Hi guys I need your help...I recently upgraded from my 720p monitor to a 1080p one. On the 720p monitor game loader ran all the games in full-screen and the image would scale properly, filling up the entire screen. On my new 1080p monitor however, Game Loader runs the game and even though it's full screen the image does not scale and doesn't fill up the entire screen in 1920 x 1080.
I've tried several things and can't get the image to fill up my whole screen when running my monitor at native 1920x1080 res using game loader.
Teknoparrot on the other hand, launches all my games in full screen and the image in all games fills up the whole screen.
Can you offer some suggestions on how to make game loader display my Taito games in 1920x1080 and fill the entire screen? Is there a resolution setting in the GLARH config app that specifically affects resolution and scaling?