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  1. Hi, is there a link for night Hunter 2?
  2. Hi, Is there way to only enable the white flash "cheat" in time crisis 2+3 without the others? (i dont want to use "infinite ammo" and "infinite lives")
  3. with the newer pcsx2 you can just download the special pcsx2 build for lightgun game in this has flash effect texture disable.
  4. I wonder is there differences between the arcade version and ps2 version? its seems identical to me and it runs great on pcsx2 on high res + no flash effect.
  5. this is amazing, thanks a ton! wonder if those games performance improves in the last years. they have huge slowdown in some parts, especially in Tc3 and also gfx messed up in the last level if you play over 720p.
  6. Does it mean we can play time crisis 2 and 3 without the annoying flash effect with a sinden/gun4ir like in the mouse hack for pcsx2 1.6 version?
  7. Wish "megamaouse" (rpcs3 input dev) will finally agree to work on guncon 3 emulation. time crisis 4 stand alone version is the only version that you can disable the crosshair, making it just like the arcade version + might make the d shot-lag disappear. for now it seems he doesnt want to work on it:/
  8. Anyone with high end latest cpu (intel 14 gen) tried time crisis 4?
  9. Nothing new with time crisis 4 and cobra this month?
  10. thanks for the help, already used 7zip
  11. to extract this COB2 img (V-M's) file? what program to use?
  12. thanks a lot for the there a way to make the "free play" logo, stop blinking ingame? i find it distracting and give me headache. will be great to be able to disable it in screen or at least make it static.
  13. Hi, any recent progress with time crisis 4? thanks.
  14. hi, is argon working on razing storm input? thanks.
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