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    Gaming, Emulation, Music, VTT, Nature, Amis...
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    Windows 10 Pro
    QuadCore Intel Core i5-4690K, 3.9Ghz
    MSI Z97 Gaming 5
    G Skill 2x8Gb 2400Mhz DDR3
    Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 (8 Go)
    Creative Sound Blaster ZxR
    Samsung SSD 850 EVO 500GB + HDD x 3
    Logitech G700s Gaming Mouse + clavier G910
    Volant Thrustmaster T300RS GT
    Manette PS4 x2, xbox360 x2

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  1. Hello à tous !!! J'ai un soucis avec le jeux, tout mes jeux Teknoparrot fonctionnent sauf Star Wars Battle Pod (et Time Crisis 5 même soucis) , le soft tourne dans le vide et je n'ai même pas la fenêtre dos en haut à gauche qui se lance, si je lance direct l'exe (RSLauncher.exe) j'ai une erreur de win10 "0x000007b", toutes les dépendances sont bien installés et réinstallés ^^, les drivers vidéos sont à jour et j'ai le même soucis avec Jconfig... J'ai testé avec 3 roms differentes (Virus man, Emuline et une autre censée être fonctionnel) win10 proc amd AMD Ryzen 7 3700X, 16Gb ram, nvidia 3080 Si vous avez une idée, j'ai écumé ttes les pages du fofo emuline et je cale, merci d''avance !
  2. @Safur hello hfs mate ! ^^ Mais tellement ! J'avais la même config, ces bon vieux P3 s’overclockait facilement, le 1er "Mafia" était énorme aussi !!! En ce qui concerne "Crimson Skies" je te confirme qu'il est jouable, enfin du moins sur Win10, j'ai plus Win7 donc je peux pas me prononcer pour lui. Il existe même un patch pour régler quelques bugs sur les machine modernes, le passer en 16:9, et mettre des résolutions plus haute comme du 1080p Voici le liens du patch les Z'amis: @Houb merci pour les précisions sur le fonctionnement ! Faut vite que je test ça !!!
  3. @Houb merci de ta réponse et tes conseils avisé ! J'ai été voir Arcade64 c'est ce qui remplace MAMEUIFX64 si j'ai bien compris ! Du coup faut que je remplace ma version MAMEUIFX64 161, elle date et l'unique shader fourni avec est pas terrible, ou alors j'ai mal configuré. Par contre je suppose qu'il faut refaire tout le set de rom pour que ça soit compatible avec les dernières version...? Bon ça sort de l'arcade, bien que le gameplay soit purement arcade^^, mais je pense que le shader irais très bien sur "Crimson Skies" qui as mal vieilli, tu pense que ça fonctionnerais ? Ce jeux est encore une tuerie aujourd'hui malgré ces 19 ans !!! :D c'est là que je prend un sale coup de vieux ^^
  4. C'est vraiment sublime comme effet !!! J'ai un doute (il me semble que tu l'avais dit, mais je trouve plus ou), mais peu-t’on utiliser ce shader avec retroarch ? Je rêve de tester le core Mednafen pour la Saturn !!! dsl je m'emballe ^^ Et sur Mame c'est possible derajouter des shaders comme celui-ci ? Encore dsl je suppose que ça été demander, mais Mame je maitrise pas du tout...
  5. LoloZ

    Game Loader All Rh

    @EmuAI Hello ! I tested your solution for Nesica games and everything works perfectly now, except 3 games that are reluctant. I will start from scratch and it should go back to normal. I will test by tomorrow on the Taito Type, I will also make a return, but there is no reason! Thanks again to you, it has reconciled me with the arcade emulation which is sometimes more complicated than the console emulation. It would not be fun otherwise! ^^ Ty mate, long live our passion !!!
  6. LoloZ

    Game Loader All Rh

    @EmuAI Thank you very much, I will test this tomorrow morning, because it is late! It's the utility of hope! : D I'll make you a return tomorrow! You have all my respect! May the force be with you !!!
  7. LoloZ

    Game Loader All Rh

    @EmuAI ty for your answer !!! You give me a bit of hope, in my dull day and in my quest for understanding! ^^ I want to test the program you have developed for this problem! I would follow the instructions to the letter, if it works, I should owe you one ! ^^
  8. LoloZ

    Game Loader All Rh

    Now it's ok ?
  9. LoloZ

    Game Loader All Rh

    edit: Of my 43 that all worked, about 30 games no longer work, all under version 3.16 and it happens randomly after launching a game that is version 2.40 ... It's a lot of games directory to compare ^^ Here is an example if you can see more clearly! I send it to you in mp, otherwise it will take the whole page of the forum ^^
  10. LoloZ

    Game Loader All Rh

    @linglang Sorry to insist, but I'm tired of everything and I do not want to mess this up! ^^ So I just replace the Game Loader Config.exe and Game Loader All RH.exe files for all games? djexpert told me to delete "sv \ input.bin" and "sv \ misc.bin", (which had not arranged anything unfortunately :( ) So no need?
  11. LoloZ

    Game Loader All Rh

    @linglang Merci de ta réponse ! Entre pilote de Sega Rally, tu as tout mon respect ! :D Oui je les avais mis en mode portable, du coup je vais essayer de tous les passer sur la version 3.31, si ça peut m'éviter ce genre de déconvenue, tu procède comment pour les mettre à jour proprement ? C'est possible de garder le paramétrage pour les touches ? Au cas ou j'ai besoin de retélécharger certains jeux, vaut mieux les prendre sur la 1ère page de GameLoader All Rh ou sur la page NesicaXLive, car de mémoire certains sont plus stable et facile à lancer... ? @linglang Thank you for your answer ! Between pilot of Sega Rally, you have all my respect! :D Yes I put them in portable mode, suddenly I will try to pass it on the version 3.31, if it can avoid me this kind of disappointment, how do you update them properly? Is it possible to keep the settings for the keys? In case I need to re-download some games, better take them on the 1st page of GameLoader All Rh or NesicaXLive page, because some are more stable memory and easy to launch ...if i remember ?
  12. LoloZ

    Game Loader All Rh

    @linglang what do you think of the problem so I speak in my previous posts about my Nesica game pack with Game Loader all Rh, I do not understand why some version do not work after launching some games ??? Previously they worked very well, I did not change anything in win 10 to 1803, or anywhere else ... Sometimes version 2.40 of Game Loader sometimes breaks the other versions, there the 3.16 ... Do you know what kind of problems? What to do !? ^^
  13. LoloZ

    Game Loader All Rh

    Yeah i know this, and it is true that some do not necessarily have one or the other ... I just retest with these 2 files in many ways and it does not change anything, they do not start, I have this error that persists. The files I had taken on the subject were already preconfigured with different versions of gameloader, should I start from scratch with the latest version? Because it is really a problem between the different version of gameloader, or if I have to update them, how to proceed? I already had galley to make everything work, and it lasted a few weeks, but I do not understand the relationship between the versions and this crash that blocks some versions that worked great before ... An installation problem ??? Edit : I try to install the last version GL All Rh 3.31 and the games start again ! Edit 2: I test all the game, and when i test a game with 2.40 vers, it crash with the same error and the other stop work again... but what's going on ???
  14. LoloZ

    Game Loader All Rh

    Let's say that the problem that I have all seem logical challenge, it's nice to have tried to help me ! :D I understand that is difficult to understand, me who follows accustomed to emulation I have trouble understanding! ^^ Maybe @linglang the big fan of Lancia Delta can help me ?
  15. LoloZ

    Game Loader All Rh

    Thank you for your answer ! So to be more precise it concerns the Nesica game set with Game Loader. - I have already read the list exe.txt and everything was well configured, everything had been running for several months. I think rather of a problem which appears randomly between the different version of Game Loader All rh which sometimes blocks some other version is more recent, or older. Like when we redo the installation of the file "GameLoader installer.exe" Do I have to put the same version in all my games? I have the impression that it modifies the file "Language.ini" in appdata, because I think it's the file that I had to reset so that I can reinstall it correctly, the problem is that it's recurrent and very painful ... Any idea ?
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