Hey everyone! I prevbiously commented and I still can't get the game to work. I clicked on "Start.bat" and also clicked on the "TimeCrisis5-64Win.exe to load it and I keep getting an error that "the program failed to start" can ANYONE help me with this? I've done everything I can to fix it but no luck :(
I hope someone can dump the latest data for Dance Evolution. I just went to GameStop and bought a used Xbox 360 Kinect Sensor for the game. Works great, but had a hard time playing it in fullscreen until now.
Hey everyone! So I previously commented on this thread regarding the game not functioning, although it has nothing to do with my PC.. I'm still having a hard time being able to play it. Does anyone think this may be a result of Windows Defender blocking the game from running? I don't know what else to do at this point but I'd really like to play TC5
Yeah that didn't solve it either. its giving me an error saying "windows cannot find TimeCrisisGame-Windows64.exe"
The exe file is literally right there. I already disabled the antivirus and everything.. This sucks> For some reason SF V is working perfectly though, No Lag either.
Same error, I'm going to try updating my computer to see if there's any .net, visual C++ or any other library files missing.. That could be it. I play every other AC game perfectly fine including Street Fighter V... I'm just not sure why this game in specific is giving me a hard time. I'll do my best to get it running. Appreciate all the help from everyone btw!
Did all that. I'm going to try and play it on a different PC. Do you think it's because I'm running it off of an Intel Xeon? Since the primary purpose of a Xeon isn't for gaming? Idk at this point
That's what I figured. I bought it for nearly $400 so I could run DDR, GTA IV, Call Of Duty, Battlefield etc.. I disabled my antivirus and checked to make sure it didn't delete anything, and it didn't show any files being deleted.
Okay great.. I will try and disable my antivirus. I think you're right. Otherwise it should be working. if it doesn't work again, I'll just unzip the file again and try again. Thank you!
Hello everyone! I downloaded the game, set "Run as Administrator" and also ticked "disable fullscreen optimazation settings" It still doesn't work.
I am continuing to receive this error:
The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000007B)
I wonder if there's anything I'm doing wrong.
Can anyone help me? I really would like to play Time Crisis 5.