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  • Hardware
    Arcade Cabinet

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  1. thanks for the new hd patch ... but the 1440x1080 resolution dont work for me :( it works with setting a custom resolution (1440x1080) in my graphic driver software
  2. use game loader rh
  3. maybe you need demulshooter or the mousefix, or your settings are wrong
  4. its a 1920x1080 hex edited file and works with gameloader
  5. i made a autohotkey (ahk) script to launch victrooper with the locale emulator and close with escape-key. you only have to change the locale emulator path & victroopers path to your path. sorry for my bad english ;-)
  6. @keroando download the attached rar file, unzip it and copy it in the gamefolder (make a backup of the hodM4.elf first) patched 2player hod4M.rar and here is the link for the tp...140: releases GEN2/TeknoParrot_1.0.0.140.rar
  7. i can´t edit the elf file with a hex-editor. i don´t find the offset 0x2D5827 in the hod4M.elf. anyone can help me and send me a 1920x1080-patched/2-player elf file with the changed offset, please? got it i was using the new tp, with tp ...140 it works
  8. @shadowflare7799 i had the same problem and found a solution you have to go to the testmenu and calibrate your guns, then it worked
  9. @djexpert i tested it in HD (1920x1080) and it worked thank you
  10. @wallmachine what bigbox-theme is this?? i want it too :D where can i find this bigbox theme?
  11. big thanks @djexpert for the new version (3.3.2) of the game loader i have one problem with silent hill arcade... the mousecursor-change don't work for me :( i tested loadermode dg and 6 and press ctrl + f several times but the mousecursor is still the standard-windows-cursor... i am on win10 1803 did anyone have the same problem? please help sorry for my bad english
  12. hi, how did i start the game with simulated nesys? need help, please
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