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    i7 7700k, 32Gb RAM DDR4 HyperX, RTX2080 ti

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  1. Hi all! I'm getting a little problem with my sindens and ahk script. My problem is with Confidential Mission DC version (not arcade). I wish to play this version because it's multilanguage and I like to play in my main language (spanish). The "problem" of the Dreamcast version is that for reload, it's necessary hold "B" button and pull the trigger... (no offscreen shoot like arcade ver) I've done an ahk script to replace one key with mouse buttons click. I've done it for Demul, and it's working flawlessly but can't play with my bro even I'm using demulshooter to able 2 guns. So I thinked the same script works on Flycast but... It doesn't... Here I put my script if that helps... Run, My_Path\flycast.exe "RomPath\Confidential Mission.gdi" *c:: MouseClick,right,,,1,0,D MouseClick,left,,,1,0,D sleep, 10 MouseClick,right,,,1,0,U MouseClick,left,,,1,0,U Return ESC:: Process,Close,Flycast.exe Run,taskkill /im "Flycast.exe" /F ExitApp return The game starts, and if I press ESC key, the game closes and the app ends... Only the part of the reload code is failling. Thanks in advance!
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