Use this ea3-config.xml. Copy this to your "prop" folder where your game directory is located. Make sure to create a backup for that file before copying it.
No. You don't need to edit the gamemdx.dll. I just used certain assets from previous DDR games to add it manually in A.
We don't know yet if it will run on Mac. PC is the only way to play this game.
I don't know. Maybe an idea I had earlier was from an early post at 1cc that talks about stealing a song place for some reason. Link:
That's the default DLL used. That means you get more more more as the selected music on your first stage when playing in PRO MODE but you won't get all the songs unlocked.
The Unlock All Music DLL used is ddr.dll. I sent you the vanilla DLL and the modded DLL for that. Make sure to remove the .orig extension on the vanilla DLL file to use it.
Unlock All Music DLL.rar
Vanilla Stock Music DLL.rar
I guess. But have you tried looking at your dll with an original one as the backup because if you do you can simply remove the current one and replace it with the stock DLL.
That's NOT the DDR A20 game dump. It's ONLY DDR A game dump only with the A20 textures and assets hidden inside the data. It only requires Hex editing for the A20 assets to pop up. However, A20 textures aren't complete yet and some bugs needed to be fixed.