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6503 - Failed to read AIME card, Please ensure your MiniMe is running properly
Got some pics!? Are you on Nvidia? Cause the full screen patches from what I heard work on nvidia only! Im on amd, what are your specs? Is it full screen or in a window?
Do you actually play this game? Cause I just tried that and it made not one difference at ALL on the graphics looked EXACTLY the same but brought the game to an unplayable FPS state with BGW at least! The game is 1920x1080 in the arcade! When I put the game at 1920x1080 it looks really bad like others pics like the one above look how jagged the text is! There is no extra processing im using on pics above! So its upscaled to 2k! I should have said that in my post above.
I just wanted to share this with everyone, it may or may not work for you. It most def worked for me and many others read the youtube comments! On my setup im on a 32 inch LG QHD 2560x1440 2k (flat) monitor@144hz G-Sync and FreeSync with AMD RX580 8GB. Using borderless gaming for windows for full screen I was testing the FPS off and on cause I was getting a slight drop fps in game (Not during movies or replays) only in IDZ gameplay racing is what matters. I thought it might be the borderless gaming for windows but it was not. I changed the second setting in the video as the first setting was already set at 0. After that rebooted tested and boom no more drops in FPS! Running smooth as silk competition ready@60fps and looks absolutely stunning upscaled to 2k!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMvCbtbi_dQ A few screenshots: https://imgur.com/w5kr4HL https://imgur.com/StQd871 https://imgur.com/mlEvdqA https://imgur.com/mvF9kq0 https://imgur.com/5F5UUTH * Hit old design bottom right corner arrow on imgur and they will blow up in full HD fullscreen!
Hold enter down for a like 1 or 2 secs. If that dont work you can change the keycode with the PDF I posted above to your controller of choice!
RCPS3 supports logitech wheels if you use the USB passthrough method with RPCS3. The FFB seems to function the same as on my arcade version, and feels really good. PCSX2 https://github.com/jackun/USBqemu-wheel/releases XENIA 360 - Does anyone know how to get proper G29 controls on Xenia yet I cant find one thing on the internet about it, One guy made a keyboard mouse XENIA fork for the Goldeneye007 leaked game. Hey Boomslang is it possible to implement your code into a Xenia release would be awesome. I would absolutly do it myself if I had ANY code experience.
Speed Limit PC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJS6iW1SFyc https://mega.nz/file/2soQjZ4D#sf4FCUgTcdB1rf5Po7wmuxWBWS76iNAKoTYQw0e-lYQ Natsuki Chronicles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aau53Zmi1Sk https://mega.nz/file/65FEBZ6L#O5BEaOXDWvvDhmFOY0INOC9Gtk2GbMRDpR8DEkixbP0
Nox Player : l'émulateur Android pour PC ou MAC
djd a répondu à un(e) sujet de Backgamon dans EMULATEUR NEWS
Android is getting better games all the time I've been wanting to find the best solution to emulate android its between NOX Player and MEmu or a baremetal install of Android. I havn't decided which yet. I found out the other day NOX player lets you upscale the graphics so thats a plus. Nice game! -
[DUMPS] Dumps disponibles en miroir / Mirror: Many dumps availables!
djd a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Info: https://initial-d.eu/games/ IDAS Download all in one download: 26.89 GB https://mega.nz/file/OkFxwIRT#YbSQ-z_9IG32G6U-QRAKraI4mlC-_D2d5OUUa8IMSrI Initial D Arcade Stage 2 & 3: Demul https://mega.nz/file/M0E3QQyA#KvuFr9pzBxqqKS_8UOz8koBe-OOgm4OGlYV4xJvGftU Initial D Arcade Stage 4: TP https://mega.nz/file/h9UFFCRR#U5NyqId_9yw7zhuEqOY8cvawgG056V20OHsawwftxlk Initial D Arcade Stage 5: TP https://mega.nz/file/NsdhlaaA#pEWhAsWXXTQIbvpzHO16pbYWb8uu3u7VXfWcFrS2tjY Initial D Arcade Stage 6: Jconfig/TP https://mega.nz/file/YpF0ARSY#KF9DmjFZPSG9R6YreZuOD12g9ZgUj9sQHUxy_xHPoRU Initial D Arcade Stage 7: Jconfig/TP https://archive.org/download/motherload-of-dumps Initial D Arcade Stage 8: Jconfig/TP https://mega.nz/file/FolXXSgI#SSa9FCGNPd57H5Xwhu3O6Zvr5stUXym4vA-TIFim3GE Initial D Arcade Stage Zero: Version 1.31 J SegaTools/TP https://mega.nz/file/v19TGI4b#FwTc32P7lJ6A3t5mB4UUXeE7yxtL3-pVNuHuTofjbYI Touhou Project Zero Mod version: Version 1.31 J Segatools/TP https://mega.nz/file/mx9BRCKY#UfNyoyFbWlbnCF8kUWkH4jeT60kEb_VqwFpC5e0S8q4 Initial D Extreme Stage: Rcps3 emulator https://1fichier.com/?741hgcyygnh4dvui7ijc Initial D Extreme Stage Partial English Translation https://www.mediafire.com/file/5x6nd8yzbug9l5r/Initial+D+Extreme+Stage+English+Patch.rar/file Initial D8 fan remake Unity X https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3daK_doWl0g https://discord.gg/YjQ8gM98Ga Download: https://mega.nz/file/dt8G0DQa#UyNZLNBdXwyCvpeyrwUWwfoLsF_SQU3oJ_sLgkeREpk ALL ARCADE DUMPS for Jconfig and TP FAST SPEED NO TIMERS NO UptoBox! https://archive.org/download/motherload-of-dumps All mods and extras for all Initial D games on IDPLAYERS 2.0 Discord TUTORIAL Installing Initial D Zero on Teknoparrot without loosing your standalone mode settings by nzgamer41 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9c4i6U21xzg -
Set it up standalone without using Teknoparrot! Run minime V.11 and segatoolsV.004 you dont need teknoparrot to run this game! Run two .bat files. Just make a bakup of your felica.txt is your card! C:\SDDF_1.31.00\app\package\DEVICE\felica.txt
Thats why I set it up as standalone!
IDZero 2.11 is currently private under testing, also 2 other older Idzero revisions were dumped and the latest one 2.xx the exe needs decrypted. We should see 2.11 come up any day hopefully. The guide above is an updated guide mainly for the attention to the Microsoft Loopback Adapter! Current version IDZero 1.31.00 J guide. 2021.
Need for Speed Mod city https://nfsmods.xyz/ NFS Most Wanted: Pepega Edition and others! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emjm894ANN0 NFS Underground 2 - Extra Options https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yytojIruf7w
Here is a 2021 updated IDZero 1.31.00 J guide that I used that is pretty much all u need to keep with your game data. https://mega.nz/file/IjAFwYBa#_4TzoUrYWbG9thUu7iwWE2nQcgWDs8BIQ4wtlVyTMzM At the time of this post the latest MiniMe and SegaTools is same as this pdf guide. Minime v011 and Sega tools v.004! for IDZ SDDF_1.31.00 J. Alot of things have been fixed since the first release! I dont know if it matters about what version of Nodejs but I used node-v12.18.1-x64 either give it full access thru your firewall or you will get errors. I set it up stand alone also with NO loaders but segatools only! Although I would recommend ZeroLauncher for most people who just want quickest route. But the biggest thing I wanted to bring to your attention is the Microsoft Loopback Adapter! Set a static ip on that adapter and boom NO more having to have a full network up and running just for the games that need it! Guide to install it on WIN10 here: https://htopskills.com/blog/how-to-install-a-loopback-adapter-in-windows-10/ Fullscreen is still handled by Borderless windows app or something similar. I tried all the resolution patches I could find and everyone of them had 1 issue or another. https://github.com/Codeusa/Borderless-Gaming Im in 2k@60 fps on AMD graphics card. IDZero has no problem with Nvidia or Amd so no shader patches needed on this one. If your getting 8114 - ALL.Net System Error(RTC) make sure miniME is opened or check IP in segatools. Also when you load up minime for the first time you have to hit start.bat while connected to internet first it will download the files it needs then say it finished. Then your ready to run minime offline on your lan network. SegaTools.ini [dns] ; Insert the hostname or IP address of the server you wish to use here. ; Note that, localhost etc are specifically rejected. default=YOUR MACHINE IP Whatever you set your STATIC IP to under properties of Microsoft Loopback Adapter! NOT the gateway ip. Also is the subnet. dns, alternate dns leave blank on the loopback adapter.. Note: This is confirmed working on the latest build of Windows 10 2004! More than 10 cars in your garage now without any coruption. English translation of menus tracks, other text and a ton of other mods and upgrades. Join IDPLAYERs2.0 Discord to find out more! Have fun!
Unity x WANGAN MIDNIGHT Leaked! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KivykDTeuE8&feature=youtu.be Original Source: https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/threads/initial-d-and-wangan-midnight-remade-in-unity-check-this-guy-out.379299/ Download https://www.mediafire.com/file/3es426vmo678ec4/Unity_%25C3%2597_Wangan_Midnight.rar/file If someone has got the Initial D one Please post it here thanks! The Initial D Unity remake is more of a finished game. I figure with all the talent around here someone might be able to do something with the Wangan Midnight one. Add more tracks cars music etc. Initial D8 fan remake Unity X (Im not sure if this one is by the same developer as above) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3daK_doWl0g https://discord.gg/YjQ8gM98Ga Download: https://mega.nz/file/dt8G0DQa#UyNZLNBdXwyCvpeyrwUWwfoLsF_SQU3oJ_sLgkeREpk
[Arcade PC] Battle Gear 4 + BG4 Tuned (TTX)
djd a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
I just tested that game about 5 mins ago while I actually testing another couple games and yeah all the sudden all the tracks are open now after I put the config.bin and checked the 2 options in TP. How do you get the KEY to work!!!??? -
Install DLC on Xenia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqkMu0pKQyg
[Arcade PC ] Nicktoons Nitro (Raw Thrills)
djd a répondu à un(e) sujet de witherzombie222 dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Use your AMD control panel /APP open it up add the game (Top right corner of gui stupid hidden place I know) then look for radeon chill turn it on then you will be able to adjust the bars to 60fps. Leave Fps fix in teknoparrot to 0. -
X air combat 2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qh0aBD9oecs https://mega.nz/file/qRVGjbDT#T9CpIp6IbAL9LYqt1X0jCc83Hgd56wcr7fw8OB5U6Tw
Gun-REViper 2021 early access https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nslFz2_Q2FQ https://mega.nz/file/NZ9DAAzL#Owgp8w0jB8npF-4ayWrCTB0JAWdf3BfC6sWH385hIVI https://mega.nz/file/lN8zmQqS#HoRNFGHq9u3yIwu8SKyjyFi-5gYDFZ5sRyf5rmP3M7Q
Blazing Angels 2 Secret Missions of WWII Xbox360 5.5gb https://1fichier.com/?t4zwzgceh83oh8bvf4tu
[Arcade PC] Battle Gear 4 + BG4 Tuned (TTX)
djd a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Ahhhh Thanks dude! -
[Arcade PC] Battle Gear 4 + BG4 Tuned (TTX)
djd a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Battle Gear 4 Tuned I finaly got this game to work! All along it was just use service button for coins, Also forgot it needs a network too. Then got into test menu and switched it to freeplay. Problem I have is how do you setup manual transmission?? Got red xs on them. Also pro mode is selected in TP and my Config.bin is in openparrot folder in the game folder but all tracks are NOT open. Moved the shifter and it went to test mode? Can anyone explain all the controls on this game hazzard , sidebrake, Key?? I cant get FFB to work either yet? Is the whole game assisted braking??? Help please if you have some free time available. I hate that assisted braking! Latest TP 5.27 -
[Arcade PC ] Nicktoons Nitro (Raw Thrills)
djd a répondu à un(e) sujet de witherzombie222 dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Thanks I was confused by all the dumps myself with missing files and windows files. I did test this link to work perfect though. It does want to be on the root of ANY drive. Keep FPSFix in TP at 0 and use your graphics cards control panel for 60fps lock. Tested working on WIN 10 20H2 build 19042.746 @2k resolution with DgVoodoo and TP v1.0.0.525 AMD Gpu. Use X for coins or turn on freeplay in test menu. Just tested on TP v1.0.0.527 Still working fine! To change resolution goto DgVoodoo control panel! https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/DgVoodoo_2 -
[Arcade PC] X Games Snowboarder (IAAPA 2017) + Winter X Games SnoCross (RawThrills)
djd a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Damn a 2018 Arcade Exclusive Very Nice I think this is the newest arcade game released to date!