I'm far from being a graphic artist but I'm putting together a driving cabinet for a friend of mine and would love to make one of the advertising signs contain his company logo. Is there a short tutorial on how to start this?
Daytona runs extremely slow, stutter on my WIn 7 64 core 2 6600 with HD7700 card. I assumed it was my card. Runs fine on my Win10 PC. Perhaps it is drivers?
So I played with this software in a NFS GT arcade cabinet. I have the custom USB I/O board (Nytric board) and the I/O works 100%. I have the same issue as others with crashing due to bad registry (need to try the recent fix).
If someone could configure Universal Control Remapper to recognize (and port the) inputs we may have a solution for analog inputs.
Derole, could you please post/point to new method?
Does this only work with NFSU, what about GT or some of the other arcade versions?
Do the arcade versions interface with the Nytric board still (I can test this as I have an original NFSGT cabinet that I have not been able to get running).