next blazing. And ya, I don't use jconfig. Replace the dll with the one from Ducon's zip. -
[Arcade PC] Magicians Dead (Taito Type X4)
Swissychief a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
SO basically this works flawlessly. I just had to replace the dll again for it to work correctly. The leap device works perfectly (just need an extension to get it positioned at the right place). Anyone know if we can save and/or play more than 2 levels before "game over" and you have to start over again? -
[Arcade PC] Magicians Dead (Taito Type X4)
Swissychief a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Just found a leap device locally that i will pick up early next week, and i will order a raphnet adapter for Wii to USB... i want to help with this one. -
[Tuto] Shining force Cross Elysion (RingEdge): How to Install
Swissychief a répondu à un sujet dans TUTO
Any progress getting the online functions to work? I don't think you can do much without it, as the inventory system is locked behind it. -
[Arcade PC] Dance Dance Revolution A (Konami)
Swissychief a répondu à un(e) sujet de Baka9 dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Hey. I'm a hufe DDR fan, and when I found this thread, I was floored that DDR A could be played flawlessly on PC... However the setup was a bit of headache, so here are some of the missing bits of info from all the tutorials I had to ready and watch to get this game running 100% well: 1) Setup instructions. Here, I have compiled everything that was said, and what actually works: Yes, download the latest version of the game (as mentioned by OP in this thread). Be prepared to buy a subscription to Mega for a month if you want to download this in one sitting: UPDATE: New version here https://mega.nz/#F!KuJDUYKI!t3b7OTVH0L0XeUYESok0bw This will give you a version that is a little different than the old versions mentioned in earlier comments, however the following is still true with this version: - Videos will be broken for a lot songs still (this will need to be fixed with a CMD fix we'll see later on) - You STILL need to download the following stuff to fix certain things (I originally thought this wasn't necessary, as we were dealing with a newer version and all...) Download the file fix as zip (https://mega.nz/#F!01dGhQLL!OKqulDGWv...) (movie fix, ea3-config.xml fix, and SpiceTools already included) Download the latest Bemanitools 5 AND the latest Spicetools from: Alright, so the last thing you need is Butterfly, which will allow you to save your score, unlock all songs, etc. You can get it here: https://github.com/skogaby/butterfly/releases Next: Now you have everything you need to start extracting! 2) Extraction - Extract the main game you got from Mega (it should be in 4 parts, so if you're not familiar with that, just extract part 1, and it'll be fine) in a DDR A file where ever you want. (This is where I dumped mine: G:\DDR A\DDRA\MDX-001-2019042200) - In the following folder G:\DDR A\DDRA\MDX-001-2019042200\contents extract Spice tools and Bemanitools - Extract the File Fix contents in G:\DDR A\DDRA\MDX-001-2019042200 EXCEPT for the PROP folder. I found that it wasn't really necessary, and added complexity to the config file that wasn't really needed to get the game running perfectly (let me know if this is incorrect, but it works for me!). This step is important, as it comes with a Spice file that actually works for me... 3) ea3-config Go to G:\DDR A\DDRA\MDX-001-2019042200\prop and open ea3-config using Notepad++ (it's a lot easier to know what's going on when using this tool instead of standard Notepad. Download it if you don't already have it, it's well worth it). All you have to do in this file are the two following fixes: Change line 10 from <dest __type="str">J</dest> to <dest __type="str">A</dest> Change line 22 from <services></services> to <services>http://localhost</services> 4) Butterfly This is one of the weirdest ones, and what took me the longest to figure out. Nothing is really explained that well, so here goes! I will basically just enhance what B4SH-T wrote on how to set it up, but added some key missing things! Kinda easy to use, you need your text file with the ID (your ea card) to play 0) On your desktop, Right Click, and create a new Notepad file called Card0.txt In the file, enter in the card ID... it MUST BE 16 characters long, and has a weird restriction of Numbers between 0-9 and letters between A-F or something like that. No special characters or spaces. I just put in 11AA22BB33CC44DD 1) Download and place the butterfly jar on desktop and then create a SECOND text file, put this line in the file: java -Ddb_path="C:\Users\XXXXX\Desktop\db.sqlite" -jar butterfly-1.1.0.jar *(Where XXXXX is the name of the user on your pc, ex=Bob) 2) Save the file as a .bat file and name it (ex=Server.bat). Then start it. (It will display a cmd prompt, it will be okay when "server started" appears. DON'T CLOSE CMD) 2.5) Go to G:\DDR A\DDRA\MDX-001-2019042200\contents Open spicecfg, and go to the Keypads tab. Enable the Numpad on your main keyboard for P1 Reader (DO NOT leave it to None, or it will not work), also reference your ea card location in the P1 Card Path. At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to load your card by doing the following step: 3) Run the game and press AND HOLD the + in the numpad, register your username, pin and location and let's DDR 😏 I had issues where the game would do nothing if I pressed +, and this was due to the card text not being in the right format. 5) Controls I use a standard Xbox 360 wired dance pad. Basically to set this up, it was pretty straight forward... and also not. Go to G:\DDR A\DDRA\MDX-001-2019042200\contents and open spicecfg Go to the Buttons tab, and set your buttons. I actually had to use the "Set Native" for my P1 Panel buttons, and use Joy2Key in order to map my DDR pad button presses to Keyboard presses... this might just be because I have a really complex setup, but if ever your pad does weird stuff, you can use this method. Let me know if you need more info on how to set this up. Otherwise, just click on SET for each button, and map them to your pad by pressing on the appropriate button on it to set it.à Make sure you set up the Service and Test buttons. You WILL need to use this to set up the cab initially. Note: Nothing else in Spicecfg needs to be set for the game to run. 6) Fix movies Basically the game will crash for all songs with videos unless you do this: Open Command Prompt (click on the Windows button, and enter CMD,) with administrator, go to the "com" folder - Huge noob here... if your DDR A folder is not in the C drive, enter in the Drive letter and : and then press enter to go to that drive (Example G:) - Next, enter in cd \DDR A\DDRA\MDX-001-2019042200\contents\com and press enter to go to the COM file. This may be different if your pathway to COM is different. Just copy the path from windows and paste it in the CMD. - Then copy\paste this: "regsvr32 k-clvsd.dll regsvr32 xactengine2_10.dll" Press Enter. There should be a little popup if it worked. 7) Run the game Make sure you executed the .bat file you created in the Butterfly step! If you don't, you will get a network error before the game even launches. in G:\DDR A\DDRA\MDX-001-2019042200\contents run Spice.exe The game will launch. Use the test/service buttons you set up to set your clock. The system will ask you to do this. It's really straight forward. Basically go to the clock settings, and Save. Press on Service to skip cutscenes, Start to start. Press and hold + on your keypad to scan in your card. The first time you run it, you will need to set your pin, name, and region. After that, the game will remember your card ID, and load your user and scores, etc. All you will need to do is enter your pin... so don't forget it. That's basically it! This is how I got it to run. Hopefully this saves someone a day of fiddling in the future! Let me know if I forgot anything! All credits to everyone who made tutorials for this... I just added what made it work for me.