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Si et ça marche impec Regarde le screenshot de KOF99evo plus haut dans le topic, il y a la version PC mais aussi DC sur Demul PS: Accessoirement ça marche aussi avec RPCS3 d'ailleurs
Oui rien à faire hormis : - lire le readme dans l'archive pour t'assurer que ton jeu soit configuré comme il faut - extraire le contenu de l'archive dans le dossier du jeu (si le jeu est bien configuré comme demandé dans le readme) - lancer le jeu Et c'est tout! J'ai pas mesuré mais ça doit pas avoir une grosse influence sur les perfs.... PS : pour les jeux TTX/Nesica je déconseille quand même de lancer les jeux avec AllRH car il va essayer de bidouiller lui aussi les resolutions et ca risque de crasher.
Salut. On a bien bossé sur ce shader depuis la dernière mise à jour. Ducon2016 a ajouté de nombreuses nouvelles options - Possibilité de forcer la résolution de sortie (desktop ou custom) => permet de pouvoir lancer tous les jeux en 1920x1080 par exemple (ce sera désormais la résolution des nouvelles configs) - Possibilité d'activer l'effet que sur une zone précise de l'écran => utile lorsqu'il y a une interface ou un cadre autour de l'écran de jeu - Possibilité d'activer l'effet que dans certaines conditions => utile lorsque certaines scènes sont en HD et que l'on souhaite l'effet CRT seulement ingame. - Possibilité de choisir un scanline vertical => utile pour les jeux verticaux qui se lancent quand même en mode horizontal - Possibilité d'ajouter un bezel => utile pour les jeux 4/3 sur écran 16/9 ou les jeux verticaux - Nettoyage des options du shader pour améliorer sa lisibilité et sa configuration Voilà 3 exemples : Gigawing Generations (TTX) - Résolution écran 1920x1080 - Jeu tourné à l'horizontal (Ratio 3/4 TATE) - Ajout d'un bezel (original) Chaos Breaker (TTX) - Résolution écran 1920x1080 - Ajout d'un bezel (original) Raiden V (PC) - Effet CRT seulement sur la zone de jeu à l'écran - Effet scanline vertical - Zone de jeu légèrement agrandie pour une meilleure visibilité - Effet CRT activé seulement ingame Les 3 configs sont disponibles ici : http://www.mediafire.com/folder/q1rvd6ifh0x7t/Shader Dès que je trouve un peu de temps j'essaie d'en rajouter plein d'autres @+
Ben moi justement j'ai écran noir et juste la bande son pendant l'intro de kof99evo PC... pas testé kof2001 mais t'as la vidéo d'intro toi sur kof99evo? pour le forma 4/3 tu peux aller dans les options du shader et bouger l'aspect ratio
Bon si en fait la version PC marche avec les même fichiers qu' ArcanaHeart2 en mettant 320 sur x et 240 sur y
J'ai pas réussi mais on peut quand même appliquer le shader à ce jeu et y jouer dans de bien meilleures conditions d'une autre manière : On travaille encore sur le shader actuellement mais on vous en dit plus dans peu de temps
juste un petit teasing sur ce qui vous attend avec ce shader (faut regarder jusqu'à la fin) : (Désolé pour la qualité mais j'ai réduit la taille de la vidéo au max pour l'upload) Il est trop fort ce Ducon !!
Allez encore quelques ajouts sur PC ! Kamui modifié et désormais dispo en 2 versions : 1280x960 ou 1600x1200 Ajout des 3 jeux Cave (Steam) Super Hydorah et Infinos Gaiden : Arcana Heart LM6S et UNIEL[st] Et aussi Akatsuki Blitzkampf Ausf.Achse (demandé par Bigjim) et sur lequel ça change tout! D'autres encore pour plus tard !!
Déjà 2 : Ducon a aussi fait une version spéciale pour Kamui en 960p et scanline en vertical : Et quelques autres en approche! Mise à jour dans peu de temps
Never had any problem and I spent a lot of time to test and setup them. It just doesn't like to lose focus (so no Alt+Tab nor Alt+Esc) Sinon petite correction des réglages pour ShikigamiNoShiro3 qui le rendent beaucoup plus beau Et j'ai mis à jour tous les fichiers, les ai renommés de manière claire et ajouté un petit readme pour chaque jeu avec la résolution à prérégler avant de se lancer. N'hésitez pas à tester
Déjà quelques ajouts de jeux d'arcade : - Battle Fantasia (à lancer en mode HD 1280x720) - Power Instinct 5 (à lancer en mode VGA 640x480 => 1280x960) - Rumble Fish 2 (à lancer en mode VGA 640x480 => 1280x960) - Melty Blood AACC (ce jeu reste malheureusement en mode VGA 640x480 mais est beaucoup plus beau!) - Guilty Gear XX ACPR (format 4/3 sans les bords 1280x720)
CRTGeomMOD has been replaced by ArcCabView available here : (even better, more complete, some nice new features and PinCabView is now merged inside) http://www.emuline.org/topic/2598-arccabview-display-your-arcade-games-just-as-you-want/ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CRT-Geom MOD Enhanced CRT shader using Reshade by Ducon2016 and Houb DOWNLOAD ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updated 2020-04-22 (New updated configs for Demul, Model2Emu et SuperModel3 are available) Check bellow ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updated 2020-02-21 (v3.1 : bugfix, improved bezel support) For more than a year now, we are working together with Ducon2016 to supply the most perfect solution (we hope so!) to get a nice CRT effect on old and new PC games (and also Arcade PC games). (it also works with emulators, some configurations have been already shared, but it's not the original goal) This Shader is based on the excellent and well known CRT-Geom shader for ReShade. The ReShade's dll have been customized to be able to force a resolution because the effect optained needs at least a FullHD resolution to be displayed well (dlls have been recently updated to the last today ReShade version 4.5.4) Here a list of the most important and exclusive features we added to this shader - Uses of Texture/Video/Screen sizes to allow the games to be stretched at full display size (over than their original sizes). - Crop options (starts/ends) to apply the CRT effect only on a specific part of the game display - PassThroughBorders to show the original game display outside of the CRT effect area. - Full geometry support (Ratio/Zoom/Offsets,...) - Automatic and simulated ratio ajustement over screen and game sizes. - Display rotation for TATE games with automatic ratio adjustement and full option support. - Ability to enable and disable completely the CRT effect (geometry options still available even without CRT effect) - Option to self-enable the CRT effect when conditions match (pixel test) - Better results by reducing even more the moire effect (oversample option enhanced) - Enhanced grill display to match perfectly the curvature of the CRT effect - Ability to use a mask texture (1x1 or 2x2) to render at best the dot aspect - Ability to add a background color or a background image behind the display - Ability to add an overlay over the CRT effect area. - Ability to add a screen frame arround the CRT effect area. - Ability to add a bezel over the full display. - Bloom option added to enhance the full result of the CRT effect. .... Here a small video to show how it works : Some new screenshots made with the last shader v3.0 on PC/ArcadePC games : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2020-04-22 (updated 2020-04-26) CRTGeomMOD v3 for Demul with Launcher (please read the readme!!!) CRTGeomMOD 3.2 by Ducon2016 and Houb Special version with launcher and auto settings for Demul (2020-04-22) by Houb This "ready to use" config pack should give you a nice CRT effect and many enhanced features for Demul display. How to install : - First remove all the previous Reshade files including our full previous config files and presets (don't keep any old presets, dll, ini files nor launchers) - Extract the full archive in your Demul's folder just next to your original "demul.exe" (original exe should be named demul.exe). - Start the emulator exclusively with the launcher included (just click on it...) How to use : - You can use Demul as always but to get the effect you need to start the emu using the launcher included. - You can still use Demul in command line : just send usual commands to the launcher directly and not to demul.exe anymore. - You can set your emulator to any configuration (high resolution monitor will be requiered and so probably a good graphic card also...) - Use "home" key to get the ReSahde's UI option ingame. You can check CRT-effect, dot mask, bloom, bezel, background, overlay, frame, manual rotation, aspect ratio correction, crop... (your settings will be saved for the current game) - The best setting is with gpuDX11(new) plugin (works better than the old one) btw both are working (DX11old plug may crash the emu with ReShade when closing a game and CV1000 games won't look nice with this old plugin). So by defaut gpuDX11(new) is somehow forced excepting when you launch a Gaelco game in commandline (the Demul ratio is also nearly broken with these games in 4/3 so you may have to use the "ratio resize adjustement" slider in the Reshade's UI with Gaelco games in 4/3). - If fullscreen is set in Demul's config the games will be launched in fullscreen (all of them, even the ones who usually don't) - If Stretch/4:3/16:9/AutoRotate or even RotationAngles are set in Demul's config the games will be launched according to your settings and hopefully most of the shader settings should follow at best. FAQ : Help, Demul now crashes when I launch a game!! => Try to increase "SleepTime" value (ms) in "\reshade-shaders\ReShade.ini" (default is 2000) Help!! It's slow as hell... => A good computer is needed but you can try to disable bloom/frame/overlay in presets and also remove the these unused images in "reshade-shaders\textures" and "reshade-shaders" folders... Also try to increase "SleepTime" value (ms) in "\reshade-shaders\ReShade.ini" (default is 2000) Demul crashes when I quit my game!! The shader effect works only the first time I launch a game but if not the next ones... => It seams to be an issue with ReShade dlls and Demul. Again gpuDX11(new) appears to have less issues but if not Quit and Relaunch Demul when it happens... I just get nothing at all! A true shit: it doesn't work!! => Launch Demul "only using the launcher". It won't work if you launch Demul.exe directly. I don't have CRT effect with Hikaru games => Yes it's disabled by default because the render is done only in 640x480 and unfortunately it's too low to get a good result. But if you want to make a try with the effect just set "CRT_EFFECT=1" in presets (hikaru.ini and romname.ini) or check the same option ingame in Reshade's UI (home key). I put the new config over my old one and now it doesn't work! => As said above, you need to do a clean new install. Don't keep any old presets from the previous version of the shader! The effect is not pixel perfect, can I get better results?? => Yes you can try to change the texture size and offsets. By defaut it's set to 320x240 but for some games it's not perfect. Try different values, offsets... (the setting made will be saved for the current game preset) Also use "overscan" option in ReShade's UI to get your game display fullscreen and remove black bars in some games Aspect ratio is not perfect with Gaelco games in 4/3 aspect!! =>Yes and it's really worst without the shader! (Demul issue) Try to use the "resize ratio adjustement" slider to match the game display (the value is unknow because it changes with your desktop resolution...) I read the text above but want to use gpuDX11old and the option is always reseted to gpuDX11(new) at start!! => Yes because there is still some issues unfortunately with this plugin so gpuDX11(new) is somehow forced at start (excepting for Gaelco games when launched in command line). I you want really want gpudDX11old at start you can by editing AllowOld to "1" in "\reshade-shaders\ReSahde.ini" and it won't be reseted anymore next times The render in not very good when using gpuDX11old. Any hope to get better results?? => To get a good result with gpuDX11old for DC, Naomi, Atomiswave and Gaelco games in fullscreen you need "at least" internal resolution set to 2x (would be even better with 3x or more) PS : High internal resolution scale coef will degrade performances (it won't work with CV1000 and Hikaru games because they will be still rendered in x1 unfortunately). How to change the art files?? => Just check the "\reshade-shader\Textures\" folder and you will understand quickly I think if "romname.png" exist it will be used as background, if not "sysname.png" will be used (or "sysname_v.png" for rotated games) if "romname_bezel.png" exist it will be used as bezel, if not "sysname_bezel.png" will be used if "romname_off.png" exist it will be used as bezel, if not "sysname_off.png" will be used (if even sysname images are not found the arts in "\reshade-shader\" will be used instead) These images should be sized in 16:9 ratio to work correctly How to use with a FrontEnd?? => just set your frontend to the launcher's exe name using the very same commands than before (usual ones) but send them to the launcher directly! Some examples : -Naomi games: Demul07_CRTGeomMOD.exe -run=naomi -rom=mvsc2 -Atomiswave games: Demul07_CRTGeomMOD.exe -run=awave -rom=mslug6 -CV1000 games: Demul07_CRTGeomMOD.exe -run=cave3rd -rom=akatana -Gaelco games: Demul07_CRTGeomMOD.exe -run=gaelco -rom=smashdrv -Hikaru games: Demul07_CRTGeomMOD.exe -run=hikaru -rom=swracer -Dreamcast games: Demul07_CRTGeomMOD.exe -run=dc -image="D:\DC Games\King of Fighters Evolution (NTSC-J).cdi" When used with RocketLauncher I can't get fullscreen with CV1000, Gaelco and Hikaru : it goes back immediately to windowed => Yes the launcher included send Alt+Enter for these systems when Demul is set to start in fullscreen because Demul doesn't. But it seems like RocketLauncher does the same so it's sent 2 times :D In this case set "NoFullScreenFix" to "1" in "\reshade-shaders\ReShade.ini" Info / Support : http://www.emuline.org/topic/1420-shader-crt-multifonction-kick-ass-looking-games/ Credits : -"Alex DC22" for most of the bezel arts used for Naomi and Atomiswave -"AshuraX for most of the the bezel arts used for CV1000 -"Fire10" for its testing ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Old News : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few videos to show some features in action : (unfortunately the video quality is not good enough to show how it looks really) Pour utiliser ce shader avec les réglages pré-configurés, il suffit d'extraire le contenu de chaque archive dans le répertoire du jeu correspondant et de lancer le jeu. (Évidemment, rien ne vous empêche de tester le résultat sur d'autres jeux!) Pour les jeux d'arcade vous pouvez utiliser n'importe quel loader mais attention aux options d'affichage incompatibles (résolutions, effets, textures,...) Voilà bon jeu!! DOWNLOAD Crédits : d3d8.dll - Latest 1.9.1 from https://github.com/crosire/d3d8to9/releases - Thanks to Crosire d3d9.dll, d3d11.dll and reshade.fxh - Custom build of latest reshade from https://github.com/crosire/reshade - Thanks to Crosire CRTGeom.fx - Custom version of shaders from https://github.com/Matsilagi/reshade-retroarch-shaders - Thanks to Matsilagi (reshade portage), cgwg, Themaister and Dolls ddraw.dll, d3dim.dll - Latest dgVoodoo 2.55.4 from http://dege.freeweb.hu/ - Thanks to Dege Bezel KoF SkyStage from https://insertmorecoins.es/foro/bezels/(bezel)-(taito-type-x)-(kof-skystage)-disfrutarlo!/ - Thanks to itoh Many bezel arts (Demul/M2/SM3) - Thanks to AlexDC22 Many bezel arts (CV1000) - Thanks to AshuraX
- 696 réponses
Ca marche trop bien! Ca permet de redécouvrir littéralement Chaos Breaker et de pouvoir profiter d'un tas de jeux PC 640x480 avec résolution doublée en 1280x960 et un bel effet CRT ! Merci!!
In fact I have edited these "settings.ini" file with "Show=0" and it appears only a few seconds at start So not anymore an issue! Thanks!
Hi, It works now just fine with my games, but any hope to remove the "v0.3.2.3 p" green overlay?
[PS3-PC] RPCS3 : Les "bons" jeux type arcade parfaitement "jouables"
Houb a répondu à un(e) sujet de Houb dans EMULATEUR NEWS
Transparent textures for DeadStorm Pirates (and RidgeRacer7) appears to be Nvidia issues only: https://github.com/RPCS3/rpcs3/issues/5567 -
[PS3-PC] RPCS3 : Les "bons" jeux type arcade parfaitement "jouables"
Houb a répondu à un(e) sujet de Houb dans EMULATEUR NEWS
I also tested RidgeRacer7 and it works perfect at full 60fps!! https://postimg.cc/dhptkKkB Edit, Ok so more seriously RR7 works, and is playable but not perfectly at the moment. My framerate isn't stable and can change from 30 to stable 60fps ingame. Also still a few graphic problems... But runs not bad at all (ASMJT Recompiler and Audio/Buffering "disable") -
[PS3-PC] RPCS3 : Les "bons" jeux type arcade parfaitement "jouables"
Houb a répondu à un(e) sujet de Houb dans EMULATEUR NEWS
Thanks! I tested and yes it works by just activating "Write Color Buffer" option. "Strict Rendering Mode" isn't needed and scaling works. It runs great but with some slowdown on my computer (50-60fps) also BGM stops quickly. But yes near perfect!! -
[PS3-PC] RPCS3 : Les "bons" jeux type arcade parfaitement "jouables"
Houb a répondu à un(e) sujet de Houb dans EMULATEUR NEWS
Oui j'ai testé et pareil, le jeu semble tourner impec sans réglages particuliers à 60fps mais moi aussi je tire à blanc :D Pas jouable donc... Problème de collision je pense. -
[PS3-PC] RPCS3 : Les "bons" jeux type arcade parfaitement "jouables"
Houb a répondu à un(e) sujet de Houb dans EMULATEUR NEWS
Mise à jour de la liste en 1ère page! Perfectly working games (without any special setting) : 1942: Joint Strike (NPUB30024) (faster with SPU Decoder : LLVM Recompiler) After Burner Climax (NPEB00175) Aquapazza (NPUB31336) Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 (NPUB30131) Dragon's Crown (NPEB01836) Hard Corps Uprising (NPUB30096) Moon Driver (NPUB30345) NBA Jam: On Fire Edition (NPEB00650) Phantom Breaker: Extra (BLJM61098) Raystorm HD (NPJB00034) Rush'n Attack: Ex-Patriot (NPEB00299) Resogun (NPEA00433) Soldner-X 2: Final Prototype (NPUB30105) Sonic the Fighters (NPUB30927) SoulCalibur II HD Online (NPUB31366) Space Invaders Infiny Gene (PUB30305) Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD ( NPEB00036) Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection Online (NPUB30009) /!\ Version "Online" /!\ (missing some impact effects) Tekken 6 (BLES00635) TMNT: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled (NPEB00149) (ASMJIT Recompiler) Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown (NPEB00913) Perfectly working games with a quite powerfull processor (better than my i7-3770K) : Bomberman Ultra (NPEB00076) SoulCalibur IV (BLES00296) (Faster with SPU Decoder : LLVM Recompiler) The House of The Deads 4 (NPUB30603) (Powerful CPU needed) Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3 (NPUB30021) Perfectly working games needing special settings : Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax (BLJM61322) => Anisotropic Filter AUTO JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle (BLES01986) => AMD GPU Needed (Audio/Buffering Disable) (Pbm: No Lifebars with Nvidia GPU) Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi Extra (BLJM61060) => Anisotropic Filter AUTO / Resolution Scale 100% (Pbm: intro crash) Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe (NPUB30594) => Strict Rendering Mode (Pbm: Pixelated) Nurarihyon no Mago: Hyakki Ryouran Taisen (BLJM60255) => Anisotropic Filter AUTO / "NuroEbootFixer" Persona 4 Arena Ultimax (BLUS31469) => Anisotropic Filter AUTO (SPU Decoder : Interpreter) Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game (NPEB00258) => Disable Vertex Cache Short Peace: Ranko Tsukigime's Longest Day (BLES02007) => PPU Decoder : Interpreter (fast) SoulCalibur V (BLES01250) => Write Color Buffer / Resolution Scale 100% (Powerful CPU needed) The King of Fighters XII (BLES00610) => Resolution Scale 100% (Pbm: videos) Under Defeat HD Deluxe Edition (BLES01752) => Write Color Buffer (Powerful CPU needed) Quelques ajouts et modifs/updates (Faut que teste Dead Storm Pirates... ) -
As a good and simple alternative you can also use AutoHotKey to move the cursor out of the screen. For exemple you can launch GGXrd with a script like that: #NoEnv SendMode Input SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% Run, BootGGXrd.exe Sleep, 5000 MouseMove, 4000, 0, 0 ExitAPP It just launches the game, waits 5 secondes, moves the cursor at 4000 pixels to the right and closes. It can be changed easilly to work with any game by changing the exe name and the timer value (5s is a long time) It's very simple and works well. Also there is no additionnal process in the background and your mouse cursor is still working. You just have to install AutoHotKey, put the script in a text file in ".ahk" format in your game directory and launch it instead of your game. Edit : I edited my script to make it more safe by removing the application check. So it can't be blocked if you made a mistake.
[PS3-PC] RPCS3 : Les "bons" jeux type arcade parfaitement "jouables"
Houb a répondu à un(e) sujet de Houb dans EMULATEUR NEWS
I've just tested and no slowdown with the tunel stage with fire : I didn't found any "tomato festival" stage btw ^^ Edit : I've just also tested SC4 and the framerate isn't stable at all. On my computer it changes from 35 to 60fps depending the characters selected, the stage and also the exposition : -
[PS3-PC] RPCS3 : Les "bons" jeux type arcade parfaitement "jouables"
Houb a répondu à un(e) sujet de Houb dans EMULATEUR NEWS
Yes SC4 is still too slow for me too, even with SPU LLVM. But for T6 I got stable 60fps on all stages, I will try again with the latest build and let you know -
[PS3-PC] RPCS3 : Les "bons" jeux type arcade parfaitement "jouables"
Houb a répondu à un(e) sujet de Houb dans EMULATEUR NEWS
I've never got enough power to make SC4 running correctly at stable 60fps ingame. With the fastest builds, even with SPU LLVM and an OC @4.4GHz I reach only an average of approx 50fps ingame. But Tekken6 was working very well (with stable 60fps ingame and no real problem) with all the builds I've tried from many months (Arcade and Vs modes, not the 3D story mode). -
[PS3-PC] RPCS3 : Les "bons" jeux type arcade parfaitement "jouables"
Houb a répondu à un(e) sujet de Houb dans EMULATEUR NEWS
W7-x64 / i7-3770K / GTX970 / 16GB