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Yusuf-5454 a gagné pour la dernière fois le 4 décembre 2024

Yusuf-5454 a eu le contenu le plus aimé !

Profile Information

  • Hardware
    MSI Z97 Gaming 7
    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz
    32 GB DDR 3 RAM
    NVİDİA GTX 1070

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Yusuf-5454's Achievements


Enthusiast (6/14)

  • Conversation Starter Rare
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  • Reacting Well Rare
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  • Dedicated Rare

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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. The game did not work on the C drive. I changed the folder path and it worked. Esc exits the game but I could not figure out how to load the credits and start the game. I also could not adjust the direction settings of the game.
  2. I deleted everything and installed it from scratch, it stays in the test menu and does not progress.
  3. I can't get past this screen Nothing is used except the t and y keys
  4. My computer is restarting as well, I tried with 3 different dll files.
  5. Hi, can you share the working version?
  6. Puzzle & Dragons Battle Tournament Hide Debug Messages.rar
  7. I have the same problem as you and I still can't run the game.
  8. Yes, all of these folders are available. but the problem persists
  9. I followed the installation instructions but I get this error in the game. I used it as a dump in 1.10.18 and 1.00.05. I always get this error. My graphics card is nvidia gtx 1070
  10. New Upload Pinball Arcade Reshaded V1.7z
  11. Win 11 23h2 It works without any problems.
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