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  1. Hi guys, Where is located the id6 card.bin ? I have my ID8 card.bin in roaming \teknoparrot, but i don't see another card.bin.
  2. @koba46 @garfield63 Just plugged my Logitech g29 steering wheel, the D pad works and is recognized as menu buttons ! Edit : so it seems hardcoded yes, and is working on some steering wheels.
  3. Oh, that's a pity. Strange that it has not been put in segatools yet.
  4. @garfield63 Thank you man, just one thing i don't understand : when you choose direct input wheel, can you use the arrow keys on the keyboard in order to move in menus, or is it just impossible ?
  5. No but Garfield tried it, it seems mapping of menu buttons is still unavailable For those Who are using a steering wheel, how is it ?
  6. Yes, with the xinput. But if i want to play with a steering wheel, i can no longer move in menu, right ?
  7. Sorry if a stupid question, directional mapping is not on the keyboard ?
  8. You have the same issue i had. I solved it with firewall permissions, dns settings changed, and by disabling the Http.sys that used the port 80 on my PC. I don't know that's going on with you, of you have already checked all of this.
  9. That's weird, everything seems ok.
  10. @petje Thanks man, i'll give it a try. Does it interfere with steering wheel or is it totally independant ? @highmanchoi Maybe you can check if your antivirus/firewall/win defender has done something ? Also does your command window show anything wrong ?
  11. @vegita8888 Glad to see it's working for you Google and especially Kobe were really helpful for me. I followed suggestions from Kobe about network and allnet errors, and found the solutions on google. Some things can be tricky though, for those Who are not used to use command prompt and to manipulate network/firewall parameters
  12. @ItsGoofyTime As i see on your cmd window and as far as I know, your game runs fine. Do you wait enough time when you launch the game ? In my case, it takes between 30-60 seconds for the game to show up on the direct 3d window. Also, once you click on start.bat, do not click elsewhere, as the direct 3d window (actually game window) will turn to black screen immediatly.
  13. Thanks again. Problem solved, i had to change the dns, + allow several things in my firewall (initial d exe, server exe, I even had to relaunch minime and allow it for my firewall. Now everything seems to work properly, allnet ok, and i could create my card. Thanks a lot.
  14. @Kobe46 My network is : Computer -> PLN (power line network) -> router/modem (one unit) -> Internet If i understand correctly, I should plug my computer directly to the modem ?
  15. Well, i tried disconect my computer from the internet, i still get error 8008 (cannot connect to allnet router). I changed the subnet adress to, i now get error 8302 at card insertion (server maintenance in progress). I'm lost at that point^^'.
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