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  1. it's right above on this page,where it says upload
  2. Go to the home page,and at the top where the nessica page 36 at the bottom is a link for it Go to the home page,and at the top where the nessica page 36 at the bottom is a link for it. Copy and paste the link
  3. tell me that this version crc unsuporrted version ofthis game,please help
  4. won't launch on TP it says unsuporrted crc verison,please help on this one
  5. Use the same easy setup guide one as golden tee,Change it to DB06 in teknoparrot
  6. I've figure it out,change it to gameDB06 in teknoparrot and it work
  7. Can't get to work with TP for somereason even with the 2006 database
  8. But it keep crashing on the first board
  9. No I didn't use any of those settings,just download from the pixeldrain link from above,I use it instead and use it with TP
  10. Ive also tried those steps above,did'nt work so I redownloaded and left it like it was and it runs but crashes after few moments of play during the race
  11. which segatools? I'm trying to make it work.Can somebody show me step by step to get the game up and running please?
  12. The quick setup guide from previous setup for golden tee 2006 works on this game as well without this long setup,try it .It work for me
  13. I still can't with my mouse controls get it to work properly on TP yet..It's take a longtime to boot up smh.
  14. Hey even with TP it'snot fullly working properly,it'stutters doing gameplay
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