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One unique thing I added to my Hyperspin Cab is Amp Sims, This is a whole nother world like Game emulation but for Guitar Amps, pedals, Eq's and other vintage hardware and its come a long way! Having a Trackball with left and right buttons makes it easy to navigate the Reaper DAW to load any cab sim on the fly! Or fix a problem on Windows without having to drag a mouse out! Been wanting a Reaper Hyperspin Theme for a long time, I have not seen one anywhere! So I just made one today! Adding a guitar jack to your cab is super easy also. If you want top quality sound you will need a HQ usb 2.0 interface that has a TRUE HI Z instrument input. Something like a RME Baby Face pro. Studio monitors are the best for output. The cheapest way to do this is use a Focusrite 2i2 or other lowend interface (Which clips like crazy cause they lie when they say HIZ the LQ interfaces dont have a real HIZ inputs so to get around this use a cheap DI box with a 10-20 db pad then go into any true bypass pedal to get the right megaohms level then to your interface. Use short high quality cables. The sound quality will be killer!!! Alot better than trying to hook up straight into 5.1. There are other ways like using a real Hughes Kettner tubemeister amp head in recording mode with built in redbox. It comes down to how much money you wanna spend it can get pretty elaborate. My cheap way was still $700.00 for everything (Monitors are the most expensive part.) The key point here is to be able to play live by (monitoring your input inside your DAW) at 96khz using 64 bit Vst plugins with near 0 latency! Like 5ms or below. Distortion sounds alot more realistic at 96khz not so fizzy and an eq also becomes your best friend, Favorite Guitar plugins are: Overloud TH3, S-GEAR2, Vandal. There is so many more too many to list but in my opinion these are the top 3! One other thing to mention is turn off the default cabs in your amp sim and use the many available better sounding Cab impulse response IRs for short. Very best site for Vst heads: https://audioz.download/software/win/ The very best way to get a guitar into your computer is a DI BOX that has a variable impedance adjustment! Plus a tube stage! Like this one: http://www.radialeng.com/firefly.php One of the best forums I learned from is: https://www.gearslutz.com/board/ Have Fun! Reaper Hyperspin Theme: https://www.sendspace.com/file/cwxuqq
Space Invaders Extreme PC https://mega.nz/#!zagWgIhS!apc4AlSnI0-yeZwZ6HMgDnm0QthFfVUuCIXFZK4yIDo
How to get cleaner looking Hyperspin and Themes in 3 easy steps! After creating my own themes this text at the bottom left corner was driving me NUTS! It had to go, I came up with 3 search querys that said how to do it and they were all wrong! (Do people test what they say?) well finally someone had the correct answer! All Credits to SubZero@Hyperspinforums. Step1: You can remove the text in the settings ini for whatever system [Game Text] game_text_active = false. (its not possible let it show on games that dont have themes...its either show it on all or not show it at all) Step 2: Untick enable under Special Artwork B! That gets rid of the Freeplay on both bottom cornors! All thats left is the joystick and its text in the center not so annoying. Step 3: Go into Hyperspin HQ and turn Alpha Blending to 0 on all your wheels to keep them from showing through your themes, much cleaner that way. Use a vertical wheel instead of curved wheel much nicer with spaces in between not running together like the default curved wheel. I don't know about you but this was a BIG DEAL for me. Looking at the before and after pics its night and day! ENJOY Before: After: Click to enlarge Click to enlarge New Vector ART for special menus and bottom footer made by BUBs: Download: https://www.sendspace.com/file/8m3y9m
Elevator Action Death Parade Arcade 16:9 HD Hyperspin Theme: Download: https://www.sendspace.com/file/vf1gtq Snow Moto Racing Freedom: Download: https://www.sendspace.com/file/yfquly AaaaaAaaaAaaa Base Jumping - Pc Download: https://www.sendspace.com/file/ao0xj9 Renegade Ops: Download: https://www.sendspace.com/file/5p50bs Major League Baseball 2K12: Download: https://www.sendspace.com/file/7n6rht The Golf Club 2: Download: https://www.sendspace.com/file/o5el5f Typhoon 2001: Download: https://www.sendspace.com/file/qmacop Void Invaders : Download: https://www.sendspace.com/file/0ug4t7 Gas Guzzlers Extreme: Download: https://www.sendspace.com/file/ogad30 Race Driver Grid Download: https://www.sendspace.com/file/z8yei5 Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 5 Download: https://www.sendspace.com/file/2ne69t Kick Ass Commandos https://www.sendspace.com/file/sfmiz0 Space Invaders Extreme Pc: https://www.sendspace.com/file/jmk3n0 Crimsonland: https://www.sendspace.com/file/z94x3c World Series Surfing: https://www.sendspace.com/file/u163qs Jump Jet Rex: https://www.sendspace.com/file/vtjjjj Scoregasm: https://www.sendspace.com/file/2i01di Radial G Racing: https://www.sendspace.com/file/rp1by6 All my PC games have themes now! Stay tuned for some system theme tuneups.
[PS3-PC] RPCS3 : Les "bons" jeux type arcade parfaitement "jouables"
djd a répondu à un(e) sujet de Houb dans EMULATEUR NEWS
Game: zeus.dl.playstation.net/cdn/UP0082/NPUB30428_00/SoHQNcgCFUXIUwfeDYjEuWgJfrOQLtcdjpwywYgIPEcoguLIlhrNbnzbKuBaXJjFlduLAfcTzMKbnamZqITsUJWkoUeEdbTbkusql.pkg FIx: https://mega.nz/#!0VtAGazT!E4m3vnC5y9qyPLP_vhIIcef7UBDnTHQYQd4l1_IxISw Original Post on: ALL PS3 https://downloadgameps3.com/elevator-action-deluxe-psn-ps3-iso/ Enjoy this wih the new Death Parade that came out today! Thanks Spiderzsoft -
16:9 HD Hyperspin Themes: Wakeboard Unleashed Version 2: Download: https://www.sendspace.com/file/v2pi9g Atari Vault: Download: https://www.sendspace.com/file/5yd27f Vid: MX Nitro: Download: https://www.sendspace.com/file/19h5c2 Sega Rally Revo: Download: https://www.sendspace.com/file/elfvla
Grand Turismo had both Arcade Mode and Simulation since the first one on the playstation 1 Check the lables right on the disc it says ARCADE disk one SIMULATION DISC 2! Oh and Yeah Ive played BLUR didnt like it very much, I like Juiced 2 prob better could add it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvTbaU5qSV4
Hyperspin Artwork and Tools: All 40 of my created Hyperspin themes in one pack: https://mega.nz/#!9iQxSZbS!s-kvYZEFnuSh3f0QRBGyG6IqskHXWPylVRZvSIwgLIk My 16:9 themes so far: Teknoparrot download( Version 2 Fixed Background and logos ) https://www.sendspace.com/file/hsxkw3 Teknoparrot Alternative version: https://www.sendspace.com/file/7nobm1 Initial D AAX 7 V3 Final - https://www.sendspace.com/file/xx5ae6 Initial D AA 6 - https://www.sendspace.com/file/0x6jvh The Tools: Fotosizer - http://www.fotosizer.com/ Mofiki's Coordinate Finder - http://www.softpedia.com/get/Desktop-Enhancements/Other-Desktop-Enhancements/Mofiki-s-Coordinate-Finder.shtml Photoshop, GIMP - https://www.gimp.org/downloads/ Photoshop Pen Tool Fast Easy Tutorial - https://www.printwand.com/blog/using-the-pen-tool-to-cut-an-object-from-its-background-in-photoshop Photoshop Pen tool Tutorial Comprehensive Guide - https://design.tutsplus.com/tutorials/photoshops-pen-tool-the-comprehensive-guide--psd-718 Hypertheme1.1 - Comes with Hyperspin Download - http://hyperspin-fe.com/ Altova XMLSPY - The very best XML editor available. - https://www.altova.com/xmlspy-xml-editor Flash Decompiler - https://github.com/jindrapetrik/jpexs-decompiler/releases/tag/version11.0.0 Video Convertor - Any will do. Adobe flash CS6 or other flash tools. Apply Dark13's NO_SCALE_SMOOTH script (PNG_to_SWF_dark13_NO_SCALE_SMOOTH.jsfl) to everything. This drastically improves the quality of the artwork on HD displays and effectively makes your theme fully HD. This script requires Adobe Flash CS6 or above. This can break some flash animations! This works best for backgrounds and when you add logos and stuff to the background in photoshop they can look jagged this will clean them right up! I usually use this only when I see jaggies BUT not when I want a certain animations. https://www.sendspace.com/file/itn2ed Best in depth HyperTheme Tutorial : http://www.neo-arcadia.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=39026 How to use Fotosizer to get a 16:9 theme after using hypertheme1.1 Quick and dirty TUT: Hypertheme 1.1 is good for easy flash actions. Then do all the editing and resizing with Photoshop or Gimp (Hint: look at other 16:9 themes coordinates to get close) Hypertheme1.1 will also not allow you to resize artwork either, (Although it does allow you to rotate your atwork but I noticed it also rotates it in the theme when your done!) only allows for resize the video. The Video has to be FLV and all artwork has to be in .PNG format when you add it in Hypertheme1.1 . You can use pretty much any artwork to put the video inside of. Hence the file video.png. Learn the THEME.XML file and you can do everything from it! This was meant to be a quick and dirty TUT on making a basic hyperspin Default, Main Menu, System or Game theme for the themes that are not available yet or no themes were ever made. I was able to get all themes I needed off of a free account on hyperspin and Arcadepunks website and now I am finishing up making my own. Hyperspin can be a HUGE headache at first! Once you wrap your head around it, it is definatley the best arcade frontend available for free! (In my opinion) Enjoy and have Fun! Use Fotosizer for artwork 1-4, For the background use 1920x1080 or higher then downsize that to 1024x768 dont try to upscale artwork unless its vector, smart object or another format that allows for that. NEW: Downsize your background.png artwork in photoshop (or other prg.) first before you add it to Hypertheme. Then when you save your theme extract it and use Fotosizer to squish the Artwork 1 - 4 (75% width) (100% height) and your video.png.(If you used an image) not the Background.png! Then zip it back up rename it to your gamename matching your database.xml in hyperspin. Turn the saturation up and play with the lighting and blending options can really make the graphics stand out. The trick to get the video right is in your theme.xml file, put "both" under keep aspect ratio! NEW: After using the both aspect as stated above, set your height, then squish the width about 1 or 2 inches on both sides and your video will be just right. Another tip is to just use the built in overlay to match the colors to your design. HyperTheme 1.1.5 Actually lets you pick colors from your design! Click on video overlay then pick a color with eyedropper for 1st or 2cd border it will go back to background then pick on video overlay at top right again and you will see it with the color you just chose! Thin borders work best. Theres some kinda bug where the 3rd one won't work with anything other than black. Keep Hypertheme running in the taskbar and use it to find the positions you want your art x and y positions then transfer those numbers inside the theme.xml file inside the zip file already in your hyperspin test media folder. Winrar will let you save or update the zip file. That way you do not have to keep Fotosizing, unzipping and zipping all the time. Because things change positions when it gets stretched to 16:9. Design and Inspiration: They say you can't teach creativity either you have it or you don't. I don't belive that at all, anyone can do it! Look and study how other themes come together. Collaberation with other hyperspin hypertheme designers, Join http://hyperspin-fe.com/ Start with any background because you can switch it out anytime. Get your video set where you want it. Find and cut your artwork for the sides or where ever you want top bottom etc..I get my artwork right off google images most the time. Other places are https://flyers.arcade-museum.com/, http://www.system16.com/, https://www.gfxtr10.com/ , https://www.freepik.com/free-psd/, http://www.mixtapepsd.com/portfolio_category/free-psds/, https://officialpsds.com/ Screenshot you own games then use the Pen tool! The pen tool is your very best friend, without it your doomed! Time and patience it can take hours to complete projects. Tips for getting videos: Tools: Qdownloader: https://qdownloader.net/ Example Ringedge Introvid: Copy/Paste youtube URL in PickVid site, hit enter choose your desired quality 720p, 480p right click save taget as. Done Best search querys: Game name - Intro vid, video snap, Official trailor.
Hyperspin Cabs, Rocketlauncher emulator frontends. Custom Artwork. Controls, Pcb boards. FRONTENDS: HYPERSPIN WEBSITE: http://hyperspin-fe.com/ ROCKETLAUNCHER WEBSITE: http://www.rlauncher.com/ LaunchBox/BigBox: https://www.launchbox-app.com/ AttractMode: http://attractmode.org/ CONTROLS: BYOAC website: http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/ SRK forums: https://forums.shoryuken.com/c/tech-talk/20 Slagcoin: http://www.slagcoin.com/ GAME SITES (For Retropie full setups and hyperspin among others): ArcadePunks - http://www.arcadepunks.com/ Best Arcade Shops: (I've Ordered stuff from these arcade shops! All were AAA Top Notch service.) https://paradisearcadeshop.com/ https://www.ultimarc.com/ http://groovygamegear.com/webstore/ http://akishop-customs.com/ https://arcadeshock.com/ https://gameroomsolutions.com/ My Hyperspin Arcade cab: https://gameroomsolutions.com/shop/arcade-control-panel-kit-with-trackball-option/ I Just finished building my Arcade cab this month January 2020 all I really needed was a good 2 player control panel that would bolt right up to my original wide body style TMNT cab that was converted to a mortal kombat II. I picked it up one day for free on craigslist from a retired operator about 8 years ago! Was in pristine condition for its age and ive taken care of it well. I am so glad that it was a big cab because I got a pc and xbox 360 Rgh slim in it with 2.1 audio + several external hardrives in there. I still got enough room for at least a couple more consoles. I couldn't imagine all that stuff in anything less of this size. Anyway this control panel fit the bill perfect was only 150.00 US dollars WITH the graphics (your choice) and the Tmoulding. Arrived fast on time and not a scratch on the box and no defective or missing parts. I also ordered the glowing trackball, duel usb port for up front used for two light guns which made the total cost bout 260.00. The only thing I didnt like was the track ball should have been also undermounted like the joysticks are with no bolts showing but not a deal killer, also would have liked to had 1 more button on both sides right next to the joysticks at the top which I will do myself eventually. All in all though being it bolted right up to my classic cab like it was made for it makes up for those two small details! I am running two PS360+ pcbs for p1 and p2. Plus an ultimarc Ipac2 with xbox360 Paclinks for backup if anything happens to the PS360+s cause I have yet to see anyone with them in stock anymore, as they are out of print. My PS360+s are using two a to b usb cables for xbox360, and two rj45 to usb for pc. 1 Ultimarc Spintrack spinner mounted top left and the suzo happ style rgb trackball at center stage. The Brook Ultimate Fighting Boards are even better but they are pricy @ 95.00 us dollars each so if your building a 4 player panel that would be costly! (Tournament grade LAG free devices though!) Other specs on my original old school TMNT/MK2 DataEast/Midway cab: Frontend: Hyperspin ofcourse. 27 inch monitor 1920x1080 @ 60 hz Benq (Will upgrade to IPS with 178 degree veiwing angle) Xbox360 Slim corona with The Demon by Team Xecuter installed CRP RGH 30 sec boot or less. Aurora Dashboard with 1360 games on tap. PC specs: Hardware: i5 Asus 3570k, Gigabyte Nvidia 1050 GTX, 16 GB Corsair 1600 mhz (Best use for your older computers!) Front bezel: Polycarbonite taped off on back and spraypainted gloss black (Actually came out awesome, but will upgrade to glass!) Polycarbonite kick panel painted gloss black. Original Mortal kombat II marque (Just added two full size led bulbs) 6 5v LED buttons cross the top only, other buttons are regular happ style convex type Green, Red, Blue, Yellow. White for bumpers, black triggers xbox 360 color matching. 4 12v coin inserts with superbright red leds. Right next to it is my in progress arcade race cab (Arcade Style) Using a 32 inch tv in gamemode @1920x1080 running off the pc GPU in the cab cloned monitors. This stuff is superfun and super addictive! (and can get super expensive QUICK!) Real controls RULE though!!! I just played Typhoon 2001 and MAN you just can't beat a real spinner for that game! Next on my list is to get one of them BROOK Ras1ution wheel convertors! (Posted vid below!) Gota have it. Below im posting a few videos that really helped me that I hope can help other first time cab builders. The hobby that never dies lmao. PS360+ Help: Another option for Xinput on pc and Xbox 360 is Ultimarcs Paclinks: Link below (Theres always hacking a real xbox360 controller) https://www.ultimarc.com/console-adapters/console-adapters/paclink-adaptor-en/ Making your own custom cables for the ps360+ and Brook universal fighting boards: http://filthypants.blogspot.com/2018/12/retro-console-rj45-pinouts-ps360-mc.html Ultimate examples of a few cabs: The Retrocade Project: Plans available on there site for DIY!!! Plexyglass Control panels. http://www.paradoxarcades.com/intro/ Akishop Customs PS360+ PCB Modify your DIY or current Control Panel to work with a variety of systems (Xbox 360, PS3 (with PS2 BC), Xbox 1, Dreamcast, PSX and PC) with Akishop Customs incredible PS360+ board. PS360+ Features: Xbox 360, PS3, PS4 (with PS2 BC), Xbox 1, Dreamcast, PSX and PC support, smart-detection for all supported systems USB Bootloader for firmware updates Headset jack for Xbox LIVE. 2.5mm audio jack and JST connector to choose from, JST connector compatible with SE and TE headset cables) Player LED support for Xbox 360, PS3 and Dreamcast (on-board and external, cable NOT included) USB "B" and RJ-45 jack with optional use of JST connectors Software selected LS/DP/RS LSB/RSB support Forced Modes supported Version 2.10 PCB size: 96.3mm x 45.3mm. Mounting holes: 88mm x 37mm And here is a crazy must read article bout the Microsoft Xbox360 Controller: Hardware hacker Christopher Tarnovsky just wanted to break Microsoft's grip on peripherals for its Xbox 360 game console. In the process, he cracked one of the most heavily fortified chips ever put into a consumer device. https://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/02/17/infineon_tpm_crack/
This is a list I compiled for my hyperspin cab driving games feel free to add to it! Note: I didnt list realistic driving sims for a reason. I hate em lol. I like full pedal to the metal Arcade style racing. Racing Games Pc: Race Driver Grid Grid 2 Grid Auto sport Driver San Fransisco Ridge Racer Unbounded Sega Rally Revo Split Second Dirt Rally Dirt 3 Dirt 4 Burnout Paradise Black Box Edition Need For Speed Payback Need For Speed Shift 2 Need for Speed Most Wanted Game of the Year Edition 2012 w/Mods Need for Speed Rivals Complete Edition all DLCs w/Mods Need for speed Carbon Collectors Edition w/Mods Outrun Coast to Coast pc w/Mods (BYOAC Forum Mod) Racing Games Arcade: Sega Daytona USA Championship 2017 - w/Mods (BYOAC Forum Mod) + Metallica Music Sega Racing Classic - RingWide Initial D 6AA - Ringedge w/Mods Initial D 7AAX - Ringedge w/Mods Initial D Arcade Stage V.3 - Demul Konami Road Fighters 3 Battle Gear Maximum Tuned - Tatio Rally 3 - Sega Europa-R Ford Racing Full Blown - Sega Europa-R Scud Race - Arcade SuperModel 3 Daytona 2 Battle on the edge - SuperModel 3 Daytona 2 Power Edition - SuperModel 3 Dirt Devils - SuperModel 3 Sega Rally 2 - SuperModel 3 Daytona USA ++ - SuperModel 2 (BYOAC Forum Mod) Harley Davidson and LA Riders - Supermodel 3 Mario Kart GPDX - Namco Sega Sonic All Stars Racing - Ringedge California Speed - Mame CHD Crusin USA - Mame Offroad Challenge - Mame Fast and Furious Superbikes HD - GlobalVR Fast and Furious Drift - GlobalVR Need for Speed Underground Arcade - GlobalVR Chase HQ 2 - Tatio Valve Limit R - Konami Dead Heat - Namco (Linux) Wangan Midnight 4 - Namco (Linux) Xbox360: (My favorite console of all times thanks Team Executer,TeamFSD, C4eva and many others!) Forza Horizon Sega Outrun Online Midnight Club Los Angeles Race Driver Grid Test Drive Unlimited Ridge Racer 6 The Crew Sega Full Auto Daytona USA Project Gotham Racing Burnout Series Racing Games Console Emulation: Note: (Some of these are rather dated but due to reshadeMe, CRT shaders and upscalling techniques they can still be fun!!!) rpcs3 is awesome though! Initial D Extreme Stage [BLJM60055] - rpcs3-v0.0.4-2018 win64 OutRun 2 SP (Japan) - Pcsx2 Initial D 2nd Stage - Pcsx2 Grand Turismo 4 - Pcsx2 Tokyo Xtreme Racer 3 - Pcsx2 Racing Battle C1 Grand Prix - Pcsx2 Battle Gear 3 - Pcsx2 Midnight Club Dub Edition - Pcsx2 Wipeout Fusion - Pcsx2 Grand Turismo Arcade Disk1 - ePSXe Initial D Street Stage - PPSSPP RTM DTM Race Driver 2 - PPSSPP GTI Club - PPSSPP Daytona USA 2001 - Demul/Dreamcast Sega GT (USA) - Demul/Dreamcast Buggy Heat - Demul/Dreamcast
Released for pc!
Never seen this one. Online game only.
I find that the physics in this game to be superior to any need for speed even the new ones. Nice graphics too def one of my favorites now. http://www.dsogaming.com/news/need-for-speed-rivals-modders-find-temp-fix-for-60fps/ To improve visuals even further create a user.cfg text file with notepad and place this command in it. Render.ResolutionScale 1.0 Place that file in the game .exe folder. You can change the 1.0 parameter to whatever you like or whatever you system can handle. It's full screen AA and it looks amazing. Try 1.5 to start with. 1.1-2.0 are what people are using https://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Need_for_Speed_Rivals
Good point Ill edit that post!!! Wow I guess a forum moderator combined my post and killed my links had no idea I couldnt post clean links. Ill stop right now. Anyway this wiki leads to most the best mods for need for speed carbon. Must be on 1.4 version!!! Which I posted but now is gone. https://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Need_for_Speed:_Carbon#Patches http://www.nfscars.net/need-for-speed-carbon/8/showroom/list/ https://reshade.me/ https://nfsmods.xyz/mod/355 https://mega.nz/#!kxRTCbbZ!M3CcGixUDuLWgBbRfLbP7eZCU-d3L62Szk0mkfDGmiU http://www.nfscars.net/need-for-speed-carbon/8/files/view/13135/ http://www.nfscars.net/need-for-speed-carbon/8/downloads/list/category/tools/3/ These track textures are killer !!! links part1: http://www.mediafire.com/?x312hbb111fjljy part2: http://www.mediafire.com/?vx4j6unf01fae7t part3: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?3yrk9y245jac7ae replace file in NFS Carbon directory /TRACKS Folder Theres TONS of stuff for NFS Carbon this should get ya going lol. These are some of the best in my opinion.
no link ddl no link ddl no link ddl no link ddl no link ddl no link ddl no link ddl Battle Royale MOD https://github.com/vikbez/pacbrcade
Outrun 2006 on pc with FFB with Howard Cs mods over at BYOAC forum is awesome! http://www.theisozone.com/downloads/pc/windows-games/outrun-2-2006/ Settings should look like photo below for Rumble to work on a xbox360 controller for steering wheel support FFB please refer to BYOAC forum. http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php/topic,147131.0.html
[Emu] RPCS3 (Console) v0.0.35 - Emulateur PS3 sur PC / MacOS / Linux
djd a répondu à un(e) sujet de Darage dans EMULATEUR NEWS
Anyone know if Rpcs3 will run ps1 and 2 games?? Also will it run CFW?? -
[Emu] RPCS3 (Console) v0.0.35 - Emulateur PS3 sur PC / MacOS / Linux
djd a répondu à un(e) sujet de Darage dans EMULATEUR NEWS
BETA: Partial translation patch for Initial D: Extreme Stage [PS3] Extreme Stage [BLJM60055] Only! https://drive.google.com/open?id=11LLNpyFA84XwZK0ZFRs8jVU2fbiNhEQE Instructions: https://froidromhacks.wordpress.com/2017/01/13/beta-partial-translation-patch-for-initial-d-extreme-stage-ps3/ refresh the cache xbox360.xpadderprofile -
[Arcade PC] Road Fighters All Decrypted (Konami)
djd a répondu à un(e) sujet de lokofer dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Man...dudes why this topic stop? This game has really nice graphics and gameplay. Ive had this on my drive for a while fired it up with some of the help on this thread!! I used just spicetools and test menu then hit on game mode at the bottom of test menu and it popped right on in full screen HD looks fantastic. Just had to change 3d to 2d them WOW bout shit my pants. I had no idea, this game looks fantastic. Pics gave no justice usually dont. FPS perfect too. The only prob I got is cant save anything in test menu, like drive camera rear or so I can see my car. Anyone??? Is there another setting somewhere where I can change at least the view??