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  • Hardware
    MameCab I7/16GB

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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. please reup the game? Thanksssss a lot
  2. @Son of BlindboyThanksss a lot
  3. please can someone post the latest version (should be 0.59-23-g13a19c1b) already compiled? Thankssss
  4. where is located cfg file for changing resolution?
  5. Marbella vice and Zorton Brothers where can they be downloaded?
  6. how fix fatal error ue4 on arcade monitor 15khz and amd crtemudriver?
  7. me too please?
  8. can you set it in low resolution 640x480?
  9. kill_one

    Game Loader All Rh

    can gameloader change resolution in Luigi's Mansion?
  10. thanks phasermaniac
  11. the game working only in this folder C:\PC\aliens
  12. @phasermaniac did you manage to make it go with gameloader on 15khz 640x480 monitor? Could you show me the procedure or the settings?
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