There are a couple of users here who have encountered the same issue in the past Including me. A couple of anti-virus programs blocks the processes of Butterfly, Spice Tools, and ddr-16.bat even if you have white-listed them on your anti-virus programs.
Issues that arises are:
. Couldn't save the settings done on the Configuration Mode
. eAmusement screen gets stuck / crash to desktop
. eAmusement Card fails to be recognized
. eAmusement Card progress can't be saved
. Disable anti-virus program when running the following processes: Butterfly, Spice Tools, and ddr-16.bat.
. Change to a better anti-virus program that supports Gaming Mode. I am using Symantec Endpoint Protection since 2013. Using the said anti-virus program, I am able to play all of my Games without having to worry that my anti-virus will block its processes and performance.