Does anyone have a config file or tutorial to use this in spice? I can get it to boot but it closes after the intro logos.
Alternatively is there any way to get it to bind to an xbox 360 dance matt within bemanitools, which i can get it to work in?
[2020/10/12 22:47:25] I:patchmanager: reloading patches
[2020/10/12 22:47:25] I:patchmanager: loaded 0 patches
[2020/10/12 22:47:25] M:graphics::d3d9: WrappedIDirect3DDevice9::Reset
[2020/10/12 22:47:25] M:graphics::d3d9: IDirect3D9::GetDeviceCaps hook hit
[2020/10/12 22:47:26] M:graphics: CreateWindowExA hook hit (8280020, 0x612e7428, D3DProxyWindow, 80000000, 0, 0, 1280, 720, 0x3e18c2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
[2020/10/12 22:47:28] M:graphics::d3d9: Direct3DCreate9 hook hit
[2020/10/12 22:47:28] M:graphics::d3d9: IDirect3D9::CreateDevice hook hit (0x363d5180, 0, 1, 0x101da, 70, 0xb8e010, 0xb8e004)
[2020/10/12 22:47:29] M:graphics::d3d9: IDirect3D9::CreateDevice hook hit (0x363d5180, 1, 1, 0x101da, 70, 0xb8e010, 0xb8e004)
[2020/10/12 22:47:29] M:graphics::d3d9: IDirect3D9::CreateDevice hook hit (0x363d5180, 2, 1, 0x101da, 70, 0xb8e010, 0xb8e004)
[2020/10/12 22:47:47] I:kbt: bt_get_ikey_status
[2020/10/12 22:48:35] W:signal: exception raised: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION
[2020/10/12 22:48:35] I:signal: printing callstack
[2020/10/12 22:48:37] I:stackwalker: 101A60D5 (ddr): (unknown): dll_entry_main
[2020/10/12 22:48:37] I:stackwalker: 101DFF6D (ddr): (unknown): dll_entry_main
[2020/10/12 22:48:37] I:stackwalker: 101DEEB9 (ddr): (unknown): dll_entry_main
[2020/10/12 22:48:37] I:stackwalker: 100617ED (ddr): (unknown): dll_entry_main
[2020/10/12 22:48:37] I:stackwalker: 1006107D (ddr): (unknown): dll_entry_main
[2020/10/12 22:48:37] I:stackwalker: 00734C60 (spice): (unknown): (unknown)
[2020/10/12 22:48:37] I:stackwalker: 00401386 (spice): (unknown): (unknown)
[2020/10/12 22:48:37] I:stackwalker: 7609F989 (KERNEL32): (unknown): BaseThreadInitThunk
[2020/10/12 22:48:37] I:stackwalker: 771174B4 (ntdll): (unknown): RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath
[2020/10/12 22:48:37] I:stackwalker: 77117484 (ntdll): (unknown): RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath
[2020/10/12 22:48:37] F:signal: end
[2020/10/12 22:48:37] I:launcher: stopping subsystems
[2020/10/12 22:48:37] I:logger: stop
[2020/10/12 22:48:38] I:rawinput: disposing devices