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  • Hardware
    2x Hygon C86-3350, 16C32T @ 3.3GHz, AMD Radeon 5500XT, 16GB RAM
    Communism, it's a party.

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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. If they didn't obfuscate/IL2CPP/packed Assembly-CSharp.dll then they made a serious mistake. Assembly-CSharp.dll doesn't always have to be loaded from the original exe.
  2. Edit /WindowsNoEditor/Mercury/Config/DefaultHardware.ini as [/Script/AMDaemonPluginSettings.AMDaemonSettings] bEnable=false [/Script/Mercury.MercuryNetworkSettings] OfflineMode=true Notice that there is no IO emulation for Wacca so you can't do anything after booting into attraction mode.
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