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Tout ce qui a été posté par Houb

  1. Voilà exactement ce que tu peux espérer avec la prochaine version en l'état : Avant : Maintenant : c'est pas encore parfait, mais déjà beaucoup mieux Par contre ce jeu semble bouger sa résolution tout le temps (avec ou sans leur option "pixel perfect") :( @Safur et @Moksi : désolé je ne sais pas...
  2. you would need probably dinput8.dll with jconfig
  3. Attends quelques jours: j'attends que Ducon2016 rentre pour qu'il jette un oeuil sur mon code (j'ai ajouté plein d'options et changé/fixé pas mal de choses ces derniers jours). Dès qu'il valide mes modifs je posterai le shader et tu pourras essayer. Normalement ça réduit quand même beaucoup cet effet de moirage.
  4. comme signalé au dessus, je suis en train de travailler sur notre shader et le problème de moirage (qui n'est présent que quand la résolution est trop faible mais qu'on peut forcer pour une une plus grosse dans reshade.ini ou quand le ratio est trop élevé comme dans les jeux verticaux) devrait être en grande parti résolu
  5. Salut, pour dxgi.dll je te laisse voir avec Ducon2016 mais il semble qu'il ne soit pas très dispo ces derniers jours... En général j'ai toujours plus ou moins réussi en renommant les dll qu'on a dans nos packs. PS: video de présentation de la prochaine version mise à jour en 1080p (la précédente version était en 1200p et c'était pas idéal...), autres liens ont été modifiés
  6. A lot of work has been done recently and I've spend a lot of time these days to get this result.... Here a demonstation of the next upcoming version :
  7. Hi, the config is given in the readme So you just need to do so : Enjoy !!
  8. Good news : A lot of work has been made ! We can now release some "FreeRes" configurations using the new version of this shader. Until now you the game were forced to 1920x1080p (or you had to launch them in 1080p) and these configurations were not able to run in any other resolution. Now, with these FreeRes configs, these game will run in your desktop resolution and should display the same everytime. So you can run them in UHD/4K if you want. Unfortunately the result won't be very good for resolution bellow FullHD. We have some nice new options and additions. For example now we can : - add an alternative bezel when the shader isn't active. - display correctly the game stretched to any resolution without any effect (I let you imagine ) - get better result when a game is rotated (no ratio control visual degradation anymore). - variables are not resolution dependant anymore so we can launch a config in any resolution and get the same result each time (even if the aspect ratio is not the same). The customised Reshade dlls made by Ducon2016 allow also to force a specific resolution or to launch in the current resolution (90% of the games tested are compatibles). You can test at this time the following FreeRes configs for example (more are already available) : As usual it's available here : FreeRes config here : Please read the "readme" file in order to get it work Let us know if it works correctly !
  9. R-Type Dimensions EX (PC) can also take advantage to our new functions. So I've updated its shader config. You can take it in the usual folder: Game video options must be set to : 1920x1080 / Widescreen / Normal 2D Camera / Without effect / Default brightness/HUD. Also you can switch from 2D to 3D mode whenever you want: as shown in the above pictures it will work even with 3D crasy setting
  10. I have updated the shader config for MeltyBloodAACC-1.07 (Arcade). You won't need LoaderAllRH anymore for this game but you will now need a custom exe made by ArcadePC/AllRH for this game. (available here : ) It can be launched by TP or jconfig (using ArcadePC jconfig exe). This is the first shader config made that can run in any resolution The game will be launched in your desktop resolution (even if the resolution of the ArcadePC/AllRH's exe doesn't match it). So 4K or FullHD (or anything else) should be supported. For best result please set your desktop resolution to your own native display resolution before launch. The ratio is defined for a 16/9 display btw... (also the overall result is better than before). Enjoy
  11. And also the same for the Nesica version of this game on a single FullHD screen : No need to make any custom resolution or anything else, it should work directly
  12. Something I always would like to get : an enhanced AC mode for the PC version of DariusBurstCS with an enlarged screen display for a single 16/9 screen configuration. This is something we can reach now using this shader without having to break the other modes of the game. No CRT effect this time, the only goal of this config is to enhance the AC mode (DariusburstAC) for single 16/9 screen users. The AC version of the game (and only the AC version) should be enlarged by 140% and should get a bezel. The other modes of the game shouldn't be impacted (they are already in 16/9 aspect ratio). The game must be set to single screen 1920x1080 in fullscreen mode. Please test it and keep me informed about any issue.
  13. As said the shader for demul has been made for the new D3D11 plugin and this plugin doesn't support internal resolution scale Also there is no need at all to upscale more the internal resolution when using a CRT shader... So no please use the new D3D11 plugin of Demul.
  14. Thanks for the feedback You're welcome! PS: We are working again on the shader with Ducon2016 and it becomes now even more powerfull I will probably upddate some of these configs in order to use the new features. Stay tuned!
  15. I have also these 2 characters and I have also the steam version It seams like the 2 games (home and arcade) share at least some config files in appdata folder...
  16. Visiblement on peut améliorer le visuel au même niveau que la version PC : - DefautGameUserSettings.ini [ScalabilityGroups] sg.ResolutionQuality=200 sg.AntiAliasingQuality=3 sg.ViewDistanceQuality=3 sg.ShadowQuality=3 sg.PostProcessQuality=3 sg.TextureQuality=3 sg.EffectsQuality=3 - DefaultScalability.ini [PostProcessQuality@2] r.SceneColorFringeQuality=0 r.TonemapperQuality=3 [PostProcessQuality@3] r.SceneColorFringeQuality=0 r.TonemapperQuality=3
  17. there is a standalone 2 players version of this game?
  18. Thanks for trying to help but I have exactly the same problem with your files (mostly the same as my previous ones btw). Still ghost keys...
  19. I still have ghost keys with this game. Each time I start a game 2 others players come to play (even without additionnal credits)... Never managed to get this game working correctly because of that. Any help would be welcome
  20. just put it in RPCS3 directory
  21. They said late 2019 for PC, so probably same date as switch release... I hope so.
  23. T'abuses un peu: les configs sont pas bien compliquées à faire...
  24. Pour Rastan Saga, il va pas le shader qui est déjà fait? Il avait été fait pour le mode HD en plus...
  25. Déjà Space Invaders PS: Bezel taken from Stuart2773 post :
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