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Tout ce qui a été posté par Houb

  1. removing CRT-Geom MOD Deluxe was not a good idear... most probably it should be still defined in many game's ini and now it fails. try to remove all your ini files and put the ones included in the package.
  2. Hi, Nice to meet you About CRTGeomMOD and ArcCabView they are open as you know, about the MAME BGFX chain I wanted to put the code in MAME but the devs I spoke with were not interrested at all... 😞 I'm pleased you contacted me and I would be even more pleased if you can/want to put it (or some parts) in MAME I will send you a message soon Edit: Sources and MP sent! you can try to change the few settings in "CRT Advanced" many things can be set and I'm sure you can get something as you want
  3. Just disable the effect in the chain if it's not good for you Here something that was not possible with MAME until now : And also Will be most probably put in the next MAME BGFX chain update 😎
  4. 😅 It should be fixed now Thanks for the feedback! Glad you managed to use it and get good results
  5. Generic version 2.2 available and download folder is back (MAMEUI version has been updated to 0.242) 2.2 changelog : - UserTextures folder added (you can put here your own specific games textures/bezels) - Default shader CRT settings updated with more "bloom" - Crisis Wing (PC) preset updated with a small offset to better catch the original game texture. - When used in its own directory, ArcCabView presets will be now stored in ArcCabview\UserPresets folder. - A message can be displayed after first launch (and put in the ini) to inform about specific settings needed. - Cave Story + (PC) native support added - Celeste (PC) native support added for FNA version - Katana Zero (PC) native support added - Broforce (PC) native support added - Broforce - The Expendabros (PC) native support added - Mercenary Kings (PC) native support added - Super Cyborg (PC) native support added - Jitsu Squad (PC) native support added - Asterix & Obelix - Slap Them All (PC) native support added - Cup Head (PC) native support added - Streets Of Rage 4 (PC) native support added - Neon Abyss (PC) native support added - Wonder Boy - The Dragon's Trap (PC) native support added - Xeno Crisis (PC) native support added - DeltaZeal (PC) native support added - Elevator Action Death Parade (TTX) bezel added - Mario And Sonic Olympic Games (NU) bezel added - Sonic Dash Extreme (NuSX) bezel added - And some improvements... Here is the list of the native support games of the version 2.2 (games already perfectly set) Enjoy As usual, any feedback or bug report is welcome
  6. Houb

    xbox 360 quel emulateur ?

    il y a pas mal d'emu pour xbox 360 mais il te faut effectivement une modif RGH
  7. Here the diff : It's in src/mame/video/neogeo_spr.h You just have to change NEOGEO_MAIN_CPU_CLOCK
  8. Above links updated to MAMEUI 0.242 and ArcCabView BGFX chain 2.0a
  9. Thanks guys Yep I need help and feedbacks because the goal is to get a native support for many games from start and to be able to support nearly everthing easily. At this time the base is now about nearly 100 games. When I change something it can break any of them. I can't test again all of them each time. And more than I use this tool my way because I wrote it and for me it's how it should used now but I have no clue about yours (it can be different...) Also I don't own all games!! 😄 So I don't know if some other games would need something special to run correctly. And I have a 1920x1200 screen, so I can test 1920x1080 and 1920x1200 and lower sometime but I can't really test 4K or UHD... So yes, ArcCabView "2" can be something very nice but to do it I need your feebacks and suggestions. I can't do much alone @XxTookie38xX, @Trymado, @KISS87, @arcadeforty, @anx10us I will send you a 2.2 beta. If you can test it and give me your suggestions, bug repports and any feadbacks would be welcomed If others want to bring their stone, you are welcome too Here is the list of the native support games of the 2.2 beta (games already perfectly set) ArcCabView_MAMEUI64_0.242_v1.2a : BGFX chain only to use with any recent MAME version : ArcCabView_MAME_BGFX_Chain_1.2a
  10. Thanks for your understanding This is not the end of the project. I will unlock the links for the next version (but not before) The problem is not the place (even if unfortunately many guys here are just here to take and to complain but nothing else). The issue with the bad attitude is more general and takes place nearly everywhere... and the attitude that made me disable everything was not from here in fact... So for next version I have for now : - user should be able to put its own bezels without having to change at each update time (status: already done for next versions: "UserTextures" folder will be available) - presets should be saved in ArcCabView folder and not in games folders (status: already done for next versions) - shotcuts to launch games shouldn't have the game exe sent, that way the one in the game ini would be used (status: already done for next versions) - Crisis Wing preset is not perfect: small texture offset (status: already fixed for next versions) @arcadeforty and @everyone : keep me informed if you want something else and keep me infomed if you want to test or help in any way.
  11. Yep all links are removed from now, This is not an issue. Why? Because v2 was done to help people to use ArcCabView the simplest way. The goal was to get everything set from start for many games. To achieve such things I needed feedbacks, support and help. I requested feedbacks and help weeks ago but nearly nothing, only @arcadeforty made some tests and feedbacks (thanks!) in 3 weeks... So I fear I was wrong: you don't need anything... You are happy with what you had and ArcCabView is just an aweful amount of time killed for nothing There will be probably updates later. I have a few things in mind but for now : Nothing ! As a side note: When we started CRT-Geom-MOD at first, it was just a simple mod with a few enhancements. Then it became a quite powerful tool. PinCabView and ArcCabView are very powerful they are able to do things never done before: They bring cabinet views (with backglass and DMD support) to many old PC pinball games, It brings a portrait mode to RaidenV, Aleste, and a few other vertical games without any tate features. The time we spent on this tool is now incredible and everything is free: no adds, no paypal, no donation, no patreon, nothing! Everything is free and that's how things like that should be. BTW now people are more pleased to support patreon things even when it's nothing more than piracy and don't care about free releases. They just take free tools and don't care to help, to support and to put feedbacks. They are even more pleased to say: "I don't like", "it's aweful", "it doesn't work", "avast detect a malware", "really poor result" than "thanks". It really killed my motivation... I now understand why there is less and less free things on the internet...
  12. Jitsu Squad is amazing
  13. Here a few captures of the recently added games : 😎
  14. 2.1b available - Andro Dunos II (PC) support added - Battle Crust (PC) support added - Crisis Wing (PC) support added - Final Fight LNS Ultimate (OpenBOR) support added - Marvel Infinity War (OpenBOR) support added - Streets Of Rage 2X (OpenBOR) support added - Some small improvements and changes in databases... Here the full native support list (games already completely set) 30XX (PC) Andro Dunos II (PC) Arcana Heart 2 Suggoi (NXL) Arcana Heart 3 LoveMax SixStars (NXL) Battle Squadron 2013 (PC) Blasphemous (PC) Battle Crust (PC) Battle Princess Madelyn (PC) Blazing Chrome (PC) Caladrius AC (RE2) Chaos Breaker (NXL) Chaos Breaker (TTX) Crisis Wing (PC) Cursed Castilla EX (PC) Daemon Bride Additional Gain (NXL) Darius Burst (TTX) Darius Burst EX (TTX) Dark Awake (NXL) Dead Cells (PC) DeathSmiles II (AC) Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth (PC) Devil Engine (PC) Double Dragon IV (PC) Elevator Action Death Parade (TTX) Fight'n Rage (PC) Final Fight LNS Ultimate (OpenBOR) Freedom Planet (PC) Freedom Planet 2 (PC) Gensokyo Night Festival (PC) GigaWing Generations (TTX) GuiltyGearXX Accent Core Plus R (PC) GuiltyGearXX Accent Core Plus R (RE2) GuiltyGearXrd Rev2 (RE2) Homura (NXL) Homura (TTX) Huntdown (PC) Hyper Street Fighter II (NXL) Infinos Gaiden (PC) Jamestown+ (PC) Kamui (PC) KOF Sky Stage (TTX) Mario And Sonic Olympic Games (NU) Marvel Infinity War (OpenBOR) Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code (RE2) Metagal (PC) Metaloid Origin (PC) MetalSlug XX (PC) Mighty Goose (PC) Phantom Breaker (RE2) Power Instinct 5 (NXL) Power Instinct 5 (TTX) Psychic Force 2012 (NXL) Q-Yo Blaster (PC) R-Type Dimensions EX (PC) Raiden III (NXL) Raiden III (TTX) Raiden IV (NXL) Raiden IV (PC) Raiden IV (TTX) Raiden V (PC) Rival Megagun (PC) Rivals Of Aether (PC) Rolling Gunner (APM3) Senxin Aleste (APM3) Shikigami No Shiro III (TTX) Skul The Hero Slayer (PC) Snes9x (EMU) Sonic Dash Extreme (NuSX) Sonic CD (PC) Sonic Mania (PC) Space Invaders (NXL) Steel Assault (PC) Strania The Stella Machina (NXL) Street Fighter III 3rd Strike (NXL) Street Fighter Zero 3 (NXL) Streets Of Rage 2X (OpenBOR) Super Alpin Racer (RT) Super Hydorah (PC) Super XYX (PC) The King Of Fighters 2002 UM (NXL) The King Of Fighters 2002 UM (PC) The King Of Fighters 98 UM (NXL) The King Of Fighters 98 UM (PC) The King Of Fighters 98 UM (TTX) The King Of Fighters Maximum Impact Regulation A (TTX) The Messenger (PC) The Rumble Fish 2 (NXL) Timespinner (PC) Touhou Luna Nights (PC) Trouble Witches AC (NXL) Trouble Witches AC (TTX) Vampire Savior (NXL) Yatagarasu (NXL) BTW, you can run, set and create configs for everything as you want even if it's not in this list Reminder: Example: To launch a Steam game (MyGameID is the identifiant number, you can get it by creating a shortcut for this game in steam app) : GameName=D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\My Game\My Game.exe LauncherName=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steam.exe Command=-applaunch MyGameID Example: To launch a game with TP (MyGameXmlFile.xml is the name of the xml file of this game in the folder GameProfiles) : GameName=D:\My Arcade Dumps\My Game\MyGame.exe LauncherName=C:\Teknoparrot Folder\TeknoParrotUi.exe Command=--profile=MyGameXmlFile.xml --startMinimized
  15. For R4 TTX, I think the original exe should be "4163A29C" but it doesn't work with jconfig nor any other launcher that's why there is many custom exe for this game. but for ArcCabView you need a clean custom exe (without resolution nor orientation mod) @murray Thanks, glad you like it Yes it now need clean games and clean launchers too (ie: without any mod nor rotation/display tools). All the Nesica supported games should be set in HD/YOKO (I think TP should launch all of them like that). I left CrimzonClover and Ikaruga without settings because you can run them in HD/SD and TATE/YOKO (at least you can do that with jconfig) and it changes how they are displayed. So you can set arccabview as you want according to your settings. (BTW they should work and should be displayed in your desktop resolution directly) Also a few games are completely set using the gamebase (Arcana Heart 2 Suggoi for example) so they don't have any preset but they should work and they should be set directly from start
  16. ArcCabView doesn't change the internal resolution of the game, in this case it just stretch the game to you screen size. DS2 has many graphic bugs with modern nvidia cards because of the lake of TnL support. there is a patch for this in our custom dlls, that's mostly why their use is forced in the base for this game. It fixes approx everything except the issue on the first mid boss shown in your second capture (never saw any other issue). here a video to show the result with arccabview and jconfig with patched exe (it works with the original exe and old launcher too): And thanks for your testings!!
  17. mine is "947C74DB" but really not sure it's the original one. btw it appears to work correctly and exactly like R3 ttx...
  18. You can't force a highter resolution than your screen one. If you run these games in with your screen in 4K they will run in 4K, if you run them with your screen in FullHD they will run in FullHD, for my part I'm in 1920x1200 and all the games in the list are running by default without having to change anything in 1920x1200 (except kofmira)
  19. Thanks, I updated my post above in english, sorry... About RIV and DS2, it's not normal, I just tested them again and both work great in any resolution. I think you are using RIV TTX with Nesica setting or the opposite. Try again by reseting using 2.1a and everthing should work without having to change anything PS: don't touch anything in "ArcCabView_Adv" in the ini. all of them are defined by the launcher at the first launch and shouldn't be changed at all (GameRes is the resolution of the game before patching, it's used for reference only and shouldn't be changed, it's also used to resize the game and to keep the ratio) and for most games in the base you shouldn't have to change anything in "ArcCabView_Std" too, (except some preferences like FullStretch, Ratios and PortraitMod.)
  20. @arcadeforty Thanks for the feedback! - For DS2 it should be displayed in your screen resolution (your screen resolution before launching the game) it's forced by our dll. If your screen doesn't confirm you can do a screen capture and check the image size to confirm. It should be the same for nearly all the games in the base and most of the others when you use ArcCabView (the only exception here is kofmira because of its intro overlay...) - For RIV TTX it should use dgVoodoo but in your screenshot it doesn't... try to do a reset and it should work - For SNS3 and Homura TTX it should work with the launcher, but yes if you get this you should disable dgvoodoo and use only our dlls (set dgvoodoo=0 for these 2 games and it should be ok). BTW it's updated in 2.1a available now Keep me informed, I would be pleased to get all these games working directly for everyone Edit: 2.1a dispo : - Darius Burst/Darius Burst EX (TTX) should be fixed - Raiden IV and Raiden V (PC) should be fixed too - Battle Squadron 2013 (PC) support added (demo and full CD game) - Some small improvements and changes in databases... Edit2 : sorry didn't noticed you spoke in english: updated 😄
  21. ArcCabView 2.1 Released !!! As I didn't get any feedback for the previous version 2.0, I changed many things So sorry but 2.1 will need a clean install and if you did some settings with 2.0/2.0a version they won't work. The 2.1 version should fix many issues I found and will make the things even more easy to set. I also added many native PC games support and a native support for Snes9x (1.60 and 1.61). Here the full list : 30XX (PC) Arcana Heart 3 LoveMax SixStars (NXL) Battle Princess Madelyn (PC) Blasphemous (PC) Blazing Chrome (PC) Caladrius AC (RE2) Chaos Breaker (NXL) Chaos Breaker (TTX) Cursed Castilla EX (PC) Daemon Bride Additional Gain (NXL) Darius Burst (TTX) Darius Burst EX (TTX) Dark Awake (NXL) Dead Cells (PC) DeathSmiles II (AC) Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth (PC) Devil Engine (PC) Double Dragon IV (PC) Fight'n Rage (PC) Freedom Planet (PC) Freedom Planet 2 (PC) Gensokyo Night Festival (PC) GigaWing Generations (TTX) GuiltyGearXX Accent Core Plus R (RE2) Homura (NXL) Homura (TTX) Huntdown (PC) Hyper Street Fighter II (NXL) Infinos Gaiden (PC) Jamestown+ (PC) Kamui (PC) KOF Sky Stage (TTX) Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code (RE2) Metagal (PC) Metaloid Origin (PC) MetalSlug XX (PC) Mighty Goose (PC) Power Instinct 5 (NXL) Power Instinct 5 (TTX) Psychic Force 2012 (NXL) Q-Yo Blaster (PC) R-Type Dimensions EX (PC) Raiden III (NXL) Raiden III (TTX) Raiden IV (NXL) Raiden IV (PC) Raiden IV (TTX) Raiden V (PC) Rival Megagun (PC) Rivals Of Aether (PC) Senxin Aleste (APM3) Skul The Hero Slayer (PC) Snes9x (EMU) Sonic CD (PC) Sonic Mania (PC) Space Invaders (NXL) Steel Assault (PC) Street Fighter III 3rd Strike (NXL) Street Fighter Zero 3 (NXL) Super Hydorah (PC) Super XYX (PC) The King Of Fighters 2002 UM (NXL) The King Of Fighters 2002 UM (PC) The King Of Fighters 98 UM (NXL) The King Of Fighters 98 UM (PC) The King Of Fighters 98 UM (TTX) The Messenger (PC) The Rumble Fish 2 (NXL) Timespinner (PC) Touhou Luna Nights (PC) Trouble Witches AC (NXL) Trouble Witches AC (TTX) Vampire Savior (NXL) Yatagarasu (NXL) Enjoy PS: Same as 2.0 version, ArcCabView launcher will now be able to check your game and define itself the dll to use. Also it can be put in its own folder (it's even better to do it like that) During a first launch (when you add a new game), the launcher will define - The application type (x86 or x64) - The dll used (opengl32, ddraw, vulkan, d3dx) - The true game windows name - The original game resolution Then it will put the correct dlls, use dgVoodoo if needed, and check using CRC32 if this exe is known. If it's a known game, the settings will be applied directly. If it isn't: - you will be asked for the game title - the launcher will propose a few options to set - the launcher will create an UserList and an UserBase to put your game When done, in most cases you won't need to use the launcher anymore to run your game. you can still use it or not. Also your shader settings will be saved and used, they will be stored in UserPresets directory and in your game directory. Just like CRTGeomMOD and most ArcCabView settings the game will be forced by default to run in your desktop resolution All the effects can be removed and the shader can be disabled too. So it can be used only to force the game to run in a custom resolution (the one you want) and with the shader enabled it can be used also only to force a specific ratio or a different orientation.
  22. Here a new demo video to show it works now : 😎 Edit: to use with TP (game already set in TP of course) - run ArcCabView_lancher.exe (use -r to reset if needed) - when asked for the true game exe choose the exe of the game - when asked for the launcher choose TeknoParrotUi.exe - when asked for the command to send put --profile=MyGameXmlFile.xml (the name of the TP's xml file for this game) and it should be working if the game doesn't need any screen rotation nor window maximisation it may be launched after that from TP's UI (if not just run the game from ArcCabView_Launcher.exe and it will use TP to run the game) Patch 2.0a released. Should fix a few issues
  23. If ever, I need testers and feedbacks for this new versions: I made my best to get the original CRC32 of many arcade pc games but I may have do some mistakes... Also I didn't managed to define the true CRC32 of Power Instinct 5 TTX (I have 2 differents...) nor the Raiden IV TTX one... It could be nice also to put more clones (patched exe frequently used) in the database... With this method, the main issue will be emulators and PC games because their CRC32 will change on each update... So please feel free to help with the database!
  24. ArcCabView 2.0 Released !!! This is not only an update, the shader itself is nearly the same as 1.1a, but for the rest: it's not the same as before !! 😄 So I made a full launcher, this is not only a launcher, this is a complete tool to install the shader and to set the game. How to use : - Extract the full archive in your game folder or in its own folder (remove the previous ArcCabView.ini file from the game root folder if there is already an old one) - Run "ArcCabView_launcher.exe" and set when asked the "true game exe" (the real game process), the "launcher exe" (if there is one to run) and the command to send (if there are some parameters to send) - The launcher will now try to run the game and to take some usefull informations. Just wait it should take a few seconds (max 40s) and don't touch anything during this period. - If everything is ok the game will start again with the settings known and defined during the first launch already applied. (if not some instructions could be given to help) The settings will be kept and can be used later without the launcher. But without the launcher some features can be missing (screen rotation and window maximization) If you are running the launcher from its own directory, some shortcuts will be created to acces the settings of the last game launched and to run/reset all the games already set. Portrait mode will be used if your screen display is in portrait mode but it can be forced using PortraitMode=1 in the ini or by sending "-p" to the launcher. The setup can be reset by sending "-r" to the launcher. Download folder : Games already completely set (the original exes should be used) : - Arcana Heart 2 Suggoi (AC) - Arcana Heart 3 LoveMax SixStars (AC) - Battle Princess Madelyn (PC) - Blazing Chrome (PC) - Caladrius AC (AC) - Chaos Breaker (AC) - Dark Awake (AC) - Cursed Castilla EX (PC) - Daemon Bride Additional Gain (AC) - Darius Burst (AC) - DeathSmiles II (AC) - Elevator Action Death Parade (AC) - GigaWing Generations (TTX) - GuiltyGearXX Accent Core Plus R (AC) - Homura (AC) - Hyper Street Fighter 2 (AC) - Infinos Gaiden (PC) - Kamui (PC) - KOF Sky Stage (AC) - Mario And Sonic Olympic Games (AC) - Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code (AC) - MetalSlug XX (PC) - Power Instinct 5 (AC) - Psychic Force 2012 (AC) - R-Type Dimensions EX (PC) - Raiden III (AC) - Raiden IV (AC) - Raiden V (PC) - Rolling Gunner (AC) - Senxin Aleste (AC) - Shikigami No Shiro III (AC) - Sonic Dash Extreme (AC) - Space Invaders (AC) - Street Fighter III 3rd Strike (AC) - Street Fighter Zero 3 (AC) - Super Alpin Racer (AC) - The King Of Fighters 2002 UM (AC) - The King Of Fighters 98 UM (AC) - The King Of Fighters Maximum Impact Regulation A (AC) - The Rumble Fish 2 (AC) - Trouble Witches AC (AC) - Vampire Saviour (AC) - Yatagarasu (AC) I let you try As you can see most of the the most difficult games to run are already set and should work perfect If you have a custom exe, just check the GameClones.ini and do the same in ArcCabView ArcCabView\UserClones.ini(that way it won't be erased with next updates) If you want to create more configs just check the GameBase.ini and do the same in ArcCabView\UserBase.ini (that way it won't be erased with next updates) Please keep me informed about your results I thinks it's now better to put ArcCabView in its own folder, shortcuts will be created and it will be even more easy to setup. PS : I didn't test anything using TP, btw it should be working as in most case ArcCabView launcher won't be needed anymore after the first launch and also ArcCabView launcher can Launch TP to run the game Edit "discrete update" 2: - Readme and GameBase.ini updated (should fix Elevator Action Death Parade => Edit2: now it should be and Super Alpin Racer too!) - UserBase.ini and UserClones.ini created for the example (won't be in the next updates)
  25. J'ai pas vraiment retouché à l'effet depuis la 1.1a mais le shader a un peu évolué. C'est surtout le package qui va évoluer. Là je teste et je fixe au fur et à mesure... Ca peut être dispo ce soir comme dans une semaine, ca va dépendre des problèmes que je rencontre
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