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Satanicainc a gagné pour la dernière fois le 25 novembre 2024

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  • Hardware
    Raspberry Pi 4, Ryzen 9 32GB 2070 Super and a lot of GUN4IR lightguns

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  1. One question... So can I change the path in all the .ini files to move the game folder to another place?
  2. you're right, now is working!!!
  3. In my case disabling the NVIDIA graphic card sound output makes the game shell start, but It shows a ERROR UPDATE FAIILED (the shell exe has access to network)
  4. Satanicainc

    Until The Last Bullet

    Yes, the lightgun is supported as it's recognised as mouse, but it doesn't work fine
  5. Satanicainc

    Until The Last Bullet

    No, it doesn't work with any lightgun, no Sinden, GUN4IR, OpenFire... Only mouse support
  6. By the way, the game can be translated from Chinese into any language you want using the Autotranslate plugin from BepInEx.
  7. You're right!! Disabling any network connections make the game runs! So I've create a Windows Firewall Rule to block any connection from the Mars Sortie\game.exe and the game runs too without the to disable wifi or any other network adaptor on your PC
  8. So you have a RTX 40x0 series like me... It looks like that maybe the graphic card drivers are the problem...
  9. Tested with different BePInX versions and same results... according some forums the 0xc0000005 could be something related to the Graphic Drivers... I have a 4070ti with the last nvidia drivers... but I don't know if this could be the problem
  10. Hi guys I don't know if someone has the same problem... But I tested the game with the unencrypted file and the Argonlefou's BepInx plugin in one PC with Windows 11 24H2 and in another PC with Windows 10 23H2, in the second one the game runs correctly, but in the Windows 11 PC, the game crashes before start. The windows event viewer shows an 0xc0000005 error related to the application crash, but the info is very poor to determine the real problem... Has anyone any the idea that what could be the problem? Thanks in advance
  11. TP Ready
  12. Another version for the first Toon Crisis I hope this version will work for all of you
  13. Well, at this moment I have (I hope) a fully functional standalone version of Toon Crisis. But the problem with Toon Crisis 2 is that Flashpoint is not using a zipped file with all the resources like the first game. Flashpoint require and receive the resources from a big zipped file saved on (440gb) when the game needs them. I'm trying to extract the full resources for this game to make it standalone and offline I'll keep informed you
  14. I just seen the issues... When launched at first time with Flashpoint the game saves cache files in the IECache folder, so when using the standalone version the game search first in that location all the resources. So without Flashpoint we need to add a web server that simulates the connections to the original site and download the resources from this fake site (is the way Flashpoint works) I can do it, but in this case the standalone version will occupied more than the double of the resource files
  15. @nosoucy62 @Yusuf-5454 Do both of you have installed divx6 codecs? Maybe is codec related issue. AFAIK this videos are compressed with the old divx codec before inserted in the flash container
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