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  1. Just tried using the vJoy XInput with UCR to see if it worked, but it doesn't. Supposedly, since the game now uses XInput, vJoy XInput mode along with UCR to remap keyboard to XInput bindings should theoretically work, but for some reason, it doesn't... Also, is anyone experiencing random black-screen flickering during game? It didn't used to happen, but suddenly, this started to happen to me for no apparent reason... Maybe I pressed something in the debug that triggerer this? I dunno...
  2. @HowardC I've always liked to play racing games with the keyboard, I know, it's silly, but I was thinking if this was possible using your tool: Let's see if I can explain this easily and logically: Usually, when one presses a key, it is either 0 or 1, empty or full. In a racing game, specially those that use arcade wheel to turn, you have, for example, a value that goes from 0 to 500, and let's say the middle, center wheel no turning value, is 250. Now, when one starts to turn, those 250 start to increase or decrease according to turning speed, left or right. On keyboard, those values increase instantly, using only the main values: (example: 0 (left) 250 (center) and 500 (right)) Now, with your tool, would it be possible to use a keyboard and instead of the values be instant, be incremential? Like, I pressed left, the car started to turn left, but instead of going from 250 to 500 instantly, the value would start to increment from 250 to 500 and take, for example, 3 seconds to achieve 500 value. of course, these 3 seconds are only hipotetical, that would have to be tested and calibrated according to in-game engine... That way, one could easily play with keyboard, and maybe even help a lot on the analog controller.
  3. People that come around complaining about "Trojan" and viruses on this type of tools shouldn't even be here in the first place... It only shows the ignorance they have, even though they have all the posts and text right in front of them... It's like a donkey looking into a palace... =\
  4. LOL yeah, I suspected that once I saw the "daytona_rom" folder in there...
  5. Tested this, but didn't saw much difference. For me, the best value is this: DEAD_ZONE = 0.0 Then, just use Steam Big Picture mode, and set up the Xbox360 Controller using the Steam controller configs. Image tutorial here: Just config the X360 controller like that, and it will work much better. To steer, always keep pressing up in the analog, and steer left or right accordingly. It is the best way to steer smoothly and more controllable. To exit the game, just use the middle button and select exit shortcut in steam overlay, and the game will close. By the way, this information is based on @Chuplayer info from this post so a BIG THANK YOU to him! This also works really great with Steam Link! =D
  6. Set: SteeringLeft=0 SteeringRight=255
  7. Right, but, what does it do?
  8. Can you specify a little more the functionality of the software? =)
  9. We really need to work on these settings for best gameplay on X360 gamepad. =) These are default on ShellData.ini [CalibrationData] AccelUp=30 AccelDown=200 BrakeUp=30 BrakeDown=200 SteeringLeft=10 SteeringRight=240 FeedbackStrength=2 This is the default data from Sega Rally 3. Uses the same base. Might be usefull: [CalibrationData] AccelUp=39 AccelDown=211 BrakeUp=42 BrakeDown=206 SteeringLeft=0 SteeringRight=255
  10. Can someone confirm this for me please? CRC32: Original EXE: 0FFBE395 Patched EXE (with XInput working): 052B44C9 Is this correct? If it is correct, then one can apply this IPS patch to the ORIGINAL Daytona.EXE: Unrar, and use LunarIPS to apply the patch to the EXE.
  11. So all one needs is to hex-edit the daytona.exe like this: Offsets: hexadec. offset | patched | original 7C487: 85 F3 7C488: FF 0F 7C489: 0F 5C 7C48A: 84 C3 7C48B: E9 0F 7C48C: 01 57 7C48D: 00 D2 7C48E: 00 F3 7C48F: 6A 0F 7C490: 00 5E 7C491: 8B C1 7C492: CF F3 7C493: E8 0F 7C494: C8 10 7C495: D2 0D 7C496: 21 B4 7C497: 00 E0 7C498: 8D 46 7C499: 80 01 7C49A: 00 F3 7C49B: 80 0F 7C49C: 00 5C 7C49D: 00 C8 7C49E: 89 F3 7C49F: 46 0F 7C4A0: 40 59 7C4A1: 6A 05 7C4A2: 05 8C 7C4A3: 8B C9 7C4A4: CF 15 7C4A5: E8 01 7C4A6: B6 F3 7C4A7: D2 0F 7C4A8: 21 59 7C4A9: 00 CA 7C4AA: C1 F3 7C4AB: E0 0F 7C4AC: 08 58 7C4AD: 89 C8 7C4AE: 46 F3 7C4AF: 44 0F 7C4B0: 6A 59 7C4B1: 04 0D 7C4B2: 8B 90 7C4B3: CF C9 7C4B4: E8 15 7C4B5: A7 01 7C4B6: D2 F3 7C4B7: 21 0F 7C4B8: 00 2C 7C4BA: E0 89 7C4BB: 08 46 7C4BC: 89 40 7C4BD: 46 E9 7C4BE: 48 B6 7C4BF: 90 01 7C4C0: EB 00 7C4C1: 2E 00 7C4E8: EB 85 7C4E9: 9D FF 7C4EA: 90 0F 7C4EB: 90 84 7C4EC: 90 88 7C4ED: 90 01 7C4EE: 90 00 7C4EF: 90 00 DCA97: 90 0F DCA98: 90 85 DCA99: 90 BC DCA9A: 90 00 DCA9B: 90 00 DCA9C: 90 00 DCAA3: 90 0F DCAA4: 90 85 DCAA5: 90 B0 DCAA6: 90 00 DCAA7: 90 00 DCAA8: 90 00 And Xinput will work correctly. Is that it? Also, can one create an IPS patch with LunarIPS for this?
  12. To be able to play Sound Voltex, you need an account at "Programmed Sun" and a constant Internet Connection. They will create a PCBID for you so that you can use in-game and be able to play. Free Game is allowed, but in NO WAY you must press the "Insert Coin" in-game. By doing that, you will be immediately and permanently banned. ONLY FREE-PLAY. Also, there is no crack. The dump works with the PCBIDs from Programmed Sun because they have permission from Konami to Free-Play outside of Japan. Also, registration is free, takes 5 minutes, takes only 1 introduction post, and you'll be able to play with your own PCBID given to you by them.
  13. You probably had to restart the computer and/or the Bluesoleil app installed or refreshed the system, resolving the problem. Good you had it solved. =)
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