Hi...is "fake analog" option is only for playing with a controller like xbox one?
if i use a real wheel in racing games, i need to untick fake analog?
thank you
too bad that,when i try to play light gun games on rpcs3 it doesnt work right with a wiimote...the cursor go crazy, evenn with the psmove config (which doesnt work very good for me, some games, like time crisis 4, just freeze when i try it)
why in rambo i cant change the loader type? (its disabled to choose)
also, this loader is amazing, but the Ui is very overwhelming. there are a lot of places to change resolution there, i dont know what each does, and when i need to mark the "full screen"?
is there a full guide for the loader?
is there a way to get rid of the "version number" display in portable mode?
also still doesnt really know what portable mode gives you over normal mode.