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À propos de alfman

  • Date de naissance 02/11/1977

Profile Information

  • Hardware
    Xbox 360,Playstation 3,Wii/Wii U,PC,Arcade Cabs etc

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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. Are you using any special programs?
  2. Still doesnt work... i mean the mouse enabler is working fine and the mouse movements are registered... but ingame it will not register the mouse... dont know where the problem is :( Anyone got it to work under "WINDOWS 7-64 BIT ULTIMATE" ?
  3. First.. many thanks for this package I tested with the following OS : Windows XP : no problems working fine... Windows 7 Ultimate 64-Bit : mouse is not working in game... (tried already with "start as ADMIN") Any suggestions?
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