Hello, I've been using your tool for a few years now and am extremely happy with the results. Thank you for your awesome work! However, recently I decided to switch one of my arcade emulators to Groovy Mame instead of regular Mame to stop hearing the sound skipping I hear in a lot of Mame games. I downloaded the ArcCabView package you have available and installed it into the Groovy Mame bgfx folder. Many of the older Groovy Mame games looked fine after the installation, but the majority of the games are now skewed to the right side of the screen by approximately 3 inches. How can I fix this? I've attached some examples of what I am talking about. I tried presssing Tab and then using Groovy Mame's sliders, but it seems the right side of the screen is actually already being truncated at the source, even in "Default" view, so adjusting the sliders doesn't make a difference, because the right side of the source is not even showing up. What I mean is, the source screen is already cut off on the right side, so moving the screen to the left doesn't matter because it remains cut off after movement. When I select "None", the screen is not moved over to the right and the screen is not being truncated. The view of "None" makes the screen appear correctly.