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Tout ce qui a été posté par Rhyader

  1. I copied the whole folder with high res textures over the original game folder and , as said, I have crash... so I tried to copy step by step each subfolder from high res to each subfolder of original game and found that only that single 4k texture made the game crash ; but thanks for the textures, very nice!
  2. This file from your pack (located in data\posteffect) make the game crash, both standalone and in TP. However, thanks!
  3. Hi, these textures are for use with the game standalone or in Teknoparrot?
  4. Found that if I press "tab" on keyboard , I can access to test menu and with "1" I can enter the selection but I can't find the key to move up and down among the menu voices
  5. Yes, I'm doing that but with no result
  6. Hi, this game works for me and demulshooter also works because I can remove crosshair, but pressing "5" for credits does nothing....also "y" and "t" do nothing: can someone explain to me why? Thanks!
  7. Hi, about "Elevator action invasion" : does anyone know if a patch is available somewhere to enable red blood instead of the default green? Thanks
  8. Rhyader

    Bug Busters (PC-Arcade)

    Hi, can someone share the dgvoodoo setting to play this game at 1080p? Thanks!
  9. Thanks!
  10. Hi, can someone re-upload this? Thanks!
  11. Thanks Mr. jcstahl1 for your support.. very kind
  12. Hi, can you please tell me where to find this plugin and how to use it? Thanks
  13. I made this .ahk to set dpi screen to 100, launch Sinden software and launch the loader in silent mode with no cursor and no crosshair. Usually, when press esc, all the programs close and dpi is reverted to 200 (my normal value) but this time the Sinden software doesn't close and dpi remain at 100. I need that someone more skilled than me, checks what's wrong in my script, thanks.. #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. #SingleInstance Force Run, SetDPI.exe 100 Sleep, 1000 Run, D:\Gungames\Gunman\SindenLightgun\Lightgun.exe Sleep, 2000 Run, D:\Gungames\Gunman\Gunman_Launcher.exe -c -x -s ~Esc:: Process,Close,Lightgun.exe Process,Close,Gunman_Launcher.exe Run, taskkill /im "Lightgun.exe" /F Run, taskkill /im "Gunman_Launcher.exe -c -x -s" /F Run, SetDPI.exe 200 ExitApp return
  14. If you run the launcher like this : "Run, D:\Gungames\Gunman\Gunman_Launcher.exe -c -x -s" you don't need to tick the option every time
  15. Yes, you have to point to "gunman_dxF.exe" in exe folder
  16. It seems that the aim is correct only at native res (1024x768): if I run this game at higher res (both 4:3 and 16:9) I need to correct x and y ratio values in sinden software
  17. Have you copied all the .dlls from MS\x86 folder?
  18. Tried dgvoodoo but seems does not work: I copied "dgvoodoo.conf" , "dgvoodoocpl.exe" and the .dlls from MS\x86 folder.... maybe I done something wrong? Solved: dgvoodoo files must be copied in "exe" folder, not in the main folder
  19. Hi, I changed "Env window width" from 1024 to 1360 and "Env window height" leaved the same. Now the result is this:
  20. Hi, I can run it in fullscreen using Borderless Gaming but in your video the game seems to have a better resolution: do you changed something?
  21. Nella cartella del gioco c'Ă© un file che si chiama "mxGetHwInfo.ini" dove sono riportate queste risoluzioni, quindi in teoria si potrebbe portarlo a 1360x768, ho provato a modificare il file cambiando i parametri ma la risoluzione rimane sempre uguale In the game folder there is a file called "mxGetHwInfo.ini" where these resolutions are reported, so in theory you could bring it to 1360x768, I tried to modify the file by changing the parameters but the resolution always remains the same
  22. Does someone know what is the original res of the game? Thanks
  23. Hi, I see both crosshair and mouse cursor: how can I disable at least that mouse cursor?
  24. Hi, in the cmd window I see it says "A" version
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