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    ROG STRIX i9-10850k 64GB AMD RX 6900XT Custom Built Rig

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  1. what is not working ? is the blue light for player 2 lit on the 2nd wiimote ? does it not allow to setup in mame or other emulator ? you should get discord, talking on here with messages done weeks apart is not great way to get help 👍
  2. my files won't help you, they are specific to my setup, you need to set it up for your setup there are many reasons why this wont work the biggest reason is not having the correct equipment 2 questions before we continue do you have a mayflash bar ? do you have 2 wiimotes with nunchuks connected to your mayflash bar in mode 3 (joystick mode) ? This is the only way this tutorial will work for mame
  3. so for this to work in mame you need to set the guns the same way as teknoparrot, joystick mode 3, nunchuks required in mame game settings, input devices, ensure wiimotes are positioned 1 to 4 in joystick column (you may need to create a ctrlr.cfg file for this) pay attention to the 2 different types of gun input in mame, lightgun X or Y and AD STICK X or Y this is where you set the axis like in the picture joy 1 button 3 is trigger joy 1 button 6 is large button on the nunchuk joy 1 button 7 is small button on the nunchuk your button might have a different number but just set it how you want hope this makes sense
  4. you need to add a line in the arcadedef file, all the new ones have it because system 147 was added if you look in new ones you will see this line "driver": "sys246", so you need to add this line to yours if you don't use the arcadedefs that come with the emulator always in this position in the arcadedef "id": "acedriv3", "name": "Ace Driver 3: Final Turn", "driver": "sys246",
  5. there isn't a specific version you need to download you have to create the text file in the emu folder before you run the exe, extract the emulator using 7zip to any folder, place the folder wherever you want it, create a text file called portable.txt inside the folder, copy/move your folder from documents to the emu folder run the exe, set the location of your roms in the settings (if different from your emu folder) set up the controller & settings as you want them play the games
  6. just put the file in the cores folder inside retroarch main folder
  7. no, it goes in the cores directory of retroarch 👍
  8. yes because its for retroarch emulator not Play! emulator
  9. its the core for retroarch not sure it does the arcade stuff but does play ps2 games
  10. i have mine on top of my monitor and have tried various positions but you can't eliminate all the shaking, i think it's super sensitive and has no deadzone as such but for me it is the best place, for you it maybe different.
  11. \Friction Arcade (2011)\base" \Friction Arcade (2011)\fmodex.dll" \Friction Arcade (2011)\Friction.exe" \Friction Arcade (2011)\Friction.log" \Friction Arcade (2011)\msvcr71.dll" \Friction Arcade (2011)\msvcr71d.dll" \Friction Arcade (2011)\msvcp71.dll" \Friction Arcade (2011)\msvcp71d.dll" it works for me with only these files and 1 folder in the root, remove everything else and try again
  12. @bojo5150 thanks for your reply i've managed to get the required info with some friendly help have emptied the file you stated above but still getting the same 19-1 system error anyone else get it going ?
  13. can you explain this please, thank you
  14. how do you make user bezel show with arcadecabview i am trying to use with fightcade2, i have it attached to fbneo emulator and it works, i have arcadecabview preset bezel showing but can't change it to user bezel i have added my bezel to Textures & UserTextures folders i have tried my bezel named as GameName, GameTitle, WinName & UserPresets name i have it in a folder with these names and bezel.png inside & just a png with these names & bezel.png with no folder it just doesn't show ? any help would be appreciated thanks and now it's working and i dunno what i've done to make it work lol running the launcher alters the reshade ini to read the bezel from the correct location 👍
  15. was there a guide to creating the arcadedef files on here somewhere, i can't find one ? thanks
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