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Unfortunately it would take too much time (because each time I have to make these configurations to match nearly all screen resolutions/ratios and users settings...) so I don't think no. I will probably update only a few "not easy to set" like the one I just uploaded now for R-Type Dimensions EX
No, I just tested and nothing. Did you update to 1.0a ?
before trying to use it with emulators, try to learn how to use it with PC games. it uses reshade the main goal is PC games. But yes when you will be more familiar you will be able to use it easily and quickly with nearly everything
1.0a (bugfix) released - A small bug with the frame reflection should be resolved. - An issue appearing in some cases with the bezel rotation should be fixed. The few packs/patches already available and the launchers for Aleste and RaidenV were updated too! Enjoy
CRTGeomMOD has been replaced by ArcCabView available here : (even better, more complete, some nice new features and PinCabView is now merged inside) Thanks for your support ! PS: for now only a few "ready to play" configurations have been made for ArcCabView... so be patient or try to learn how it works and do it yourself. If needed we will be pleased to help
you can check if a log is created or not. if there is no log (for example d3d9.log) it means the dll ws not launched (can be an other dx version or opengl or a 64b version of them...) try to rename this dll and if there is no log try with the 64b version in ArcCabView pack
Yep in lowres the Reshade's UI is a pain... you can still edit the preset cfg files directly... But glad you managed to make your games working with my launcher ------------------- Some more configs were uploaded (check the download link in first post) And I just added a new one for Raiden V with full Landscape or Portrait / TATE mode support!!
Thanks I can't be sure because I never tested these games but put Aleste pack in your game directory (the new one, check 1st post download mediafire folder). In ReShade.ini ArcCabView section add this line : WinName=A (in fact it will work even better if you can put the EXACT name of the game's window instead of just "A") put also the correct exename for "ExeName" in the same section of the ini and with some luck it will work with the launcher if it works, just push "home" key ingame to get ReSahde's UI, reset the settings of the shader and set it as you want keep me informed
Now Released!!! Check the first post Here a demo video video : Enjoy !!
A Few Important Tips (ReShade version) - Input Image Resolution (GameVideo_resolution) If your game is displayed in the top-left corner you have to set its size in "Input Image Resolution" (it happens very often with d3d games resized with our custom dll) Example here with a game sized "640x480" : The original ratio is kept by default The display outside the area defined here won't be kept at all If you are using CRT-Effect the "Texture Size" defined should match only this defined area The "InGame Ratio" set will be applied only for this area. - Center Locked Ratio (CenterLocked_ratio) If your game is displayed centered with a predefined ratio you have to set this ratio in "Center Locked Ratio" (It happens very often with emulators and most recent games are very often 16:9 locked) Example here with a "4:3" center locked display : The ratio is kept and the frame will now match this area The display outside the area defined here won't be kept at all If you are using CRT-Effect the "Texture Size" defined should match only this defined area The "InGame Ratio" set will be applied only for this area. - Crop Ratio (Crop_ratio) This is nealy the same as the "CenterLocked Ratio" explained just above but the remaining area is kept and can be displayed or not with "External Graphics Display" (this is very useful when the game features a built-in bezel or when the useful game area is surrounded) Example still with a "4:3" area : The ratio is kept and the frame will now match this area The display outside the area defined is kept and can be displayed or not using "External Graphics Display" If you are using CRT-Effect the "Texture Size" defined should match the full display by default. If you want to set it only for this area you have to enable "Crop Sized Texture Size" The "InGame Ratio" set is still applied to the full display.If present the "background.png" image will be displayed over the external displayed area (over the yellow areas in this example) This area can be expanded to the maximum size available on your screen using "Expand Cropped Display" option. Its ratio will be kept but the "external graphics" can be lost. This option can be used in addition with the option "CenterLocked Ratio" or "GameImage Resolution" described above. Here Some more complete examples using the options above: -Example 1 (3:4 gameplay in a not stretched 4:3 game) : The first thing to do is to set the "Input Image Resolution" to 800x600 to get my game maximized to my screen display. The 4:3 ratio of the 800x600 area is kept. Then I have to set "Crop Ratio" to 3:4 in order to define and catch the useful game area. The game itself (full yellow area) is still sized 4:3. -Example 2 (16:9 gameplay in a 4:3 game) : The first thing to do is to set "CenterLocked Ratio" to 4:3 to catch only the game area Then I have to set "Crop Ratio" to 16:9 in order to catch the useful game area. The game itself (full yellow area) is still sized 4:3 and by default displayed on my screen. Then, if I want, I can expand the useful area to the maximum size available in my screen display using "Expand Cropped Display". Here it will be fullscreen sized if I have a 16:9 screen. The yellow parts (external graphics) are lost. -Example 3 (15:9 not stretched game to 16:9) : The first thing to do is to set the "Input Image Resolution" to 1280x768 to get my game maximized to my screen display. The 15:9 ratio of the 1280x768 area is kept. Then, if I want, I can set "InGame Ratio" to 16:9 to get if 16:9 sized or I can enable "Full Stretch" to match my screen ratio and get it fullscreen sized. -Example 4 (3:4 portrait game to lanscape mode): The first thing to do is to set "CenterLocked Ratio" to 4:3 to catch only the game area Then I can set "Rotation 90°CCW" to forced (No_Rotate=0) to get a landscape display. Again the ratio is kept (4:3 rotated to 3:4) -Example 5 (3:4 landscape gameplay in a 16:9 game to portrait mode): The first thing to do is to set "Crop Ratio" to 3:4 to catch the useful game area. (the game itself here in yellow is still sized 16:9) (/!\ if the game itself is 16:9 locked you would also have to set "CenterLocked Ratio" to 16:9 to get your settings working with any other screen ratio) Then I can set "Rotation 90°CCW" to forced (No_Rotate=0) to get a portrait display. Again the ratio is kept (16:9 rotated to 9:16) Then I can enable "Expand Cropped Display" to maximize the useful area (here in magenta 3:4 rotated to 4:3) to my screen display (the external graphics in yellow are now lost) Then I can use "Rotate 180°" to get a standard oriented arcade portrait mode Then, If I want, I can use "Full Stretch" to stretch the useful area to my screen ratio. More to come....
ArcCabView / PinCabView ArcCabView is a ReShade's shader made by Ducon2016 and Aubrel to display your game (nearly all your games) just as you want. It's still mainly designed to display arcade oriented games in cabinets and that's why its now named like that. In some case a launcher can be provided too in order to be more friendly to use. This shader is the results of months of work. It's an evolution of CRTGeomMOD (written from CRTGeom by cgwg, Themaister and DOLLS) with some new features, many changes and fully merged with the shader PinCabView. Nearly everything was rewritten in order to fix and avoid some old CRTGeomMOD issues and to get better performances and results. As a comparaison, with all the options activated (even the new ones) it's now approx 70% faster than CRTGeomMOD v3.2 !! This shader is not anymore mainly to use to get a CRT effect, it's now a complete tool to display all games as you want (it can be used also with emulators, dosbox and even some frontends!...). The custom ReShade's dlls included can resize most D3D9 and D3D11 games to any resolution. For the remaining games you can also use dgVoodoo2 to resize the game and load ReShade. Using this shader you will have full control of your game display. The functions will be explain bellow, but quickly you can : - Rotate the game display in any Orientation without having to change your screen orientation. - Manage completely the game Ratio when ingame and when not ingame. - Resize, Move de display when ingame, when not ingame and also just the internal and external part of a defined area. - Crop some parts or a ratio defined area of the game and choose to display them or not. - Curve the full display or just a defined part of the game - Add a CRT effect with Bloom, different dot aspects, vertical or horizontal scanlines,... - Add a Frame with Screen Reflection around the full display or just around the defined area. - Add a Bezel over or under the full display and manage its size. It can follow the game settings or not. - Add a Background image or display a game blur mirror and change the Background Color and Brightness. - Add an Overlay image over the defined game area. - Add conditions to test in order to get yours effects and arts only when you want and where you want in the game. ... More than that, for Pinball games you can also : - Add a Backglass image with or without Grill and catch a part of the game to show in it. - Move and resize the DMD display where you want (and change its color) - Resize and move the table and change its perspective. - Manage the brightness ingame of these different parts ... DOWNLOAD Folder : https://www.mediafire.com/folder/5ttx0loy7lzfy/ArcCabView A BGFX version (CRT-Geom-deluxe mod) for MAME is available too This should bring to MAME nearly the very same ArcCabView's effect. Games already set with the generic (ReShade) version 2.5 : How to use (v2.x): - Extract the full archive in its own folder or in your game folder (remove the previous ArcCabView.ini file from the game root folder if there is already an old one) - Run "ArcCabView_launcher.exe" and when asked set the "true game exe" (the real game process), the "launcher" (if there is one to run) and the command to send (if there are some parameters to send) - If the application is unknown a list of the already set games will be proposed, if your game is not in the list you can put its name and it will be created. - The launcher will now try to run the game to take some usefull informations. Just wait it should take a few seconds (max 40s) and don't touch anything during this period. - If everything is ok the game will start again with the settings known and defined during the first launch will be already applied. (if not some instructions could be given to help) - When used in it's own folder: * ArcCabView will create shortcuts in "Games" directory to launch your games. * You will find also shortcuts for the games presets in UserPresets and shortcuts to reset your game settings in "Reset" Folder - Push "Home" key ingame to get the ReShade's UI in order to set shader's parameters. - Sending the command -p to the launcher will force portrait mode - Sending the command -r to the launcher will force reset mode Example: To launch a Steam game (MyGameID is the identifiant number, you can get it by creating a shortcut for this game in steam app) : GameName=D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\My Game\My Game.exe LauncherName=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steam.exe Command=-applaunch MyGameID Example: To launch a game with TP (MyGameXmlFile.xml is the name of the xml file of this game in the folder GameProfiles) : GameName=D:\My Arcade Dumps\My Game\MyGame.exe LauncherName=C:\Teknoparrot Folder\TeknoParrotUi.exe Command=--profile=MyGameXmlFile.xml --startMinimized Here a demo to show how to use ArcCabView from 2.0 version : How to use (v1): - Extract the full archive in your game directory (same directory as your main game exe) - Rename ReShadeMod32.dll (for x86 games) or ReShadeMod64.dll (for 64 bits games) according to your needs. (most often the dll has to be renamed d3d9.dll, d3d11.dll or opengl32.dll,... ). the dlls included are custom 4.9.1 ones with improved UI, performances and the ability to force d3d games buffer size. For DirectX8 games you can use it (32b version named d3d9.dll) with d3d8to9 dll (named d3d8.dll) available here https://github.com/crosire/d3d8to9/ For DirectDraw games (or DirectX1to7) you can use it (32b version named d3d11.dll) with dgVoodoo2 dll (ddraw.dll) available here http://dege.freeweb.hu/dgVoodoo2/dgVoodoo2/ - Push "Home" key ingame to get the ReShade's UI in order to activate the effects and to set shader's parameters. General features : - Game Video resolution : the original resolution of the game to catch from top left corner of the screen (0 will catch the full screen size) - CenterLocked ratio : used to catch the game display area when it's always centered and locked to a specific ratio (0,0 will take the full video resolution). - Crop Ratio : nearly the same as CenterLocked ratio but can be added to it to catch a sepcific game area inside. External graphics can be kept and it's only applied "ingame". - GameScreen size : to display the game in a specific top left part of your display (mostly to use with PinCabView and multiscreens configurations) - Rotation : to rotate the display 90° CCW. With "auto 90CCW" the game will be rotated 90°CCW if your main screen is set in landscape mode (GameScreen ratio > 1) - Game zoom/translation : to resize and move the full display (will be always applied) - Pixel Test : to apply some specifics settings only when the RGB color of a XY defined dot matches (the dot position should be defined with the game stretched in 1920x1080) (if pixeltest is disabled the "ingame" settings will be always applied, if "inverted" the "ingame" settings will be disabled when pixel test matches) - Game Brightness : to change the brightness, it will be applied ingame on the game display area. - Curvature : will be applied ingame on the game display area and on the full game when pixel test fails. If available the overlay image will be displayed over the result. - Frame : to show a screen frame on the game display area ingame and on the full game area when pixel test fails (frame is cropped to its defined size when curvature is disabled) - Frame reflection : the reflection of the display shown on the frame (always applied) - InGame ratio/scale/offset : to resize and move the full game display ingame. - OffGame ratio/scale/offset : to resize and move the full game display when pixel test fails (when not ingame). - Horizontal/Vertical Starts : used to crop some parts of the game display (applied only ingame). - External Display : to show the cropped areas of the game (only ingame). If available the background image will be displayed over this external area. - External scale/offset : to resize and move the cropped (external) areas of the game (only ingame). - Internal scale/offset : to resize and move the display inside the game area (only ingame). - CRT effect : to simulate a CRT display (applied only ingame on the game area) - Vertical scanline : to rotate by 90° the scanline of the CRT effect. In order to get better performances and to get only the wanted features the function can be disabled in the shader's code : - FRAME_RFLX : to get or not the frame reflection code - CRT_SHADER : to get or not the CRT effect code - CRV_SHADER : to get or not the curvature code - DBL_TESTS : to get or not the double pixel test code (2 points should match) - PIN_SHADER : to get the pinball game designed code (will add and remove some features) Supported art files (textures folder) : - frame.png (to show a screen frame around the game display area) ArcCabView arts : - bezel.png (displayed over or under the display ingame, can be fixed or set to follow the game's settings - 16:9 sized) - bezel_off.png (displayed over or under the display when pixel test fails - 16:9 sized) - background.png (optional, will be displayed ingame over the cropped areas - will be displayed ingame over the external graphics) PinCabView specific features ("PIN_SHADER" defined) : - POV settings are added to correct the game perspective ingame - An apron image can be added and displayed ingame over the game area (or under the CRT effect) - A backglass image can be displayed and a part of the game can be caught and displayed ingame under the 16:9 top part of the backglass (the game's window should be extended to cover a second screen). - A DMD area can be caught and displayed ingame over the game area, over the 16:9 top part of the backglass or under the backglass bottom part (grill). - Brightness levels can be set for the 16:9 top part of the backglass and also for the DMD display (applied only ingame). PinCabView arts : - backglass.png (5:4 format with grill - will be cropped to 16:9 with a 2nd screen ratio of more than 16:10) - backglass_off.png (will be displayed behind the 16:9 top part of the backglass when pixel test fails and ingame if the "original" backglass area is not set) - dmd_off.png (will be displayed over the 16:9 top part of the backglass when pixel test fails or if the "original" dmd area is not set) - apron.png (will be displayed ingame over the game display area if the CRT effect is disabled) - background.png (optional, will be displayed bellow the DMD and the backglass) Info / Support : http://www.emuline.org/topic/2598-arccabview-display-your-arcade-games-just-as-you-want/ PinCabView Info / Support : https://vpuniverse.com/forums/topic/5494-pincabview-bigraceusa-fantasticjourney-timeshock-theweb-wormspinball-worldrallyfever-slamtilt-resurrection/ https://vpuniverse.com/forums/topic/5903-pincabviewwfs-all-wildfire-studios-pinball-pc-games-in-your-pincab/ https://vpuniverse.com/forums/topic/5744-pincabview2d-most-old-dos-pinball-games-in-your-pincab/ ReShade home page : https://reshade.me/ D3D8to9 home page : https://github.com/crosire/d3d8to9/ dgVoodoo2 home page : http://dege.freeweb.hu/dgVoodoo2/ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Quick Demo Videos : XenoFightersR RaidenV in TATE mode! Metal Slug XX R-Type Dimensions EX Battle Squadron (PC 2013) Some screenshots : here some examples with some Windows, Arcade PC, OpenBOR, SuperNES, DOSBox, Xenia games and even a frontend using this shader to be displayed Changelog : 2.6 - "overlay texture" removed (the effect is now simulated with the new "curvature boost" option) - "oversample boost" fixed and improved - rotated game display is improved (internal gamecopy and bloomblur textures are now rotated) - bloom aspect ratio improved and fixed - default "frame texture" updated and frame display code improved - frame color and frame brightness options added - some shader improvements and fixes 2.5 - Some shader improvements, moire effect should be reduced 2.4 - Some dxgi over d3d11 dll detection should be fixed - Souldiers (PC) native support added - TMNT - Shredder's Revenge (PC) native support added - Final Vendetta (PC) native support added - Default curvature settings updated (slightly less curved) - Overlay opacity reduced - dgVoodoo2 updated to last version 2.79 2.3 - Some GamePath/LauncherPath issues should be fixed - Added CROP_OFF option to keep or not the Crop_ratio when Pixel-Test fails - Added CRT_EFFECT_OFF option to keep or not the CRT effect when Pixel-Test fails - Added USE_FRAME_OFF option to keep or not the Screen Frame when Pixel-Test fails - Added CURVATURE_OFF option to keep or not the Curvature effect when Pixel-Test fails - Added USE_BEZEL_OFF option to keep or not the Bezel overlay when Pixel-Test fails - Added DMDColor option to change the DMD color (PinCabView) - Added DMDFilter option to crop DMD colors below the filter value (PinCabView) - Some shader improvements and fixes... - Ganryu 2 (PC) native support added - B.I.O.T.A. (PC) native support added - Demons Of Asteborg (PC) native support added - Flynn Son Of Crimson (PC) native support added - ArcCabView shader updated (mostly PinCabView part) - Some shader's CRT-Effect codes reversed to the previous ones (it looks better and is less power consuming) 2.2 - UserTextures folder added (you can put here your own specific games textures/bezels) - Default shader CRT settings updated with more "bloom" - Crisis Wing (PC) preset updated with a small offset to better catch the original game texture. - When used in its own directory, ArcCabView presets will be now stored in ArcCabview\UserPresets folder. - A message can be displayed after first launch (and put in the ini) to inform about specific settings needed. - Cave Story + (PC) native support added - Celeste (PC) native support added for FNA version - Katana Zero (PC) native support added - Broforce (PC) native support added - Broforce - The Expendabros (PC) native support added - Mercenary Kings (PC) native support added - Super Cyborg (PC) native support added - Jitsu Squad (PC) native support added - Asterix & Obelix - Slap Them All (PC) native support added - Cup Head (PC) native support added - Streets Of Rage 4 (PC) native support added - Neon Abyss (PC) native support added - Wonder Boy - The Dragon's Trap (PC) native support added - Xeno Crisis (PC) native support added - DeltaZeal (PC) native support added - Elevator Action Death Parade (TTX) bezel added - Mario And Sonic Olympic Games (NU) bezel added - Sonic Dash Extreme (NuSX) bezel added - And some improvements... 2.1 - Many improvements in the concept and launcher's UI - Many native PC games support added - Some small improvements and changes in databases... - Many fixes 2.0 - Full native portrait mode added in the shader - Textures bezelv.png and bezelv_off.png are added and will be used in portrait mode - A Launcher/installer is now included to set the games directly (it will put the reshade and dgvoodoo dlls itself and will set the most important parameters). - The solution can now be used from its own directory without having to duplicate for each games - Small cleanups... 1.1 - CRTGeom code updated with last cgwg's improvements - Brightness and black dots render has been improved when using CRT effect - Bloom effect improved to catch the screen dots and to look more realistic with CRT effect - The alpha value of the overlay image is now exponential - The frame image has been updated (the borders sizes are smaller than before) - A few minor fixes/changes 1.0b - ReShade's dll updated to fix mp4 videos in unity games. - The screen overlay can now be disabled. - A performance mode has been added in the shader. - A few small fixes/improvements 1.0a - A small bug with the frame reflection should be resolved. - An issue appearing in some cases with the bezel rotation should be fixed. /////////////// DOWNLOAD Folder : https://www.mediafire.com/folder/5ttx0loy7lzfy/ArcCabView More "demo packs" to come : Stay tuned !!
- 454 réponses
Remove and put again the pack, the config file you are using here is completely broken and the launcher appears to be still not used... the game should be launched with the launcher included to work correctly. if you don't use the launcher the ini settings won't be used and the windows won't fit your screen (except if you have a 1920x1080 screen)
here you have nothing working : reshade is not loaded, the launcher is not used => so just nothing, you are runing the base game without the patch. are you sure you extracted the full patch in your game directory?
remove the cabview folder and put again the pack. then set portrait but not fullstretch in reshade.ini (fullstretch is to stretch the game to your fullscreen size and you don't want it so leave it at 0) And that way everything should work and should be displayed like my screenshot on a 16:9 screen. You don't have to set anything in the shader. everything should be set correctly by defaut (you can change the brightness, the reflexion strenght or the zoom (if you don't have a 16:9 screen), but all your changes will be saved for next launch so be careful Edit, for my part I have a 16:10 screen (that's probably your case) so the bezel is cut to display the game at maximum size with the correct ratio like this : it's normal, the bezel is sized 9:16, the game 3:4 and my screen 10:16 In this case if you want to show the full bezel, in 1920x1200 you have to set 90% on vertical zoom like this : but in 1920x1080 or any 16:9 resolution you have nothing to do to get this I hope it helps
it should be fixed with the version availble from a few hours PS: with full stretch in portrait mode with a 16:9 screen you will stretch the game from 3:4 to a 9:16 format and so you won't get any space for the bezel so it won't be displayed (the bezel is now following perfectly the game ratio and is expanded in the same time)
Thanks my friend PS : SenxinAleste config was updated just now (shader and launcher) to fix a few problems found with portrait mode and bezel. Same link above. Enjoy
After hundreds hours of work, I'm pleased to share here a first CabView release (CRTGeomMOD v4 + PinCabView v4). A true changelog will follow soon, but a few informations were already given a few post above. Here how it looks : https://www.mediafire.com/file/4hmaag959slwrxn/SenxinAleste_AC_CabView.rar/file This one will be a first test, if everything is ok I will try to upload more updated configs soon and the official CabView release will follow Enjoy!! And please report us any issue
The shader has been completely rewritten to be more flexible, more fast and to fix some old difficulties and issues. It's now approx 50% faster than v3, many new features are availables and many old ones are improved: Now the curvature is available even without the CRT effect, we can fully control the full display aspect (zoom, translation, ratio) in game, inside a box ingame, out of the box ingame, and also when not ingame (when pixel test fails) The pixel test can be inverted to active the "ingame settings" when it fails (usually it is when it matches) The rotation 90CCW can be automated and all the settings are kept and will be still correct rotated or not. The CRT effect is now really an option, and the result (all the rest) will be always the very same with or without the CRT effect. The pixel test coordonates are more easy to catch A very nice frame reflexion has been added The overlay (bezel) will always match the game ratio and will follow the screen adjustements .... And it's now fully merged with PinCabView shader and so it can display many pinball PC games with backglass on 2nd screen and DMD export, portrait view and POV adjustements, brightness... Stay tuned
v4 is coming !!
Salut GameLoaderAllRH n'est quasiment jamais nécessaire avec CRTGeomMOD. utilise juste les loaders classiques avec les configurations qu'on a founies et ca devrait marcher direct
Cool PS @ducon2016 je t'ai laissé un message sur discord
?? CRTGeomMOD can resize nearly anything as you want, in any resolution, any ratio and any orientation (with or without the CRT effect) And yes the bezel can be sized as you want too and can be a 4K image. I would be surprized if it doesn't work with alpin racer... OK tested Alpine Racer just now, it can be resized as you want with CRTGeomMOD and with bezel... A quick config here : https://www.mediafire.com/file/hpt7vbmefx8o4i6/SuperAlpineRacer_CRTGeomMODv3.rar/file PS: I made some big progress recently with PinCabView releases and CRTGeomMODv4 should be released soon (I have nearly rewritten the full shader to improve performances, allow some new features and to fix some old issues. It will be probably named "CabView" from now because it will be really more than a simple CRT effect shader: Now the goal is really to get a complete solution to display everything as you want, including PC games, ArcadePC games, Emulators and also Pinball games)
1/ it should work when using the launcher included, without the launcher it can't. 2/ seems like you have the effect applied 2 times... Make a clean demul install, read again the readme (don't update reshade's dll and don't put reshade yourself) and everything should be resolved
Hi I'm pleased to share here my work. The goal of this mod is to be able to play these old PC games on virtual pinball cabinets. I found quickly a way to display them correctly using ReShade and a special selfmade shader (CRTGeomMOD helped a lot!!) but I decided to improve the result even more. So now, using this single launcher, dgVoodoo2 and ReShade (included in this patch) these games will be launched in your desktop resolution (4K is available) and with a nearly perfect Pinball Cabinet camera View. If you have a multiscreens configuration, a backglass will be added and displayed (3:4 with grill or 16:9 depending on your 2nd screen ratio) and the DMD will be exported to the grill or the 3rd screen. (if you have a DMD device you can use DMDExt to export the DMD with its screen copy feature) The result is now very nice and in most case the setting is fully automatised (most often you have now nearly nothing to set) The MOD can be used with the original old CD games or/and the most recent GOG/Steam versions. The aprons of these games have been drawn especially for this mod. Big thanks to eMBee for his amazing work on them. The launcher can now force these games to use standard VPX keyboard keys (PinCabKey option) The launcher can now force a standard "Coin Mode" for the 4 ProPinball games Now it can be used in Desktop mode too just to improve the experience (without the launcher, just using the Reshade shader, it can be used also to improve the 1st/2nd view with PinballFX2/FX3) Here some screen captures with the version 2.0 / 3.0 : What's new with 3.0 version : - DMD display improved - Shader interface (ReShade UI) improved. - Timeshock DMD hide issues fixed - DMD management for desktop users improved - All games are now using the same preset file - Desktop mode improved (single and multi screens configurations) - Standard "coin mode" added for the 4 ProPinball games (Coin key is keyboard "5") - A 2nd view with DMD hidden is now available for The Web (select view 4 or more in game options, btw the view with DMD looks better) - The Web settings are now automatized too - The games are now launched directly (menu skipped) when not in desktop mode (except 1st launch) - ExeName option removed (game exe name should be the original expected one) - Steam launch command support removed (not needed) - No1200p option removed (not needed anymore) - Launcher and shader codes improved - Memory game code patch improved, many patches added - Many fixes and improvements What's new with 2.0 version : - The 2 Addiction Pinball games are now supported (old CD's and Steam versions) - A desktop mode is now available with nearly all the features included - New aprons for all 6 games (big thanks to eMBee who did an awesome job to draw them!) - Full standard VPX keyboard keys support for all these games - Brightness can be set for the table, the backglass and the DMD (in ReShade's UI) - Needed settings are now done by the launcher, you have nothing to do. - Many fixes and improvements: it should be now mostly working without having to do anything. - DMD is now displayed by the 3rd screen by default if available. - Timeshock menu operator is always fully unlocked. ... Here how it looks now from 2.0 version : And in live action : The patch is available in main download folder (link in first page) Big thanks to eMBee for drawing most of the aprons currently in use. Awesome job!! Thanks to Ducon2016 too for the original PixelTest code taken in the amazing "CRTGeomMOD" shader ReShade home : https://reshade.me/ dgVoodoo2 home : http://dege.freeweb.hu/ dinputto8 used for AddictionPinball games by Elisha Riedlinger : https://github.com/elishacloud/dinputto8 Ogg Winmm.dll used for Timeshock : https://github.com/maximilien-noal/ogg-winmm
Non aucune config pour ce jeu, il y a un screenshake un peu pénible et du coup ca ne rend pas bien...