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Tout ce qui a été posté par Houb

  1. here the launcher code (ahk) #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetTitleMatchMode, 1 DetectHiddenWindows, On DetectHiddenText, On SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. If A_IsCompiled menu, tray, NoStandard WinTitle := "A" WinID := 0 IfNotExist, ReShade.ini { MsgBox, ReShade.ini is missing ExitApp } IfNotExist, d3d9.dll { MsgBox, Reshade's d3d9.dll is missing ExitApp } IfNotExist, ArcCabView\Shaders\ArcCabView.fx { MsgBox, ArcCabView shader (ArcCabView\Shaders\ArcCabView.fx) is missing ExitApp } IfNotExist, ArcCabView\Presets\ArcCabView.ini { MsgBox, ArcCabView preset (ArcCabView\Presets\ArcCabView.ini) is missing ExitApp } VarSetCapacity(dM,156,0), NumPut(156,2,&dM,36), NumPut(0x5c0000,dM,40) DllCall("EnumDisplaySettingsA", UInt,0, UInt,-1, UInt, &dM) 0ResX := NumGet(&dM, 108, "uint4") 0ResY := NumGet(&dM, 112, "uint4") 0Refr := NumGet(&dM, 120, "uint4") if (0ResX > 0ResY) { IfNotExist, rotate.exe { MsgBox, rotate.exe is missing ExitApp } if ((0ResX < 1920) Or (0ResY < 1080)) { MsgBox, Sorry you need at least a FullHD (1920x1080) screen ExitApp } } else { if ((0ResY < 1920) Or (0ResX < 1080)) { MsgBox, Sorry you need at least a FullHD (1920x1080) screen ExitApp } } IniRead, ExeName, ReShade.ini, ArcCabView, ExeName, SonicDash_R_Ring.exe IniRead, WinName, ReShade.ini, ArcCabView, WinName, SonicDash IniRead, PortraitMode, ReShade.ini, ArcCabView, PortraitMode, 0 IniRead, Rotate180, ReShade.ini, ArcCabView, Rotate180, 0 IniRead, FullStretch, ReShade.ini, ArcCabView, FullStretch, 0 IniRead, FullResolution, ReShade.ini, ArcCabView, FullResolution, 1 if ((A_Args[1] = "p") Or (A_Args[1] = "-p")) PortraitMode := 1 if (0ResX < 0ResY) PortraitMode := 1 if Not(FullResolution) { ResX := 1080 ResY := 1920 } else { if (0ResX > 0ResY) { ResX := 0ResY ResY := 0ResX } else { ResX := 0ResX ResY := 0ResY } } IfExist, %ExeName% { IniWrite, 4, ReShade.ini, OVERLAY, TutorialProgress IniWrite, 4, ReShade.ini, GENERAL, TutorialProgress IniWrite, .\ArcCabView\Presets\ArcCabView.ini, ReShade.ini, GENERAL, CurrentPresetPath IniWrite, .\ArcCabView\Presets\ArcCabView.ini, ReShade.ini, GENERAL, PresetFiles IniWrite, .\ArcCabView\Presets\ArcCabView.ini, ReShade.ini, GENERAL, PresetPath IniWrite, .\ArcCabView\Shaders, ReShade.ini, GENERAL, EffectSearchPaths IniWrite, .\ArcCabView\Captures, ReShade.ini, SCREENSHOT, SavePath IniWrite, .\ArcCabView\Captures, ReShade.ini, GENERAL, ScreenshotPath IniWrite, .\ArcCabView\Textures, ReShade.ini, GENERAL, TextureSearchPaths Gui, Color, Black Gui +AlwaysOnTop -Caption +ToolWindow Gui, Show, x0 y0 w%A_ScreenWidth% h%A_ScreenHeight% if (PortraitMode) { IniWrite, 0, ArcCabView\Presets\ArcCabView.ini, ArcCabView.fx, USE_BEZEL IniWrite, 9.000000`,16.000000, ArcCabView\Presets\ArcCabView.ini, ArcCabView.fx, InGame_ratio IniWrite, 1, ArcCabView\Presets\ArcCabView.ini, ArcCabView.fx, NO_ROTATE if (0ResX > 0ResY) { if (Rotate180) IniWrite, 0, ArcCabView\Presets\ArcCabView.ini, ArcCabView.fx, ROTATED_180 else IniWrite, 1, ArcCabView\Presets\ArcCabView.ini, ArcCabView.fx, ROTATED_180 } else { if (Rotate180) IniWrite, 1, ArcCabView\Presets\ArcCabView.ini, ArcCabView.fx, ROTATED_180 else IniWrite, 0, ArcCabView\Presets\ArcCabView.ini, ArcCabView.fx, ROTATED_180 } } else { IniWrite, 1, ArcCabView\Presets\ArcCabView.ini, ArcCabView.fx, USE_BEZEL IniWrite, 3.000000`,4.000000, ArcCabView\Presets\ArcCabView.ini, ArcCabView.fx, InGame_ratio IniWrite, 2, ArcCabView\Presets\ArcCabView.ini, ArcCabView.fx, NO_ROTATE if (Rotate180) IniWrite, 1, ArcCabView\Presets\ArcCabView.ini, ArcCabView.fx, ROTATED_180 else IniWrite, 0, ArcCabView\Presets\ArcCabView.ini, ArcCabView.fx, ROTATED_180 } if (0ResX > 0ResY) Run, rotate.exe 270 %ResX% %ResY% MouseMove, 4000, 0, 0 Run, %ExeName%,,,ExePID MouseMove, 4000, 0, 0 WinWaitActive, %WinName%,, 5 If Not(ErrorLevel) WinGet, WinID, ID, %WinName% MouseMove, 4000, 0, 0 ToggleFakeFullscreen(WinID) Sleep, 2000 Gui, Hide While (ExePID) { Sleep, 500 Process, Exist, %ExePID% ExePID := ErrorLevel } Gui, Show FileDelete, ArcCabView\reshade-ArcCabView-* if (0ResX > 0ResY) Run, rotate.exe 0 %0ResX% %0ResY% } else MsgBox, Game's exe %ExeName% not found ExitAPP ToggleFakeFullscreen(WinID) { CoordMode Screen, Window static WINDOW_STYLE_UNDECORATED := -0xC40000 static savedInfo := Object() if !(WinID) WinGet, WinID, ID, A if (savedInfo[WinID]) { inf := savedInfo[WinID] WinSet, Style, % inf["style"], ahk_id %WinID% WinMove, ahk_id %WinID%,, % inf["x"], % inf["y"], % inf["width"], % inf["height"] savedInfo[WinID] := "" } else { savedInfo[WinID] := inf := Object() WinGet, ltmp, Style, ahk_id %WinID% inf["style"] := ltmp WinGetPos, ltmpX, ltmpY, ltmpWidth, ltmpHeight, ahk_id %WinID% inf["x"] := ltmpX inf["y"] := ltmpY inf["width"] := ltmpWidth inf["height"] := ltmpHeight WinSet, Style, %WINDOW_STYLE_UNDECORATED%, ahk_id %WinID% mon := GetMonitorActiveWindow(WinID) SysGet, mon, Monitor, %mon% WinMove, ahk_id %WinID%,, %monLeft%, %monTop%, % monRight-monLeft, % monBottom-monTop } } GetMonitorAtPos(x,y) { SysGet monitorCount, MonitorCount i := 0 while(i < monitorCount) { SysGet area, Monitor, %i% if ( areaLeft <= x && x <= areaRight && areaTop <= y && y <= areaBottom ) return i i := i+1 } return -1 } GetMonitorActiveWindow(WinID) { WinGetPos x,y,width,height, ahk_id %WinID% return GetMonitorAtPos(x+width/2, y+height/2) } Edit I found a few issues and the config available a few post above has been updated to fix them
  2. this is basicaly what the launcher is doing now
  3. so here something with a better result (you need at least a FullHD screen mini 1920x1080) you have to disable all jconfig d3d wrapper and to start the game using the launcher. it will be launched in your desktop resolution. To get better result the launcher will now use rotate.exe if needed to rotate your screen configuration to portrait mode. extract in the exe folder, don't use the .bat to launch the game: use the launcher included directly. portrait and desktop mode are available (check reshade.ini) enjoy
  4. yes it will take you many hours even after you perfectly understood how everything is working BTW you want this hack so spend the time to do it
  5. the 1st link is a good source of info and at the end of the shumps thread you have a link to the git repro for new tools here :
  6. and why not doing it yourself??
  7. ArcCabView config with launcher available for a short time here :
  8. use the launcher included and jconfig in ReSahde ini you can set PortraitMode if you have a rotated screen. Edit (config and launcher updated): btw I will try to do something better using the rotate.exe included in this game... check the next post
  9. Don't use the rom shared by bicycle85 because the u2 included is a bad/broken dump (really broken!). get it from retroroms, the one in 0.240 sooner thread is now correct. (I fear it will be probably removed soon, so don't wait too much )
  10. It's sad, the true u2 available for now is a broken bad dump and I fear the new correct one won't probably be available soon... updated now the good u2 is now available
  11. the u2 available u2 is till the previous one (CRC32 7420302f) for now, so still not the clean dump (CRC32 668e4cd6) "use ddpsdoj u2 clean dump, with no bad blocks and empty settings sector"
  12. ?? no... just checked again and the CRC32 of the u2 is till the previous one for now, so still not the clean dump
  13. seems like it's still not the clean u2 dump : but will probably be updated soon
  14. AMD cards are "good" only for recent games, but for everything related to emulation / custom uses or old games it's just horrible, bugs everywhere... I will never buy an AMD card again... I think the only game here which is better working with an AMD card is DeathSmilesII, for all the rest I think nvidia cards are a better choice if not the only only one...
  15. thanks, but I found a more simple solution :
  16. nvidia. I tried to record with another sofware but the intro video is still not recorded. sorry. btw it works...
  17. Just with jconfig (nothing else except reg and ini fix provided with jconfig) and everything works including intro video
  18. CRC32 : 1055FDBE (works with D9AA7DAE too)
  19. I'm using the original exe, with the "fixed/patched" exe the video doesn't work
  20. To get video working you have to enable D3D overlay for this game in your registry : in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Direct3D\Shims\EnableOverlays put a REG_DWORD named like your game exe full path (example: D:\My Game Folder\game.exe) and set it to 1 (0x00000001 (1))
  21. Still working here with most updated Win10 and intro video is working too using reg fix provided with jconfig.
  22. ok never tried this emu but I will try to help trying to rename the dll flycast.dll is useless (it will never work). Flycast is a 64bit emu (Win64) so you will have to use the 64bit dll. In the emu description for the windows version we can read "DirectX9 renderer" So with luck renaming the 64 bit dll to d3d9.dll should work I let you try.
  23. here:
  24. you are aware of nothing the resolution is changed/forced by the ini just as you said above... => this is excatly how it works :D
  25. and forcing the resolution inside the reshade.ini is not good? how would you like the ini to be named??
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