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Tout ce qui a été posté par holmes

  1. I apologize if you received my comments/suggestions as complaints. You have done so many miracles in the past, it is difficult to know what you can do and cannot. Your work is amazing and I enjoy many games thanks to it. As for finding real FFB values, is there a chance to find them through an analysis of the code (disassembly). Could a beginner hope to find them? Thanks,
  2. J'ai plusieurs fois suggéré des améliorations à Boomslangnz et demandé s'il y avait un moyen de l'aider mais il n'a jamais répondu.
  3. Pas vra Pas vraiment, j'ai trouvé ça quelque part dans la doc du FFBPlugin. Comment tu trouves le FFB? Pour moi, ce n'est pas terrible. Il manque des effets en cas de choc
  4. Out there you find the link for the save state: You will have to load just after having launched the game. However as I said you will always start from this point and will not be able to save your scores. As for creating a save state yourself, you can do it (F5) bu then you will have to edit the binary file (impossible if you do not know what you do). As for the controls, this is related to the following lines in Supermodel.ini InputMagicalLeverUp1 = KEY_UP InputMagicalLeverDown1 = KEY_DOWN InputMagicalLeverUp2 = NONE InputMagicalLeverDown2 = NONE InputMagicalLever1 = JOY1_YAXIS InputMagicalLever2 = JOY2_YAXIS InputMagicalPedal1 = KEY_A,JOY1_BUTTON1 InputMagicalPedal2 = KEY_Z,JOY2_BUTTON1 I have never played this particular game. However I am pretty sure those lines define the controls. You should replace the Keys with the ones you want to use or (better) use the UI to map your controls (described in the doc). This is a bit akward to use however since it is only a command-line function.
  5. It does not work indeed. The guys having it in english use a save state which has been hacked. The downfall is you can't save it or you come back to japanese.
  6. Hi Dimitri, Do you get Force Feedback? Is it OK for you (collision against cars and walls)?
  7. Tu lances x360ce. Tu ajoutes le joystick en tant qu'input du logiciel. Ensuite tu règles la correspondance entre les axes et les boutons (entre le joystick et le faux gamepad). Tu peux aussi régler une fonction de correction entre les axes (amplification ou pas, deadzone, ...). Tu as même la prise en charge du force feedback. Enfin tu minimises le programme (sans le quitter). Dans Teknoparrot, tu verras alors qu'un Gamepad est apparu. Il faut choisir xinput comme entrée et régler les contrôles. J'espère que ça marchera ...
  8. tu pourrais essayer x360ce version 4. Cela le ferait passer pour une manette x360.
  9. On the TP site, no issue is reported in the compatibility list. Could this mean LAN is working?
  10. avec dgvodoo, l image n'est pas si mal
  11. I have disappointing effects for this game using the FFB plugin 2.1 with my DFGT driving wheel (for example, no effect for collision between cars). Is it the same for you?
  12. C'est la sensibilité qui est trop élevée (notamment avec un gamepad). Cela ça peut s'améliorer très fortement avec un volant, soit avec un profil adapté au niveau du driver, soit en utilisant x360ce (je reocmmande la version 4). Voir mon post du 3 aout
  13. The forum is still alive. There are account issues however. I had to create a new one.
  14. Does it work with TP? I tried using the Dump coming from VirusMan's? I get a blank screen and then a crash.
  15. If you use the FFB Plugin, you can adjust the effects within the GUI.
  16. What card do you have and which fix are you talking about?
  17. In GameData/config.ini, you have this: [FullHD] ENABLE_FULLHD = 1 ENABLE_FULL_SCREEN = 1 # 0: disalbe # 1: enable I just checked that when I choose 0 for ENABLE_FULL_SCREEN, I get the game running windowed.
  18. What are the steps to follow to set up a LAN config?
  19. Is it possible to get full HD and FFB? I tried Dgvoodoo for HD and Boomslangnz 's plugin for FFB. Since they both use modified Dx3d9 dll, they do not seem compatible. EDIT: you can rename the dll for the FFB plugin. I used winmm.dll
  20. holmes

    [Experimental] Outrun 2006 PC - HD UI

    Actually you can find Howard there:,155979.0.html where there is a post about Outrun2 FXT. I do not know if you are aware of this project but this is a wrapper to improve Outrun 2006 C2C. There is an option to improve the HUD (which does not work for me) which may be similar to your work. So I suggest to post there and see if there is an interest to merge your respective work.
  21. holmes

    [Experimental] Outrun 2006 PC - HD UI

    Seems great. Does it work with the improved version by Howard Casto (OR2FXT) ? It would be great to share with him.
  22. Sorry. Maybe you have a problem of pre-requisites (DirectX or whatever). Have a look at the 1st pages to check what has to be installed. I have started to install this game a long time ago, so I do not remember what I have installed 1st.
  23. Any reason you do not use Teknoparrot?
  24. Do you use Teknoparrot or the Standalone version? The most simple way is to use Teknoparrot. Go to VirusMan's site. Select Teknoparrot and the Sega PC Based games. Daytona is there.
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