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Tout ce qui a été posté par Houb
The 32bits version works, but yes I didn't manage to get reshade loaded with the 64bits version
Check the post 2 of this thread This is the very basic usage of ArcCabView and it was nearly the same with CRTGeomMOD too...
You can add games, just write the name of the game when asked. You don't have to choose an existing game in the list, you can also add a new game name by just enter its name
Here a new PinCabView Demo And this PinCabView2D Demo too : It shows how it works with mulltiscreens configurations in a virtual pinball cabinet
It should look the same... There is no real special treatment. can you put some screenshots in full size? (with and without ArcCabView)
@phasermaniac Sorry but no I don't know how it could be done... @KNIGHTMARE077 ArcCabView is mainly a shader so yes you can use it with reshade just like any other shader. The launcher is only here to get things more friendly as it allows usesr to install reshade (and dgvoodoo if needed) directly without having to know if the game uses opengl, directx or vulkan (it detects itself, something the reshade installer doesn't) and more than that, for more than 130 games it sets the shader itself and fixes somethime a few things. Also the launcher allows user to run games in portrait or landscape mode and can force the ratio and the resolution of many games. But yep the launcher is just a bonus
there is a CRT advanced settings and many options. after that it's reshade so yes you can add the shader you want for each games... Check the readme and how it works, it should be explained
Just launch the launcher, select you emu exe, put a command line if any. As most probably it won't be a known exe then when asked put the name of your emu and reply the few config questions. That's all. for the textures, put your bezel in the "\ArcCabView\Textures\TheNameYouGaveAbove\bezel.png" do that for every games or emus you want to add. (If the game/emu is in the known list everything should be set already).
now you can extract the archive where you want and run the launcher from a single place for all your games. Just don't move it later.
You have to copy reshade.ini and put it in your game root folder too
Il y a une variable : "frame_size" dans bgfx\effect\ArcCabView\ArcCabView.json augmente là sur chaque axe pour coller aux dimensions de ta frame.png qui doit etre dans artworks\bgfx\chains\ArcCabView\ tu vas aussi surement avoir besoin de changer "reflection_fall" pour augmenter la taille de l'effet reflection sur une frame plus large PS: ce qui est bien en mettant ces réglages seulement là c'est que toutes les chaines seront mises à jour en même temps Il y a un paquet d'options ici d'ailleurs qui ne sont pas dans les bgfx\chains\ArcCabView\ArcCabViewXXX.json parce que ce sont à mon sens des préférences globales
NesicaxLive Arcade Pc Dumps (Taito Games) | Arcade PC
Houb a répondu à un(e) sujet de Fox dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
if ever this game should work perfect using ArcCabView (ttx and nesica version) Edit : At least with jconfig and a clean dump... -
In fact you can : install and run ArcCabView from your original PC and then launch the game from your local network using directly the game exe or TP (and not arccabview)
Why the process path found is said like that?? ArcCabView can run only games from standard directories like "D:\Raiden IV\game.exe" but can't run anything using path like your one " \\PC.... " So you can't run games from home network, you have to play on local directories
Could you please give me the exact message you get? So I can search the reason
just the use reset exe of ArcCabView or the reset shortcut of this game and it should work again
NesicaxLive Arcade Pc Dumps (Taito Games) | Arcade PC
Houb a répondu à un(e) sujet de Fox dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
just try to run the game using arccabview: it should work perfect (ttx and nesica version using jconfig) -
It's still possible Just do it like that (Bloom strength in CRT Advanced options) With default bloom settings : With bloom strength = 0.0 (or with Bloom disabled) You can also set the value you want in "ArcCabView\Presets\ArcCabView_default.cfg" by adding the following line for example : BloomStrength=0.150000 That way it will be set like that for all your new games or at reset time for the previous ones I hope it helps, Enjoy! I didn't test this game that much, And sol cresta is not in the native game support. btw if you did a pixel test for this game, you can try to increase a little the "test_epsilon" value and that way it should be more tolerant Edit : I tested and yes the color update and the shaking is huge at hit time with Sol Cresta, so for sure you won't be able to set the pixel test correctly with this game... As an alternative you may try to set the game in TATE and to rotate the display using the shader, That way you can keep the CRT effect and a custom bezel all the time ^^
Please try again with the new 2.6 version, it should resolve the pixaleted result too (it was last dgVoodoo version related too...)
Nice You should get something like that with Raiden III & IV, SNS3, Gigawing Generation,... and others too If you find any issue please keep me informed: I can't check all games each update time... 😄
@gStAvEnYep just tried and it doesn't work anymore. I made some investigations and there is a problem with this game and the last dgVoodoo2 versions (it has been updated in ArcCabView packages) I just updated https://www.mediafire.com/file/vr82yfyies7iet0/ArcCabView_ReShade_Launcher_generic_2.6.7z/file So please download this fixed version and try again (as the dgVoodoo.conf file in your game folder won't match anymore, please do a reset of this game) Keep me informed
Here something else we can do using ArcCabView : And in Portrait mode :
Merci beaucoup pour tes tests Oui pour mame la chain 2.2 doit etre aussi rapide que CRTGeomDeluxe, peut-être même plus rapide en fait Content que de voir que d'autres que moi aiment le résultat!
MAME 0.275 & clones : Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator
Houb a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans EMULATEUR NEWS
ArcCabView MAMEUI(64) 0.248 with BGFX_Chain 2.2 by Aubrel (ArcCabView's BGFX chain is a MOD of CRTGeom-Deluxe BGFX Chain by cgwg) Changelog : - aperture mask code changed to match the grill and to look like our Reshade's Shader - support for 2x2 and 1x1 slot mask textures (auto switch) - native frame display support (with and without curvature) - screen reflection on frame added - frame size setting added (so you can change the frame image and resize according to the new one) - curvature without CRT effect added - better overscan support and offsets support added (so now you can resize and crop your games correctly - many settings and details improved - native overlay image support added (from 1.1 the overlay image alpha value is exponential) - improved brightness and black dots render (1.1) - halation effect improved to catch the screen dots and to look more realistic (1.1) - big performance improvement (1.2) - brightness, contrast, halation, reflection and overlay adjustements (1.2a) - half-curv & half-frame added for 2 screens games (1.3) - small typo in reflexion code fixed, curvature effect settings slightly reduced (1.4) - moire effect reduced, frame reflection contrast improved (1.4a) - many things rewritten from scratch, many small issues fixed (2.0) - even more performance improvements (2.0) - the overall display result should be improved (2.0) - the previous annoying moire effect issue should be now fully fixed (2.0) - the mask texture 1x1 is now used by default (2.0) - many default settings updated and improved (2.0) - CRT brightness increased (2.0a) - small cleanups, impovements and adjustements (2.1) - overlay texture removed and now simulated (2.2) - frame texture size and code updated (2.2) - some performance improvements (2.2) - artwork's lay files updated by r0n1n (2.2) ... Nota : The 2.x version needs previous ArcCabView's 1.x setting chains to be removed from the folder "bgfx/chains/" (to be more clean, they are now located in the "bgfx/chains/ArcCabView/" folder) The chain setting "ArcCabView_Dot" has been removed (this is now the default "ArcCabView" chain) The old default chain setting is now called "ArcCabView_Mask2" BGFX Chains presets : - "ArcCabView_Mask2" : it adds an alternate pixel effect (to use only with low-res games or with High-Res screens) - "ArcCabView_ResX2" : it doubles the horizontal resolution and adds the alternate pixel effect (to use only with low-res games or with big High-Res screens) - "ArcCabView_Flat" : it removes the curvature, the corners, the raster-bloom effect and the frame (good to use with multi-screens games) - "ArcCabView_NoCurv" : it removes the curvature effect - "ArcCabView_NoFrame" : it removes the screen frame - "ArcCabView_NoCRT" : it removes the CRT effect (but the curvature, corners and the frame are still enabled) - "ArcCabView_HalfLeft,ArcCabView_HalfRight" : for 2 screens games, it will do half-curv and half-frame on each screen (artwork examples included for darius2d and warriorb) - "ArcCabView_ThirdLeft,ArcCabView_ThirdMiddle,ArcCabView_ThirdRight" : for 3 screens games using corners and frame (artwork examples included for darius, darius2 and ninjaw) - "ArcCabView_Neo304" : it fixes the display size for 304 pixels width NeoGeo games. Also it doubles the horizontal resolution and adds an alternate pixel effect. - "ArcCabView_xxxx" : special game settings with overscan and offsets already set (mostly here as examples, do you own ones for other games) The pack contains : - ArcCabView's BGFX Chains 2.2 - A custom MAMEUI 0.248 build - Some chain settings examples - A few artwork examples - Some pre-configured ini for a few games as examples As this pack is already "set" please do a clean install!!!! The folder "artwork/ArcCabView/" is requiered to get ArcCabView's BGFX chains working (needed shader textures). The custom MAMEUI(64) 0.248 build included features : - No-Nag when "skip info" is activated (from MKChamp). - CV1000 CPU 50% underclocked, blitter delay activated and set at 57%. - Neogeo 304 pixels width games display fixed (hack from Arcade/FX build, doesn't work when using softlist) - Neogeo CPU oveclocked at 16MHz (should help some games to run better) - samsh5pf, samsh5fe and xeno (Xeno-Crisis MVS/Genesis) support added (driver and softlist) - ffightae (Final Fight 3 players hack version CPS1) added (from HBMAME) - ffightaec2 (Final Fight 3 players hack version CPS2) added (from HBMAME) - halway (Progear Hack) support added (from HBMAME) - PrimalRage2 patch applied (hack from Arcade/FX build) - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Mutant Warriors (SNES bootleg) support added (from MAME 0.249 WIP) - kovshp and kovshxas BGM fixed (hack from FinalBurn Neo) - futari15bc, futariblc and futaribljc added (color hacks) - ibaracs and ibarablkcs added (background color saturation hacks) - xenocrisis, sksonic, sksonic2, sksonic3, jimpowern and irenademo added to megadriv softlist - chaotixo "Sonic in Chaotix Hack Rev2" added to 32x softlist - jimpowern added to snes softlist - and a few other small changes... Here what you need to set in mame's ini files (when not already done) : # # CORE SEARCH PATH OPTIONS # artpath artwork # # OSD VIDEO OPTIONS # video bgfx # # BGFX POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS # bgfx_path bgfx bgfx_backend glsl bgfx_screen_chains ArcCabView PS: For me "bgfx_backend" set to "glsl" works really better than most of the others options. Some examples : -To use the shader without the curvature effect you can set instead in the ini file(s) bgfx_screen_chains ArcCabView_NoCurv -To use the shader without the CRT effect you can set instead in the ini file(s) bgfx_screen_chains ArcCabView_NoCRT -To use the shader on multi-screens games you can set instead in the ini file(s) bgfx_screen_chains ArcCabView_Flat,ArcCabView_Flat -To use the shader on multi-screens system you can set instead in the ini file(s) bgfx_screen_chains ArcCabView:ArcCabView ... Enjoy! Download : https://www.mediafire.com/file/zoaviu5j8yts9z0/ArcCabView_MAMEUI64_0.248_BGFX_Chain_2.2.7z/file Info / Support : http://www.emuline.org/topic/2598-arccabview-display-your-arcade-games-just-as-you-want/ -
Updates ArcCabView_ReShade_Launcher_generic_2.6 - "overlay texture" removed (the effect is now simulated with the new "curvature boost" option) - "oversample boost" fixed and improved - rotated game display is improved (internal gamecopy and bloomblur textures are now rotated) - bloom aspect ratio improved and fixed - default "frame texture" updated and frame display code improved - frame color and frame brightness options added - some shader improvements and fixes ArcCabView_MAME_BGFX_Chain_2.2 - overlay texture removed and now simulated - frame texture size and code updated - some performance improvements - artwork's lay files updated by r0n1n ArcCabView_MAMEUI64_0.248_BGFX_Chain_2.2 - updated with BGFX Chain 2.2 - ffightaec2 (Final Fight 3 players hack version CPS2) added (from HBMAME) - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Mutant Warriors (SNES bootleg) support added (from MAME 0.249 WIP) PinCabView2D_3.2c - updated with ArcCabView shader 2.6 (CRT effect and performances are improved) As usual, it's available here : https://www.mediafire.com/folder/5ttx0loy7lzfy/ArcCabView Enjoy! PS: the above releases are the the result of my very last updates made before I had to stop working on ArcCabView this summer. I hope nothing is broken because I'm afraid the next update won't be for this year