Just like F&F Super Cars (without the fps fix), Tokyo Drift is running too fast in the attract mode. Is there a way to fix this? Now that we got a fps fix for Super Cars, it would be great to have a similar fix for Tokyo Drift. Enable V-sync in Nvidia settings for the EXE doesn't help at all. Suggestions?
Only one more game left in the F&F series to crack, and that's Super Bikes 2. One day that dream will come true as well! But thanks for this wonderful game for now! I am forever thankful!
Help is always appreciated. However my issue was not getting the game boot in full screen. The small "problem" I have is that the game is running too fast in the atttract mode and after you have finish a race (the high score list is too fast). It's not an issue gameplay wise, but it would be nice if there was a fix that let's the game run in normal speed during attract mode etc. I tried what Mohkerz said about adding -30fps after noerr in the Mohzerz.ini file but that didn't help.
I could try that, but I'm using the launcher since the mohkerz loader won't let me play in full screen, as you know. So a 30fps fix for the launcher.exe would be great!
Is there a way to make the game slow down a bit? I noticed that after I finish a race, the end results & high score list is flashing by way too fast. I tried to enable V-sync in Nvidia options for the game but it didn't help. Other suggestions?
Oh My GOD! It's finally cracked?! And here I thought I had to buy the dongle, well really, I was almost about to! lol! Oh well, let's start the search for Super Bikes 2 dongle now then instead! lol!!
That said...THANKS!! Mohkerz is THE man!!
that could work perhaps, who knows? But I do think we need a real dongle to make the game boot up properly. I'm sure someone else on this forum knows more on that than me!
Well, about LA Machine Guns. How do I configure the mouse in this game using the Supermodel UI? This is how my config looks like, Let me know what to do to make things work. Thanks in advance!
Great tutorial, however, when I press "YES" (or No) on picture 4 , https://ibb.co/Bj1sn7g the game takes me back to the SEGA logo screen. I did the exact steps in this tutorial but without any luck to get any green "Game Start" screen. Please help!
When I boot up "Aquapazza Aquaplus - Dream Match" the screen turns white (windowed screen) then nothing happens, the game freeze then closes. I run it with "game.exet". Anyone know how to fix this?