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  1. Only to 8. Will mess around some more and see if I can get that increased.
  2. For those interested you can add the below line to your AHK if you want to remove the save progression so it starts new when you start the next game FileDelete, C:\Users\<yourprofile>\AppData\LocalLow\Sarbakan\CandyCrush\savegame\ProgressionManager.svg
  3. That is the only one I have, it doesnt look pixelated on mine but I am using it on a 32 inch vertical monitor
  4. this game works well with a trackball on my vertical cabinet, just set one of my buttons to be left click to grab the jewel. I also found a script online to swap out the mouse cursor when running this game. Replace the cursor with a peppermint candy. Looks awesome One question I had, is there any way to set the levels back to 1. If you are playing and get to lets say level 5 and then exit. When I start the game back up it is on level 5 still. Thanks Here is the code for changing the cursor and the cursor I used. Just add it to an AHK and run before starting the game. When you exit it sets the cursor back to whatever you had. Cursor = C:\HyperV\Busy.cur CursorHandle := DllCall( "LoadCursorFromFile", Str,Cursor ) ; change cursor size IMAGE_BITMAP := 0x0 IMAGE_CURSOR := 0x2 IMAGE_ICON := 0x1 ; size cx := 48, cy := cx ; fuFlags LR_COPYFROMRESOURCE := 0x4000 CursorHandle := DllCall( "CopyImage", uint,CursorHandle, uint,IMAGE_CURSOR, int,cx, int,cy, uint,0 ) ; replace cursor Cursors = 32512,32513,32514,32515,32516,32640,32641,32642 ,32643,32644,32645,32646,32648,32649,32650,32651 Loop, Parse, Cursors, `, DllCall( "SetSystemCursor", Uint,CursorHandle, Int,A_Loopfield ) return ; end of auto-execute section $Esc:: ; restore system cursor SPI_SETCURSORS := 0x57 DllCall( "SystemParametersInfo", UInt,SPI_SETCURSORS, UInt,0, UInt,0, UInt,0 ) ExitApp return Busy.cur
  5. FYI for setting options in all three games o brings up test mode numpad 1 = up numpad 3 = down numpad 2 = enter
  6. There are registry settings for these games that seem to get overwritten back to 1080 1080 they are located in the below registry HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Sarbakan You want to update Screenmanager Resolution Height_h2627697771 to 1920 I basically have updated the registry and then exported it and then use an ahk script to call irotate to rotate the screen 270 and then import the reg export from above before starting the game. Seems to work just fine every time FYI for setting options in all three games o brings up test mode numpad 1 = up numpad 3 = down numpad 2 = enter
  7. How are you guys getting the sinden border to show up here? using reshade seems to crash it
  8. Could anyone share a link to the wheel of fortune 3.0? Thanks in advance
  9. bryhud

    Flappy Bird Project

    Is there a working dump for this game, can you share if so? Thanks
  10. Could anyone share a preconfigured Crossy road with bezels please? Having a terrible time getting it to work with the bezel. Thank you in advance
  11. Has anyone managed to get this to run in vertical mode? The is an option in mxGetHwInfo.ini but it didnt change anything. Thanks
  12. Yes a driver is required but ok? it works fantastic in my opinion but to each his own. Thanks!
  13. yes you can specify individual config files per game
  14. Not sure if this has been brought up before but I found a tool that does this called keyboardtoxinput and it has worked great. I was able to create 4 Xbox controllers from 1 keyboard. I redid my cabinet setup and got rid of vjoy and x360ce setups all together.
  15. Anyone have a link for sega ages virtua racing that isn’t filled with malware and pop ups? Thanks!
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