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Tout ce qui a été posté par Houb

  1. Encore une petite mise à jour ce matin avec une nouvelle dll optimisée par ducon2016 pour que reshade fonctionne en mode "performance" lorsqu'on n'active pas l'UI (si j'ai bien compris ) Puisque t'as des soucis de performance si tu peux regarder si ca améliore quelque chose... active l'option "ShowFPS=1" dans "\reshader-shaders\ReShade.ini" pour voir l'impacte. Essaie aussi "SleepTime=3000" ça peut aider. PS: cette config est faite que pour la dernière version de demul (180428), pas sur que ca marche avec les autres (ca lit aussi les fichier de config de l'ému) et en plus le launcher utilise la base de jeu de la dernière version qui sera forcément différente avec les versions précédente.
  2. Again : The New Package for Demul using shader v3 (202-04-24) with a launcher to save configurations for each game has just been updated - The window mode improved (and now nearly perfect) - Some more ratio adjustement - You can change all your demul graphic options ingame and get the result when you come back to the game (no need to restart the game anymore). - Ratio 4/3 for Gaelco games is nearly fixed (at least for 4/3 and 16/9 screen) - Cleanups... You can download the minimal package only and add also the arts pack including many bezels ready to use (performances won't be impacted). First post and readme updated Enjoy! Please feel free to test and keep us informed here (For best results the best would be to do again a clean install )
  3. You have to set exactly the same than with the usual exe (same commandlines). Read the end of the readme. So if you have a working config for Demul it should work by just puting "Demul07_CRTGeomMOD.exe" instead of "Demul.exe".
  4. Cool ca semble marcher alors Pour le ratio 4/3 avec les jeux Gaelco essaie sans le shader c'était exactement pareil. (problème qui vient de Demul) Edit : Par contre le problème est réglé avec la nouvelle config (2020-04-24) donc si tu mets à jour efface tes presets car maintenant tes réglages vont tout casser...) Sinon pour la vitesse tu peux contrôler il y a une option "affichage fps" intégrée à reshade d'ailleurs (voir das les otions de l'UI avec la touche home/début) Le mode performance de reshade peut aussi améliorer les choses (en bas dans l'UI de reshade). Ducon2016 travail d'ailleurs sur une dll qui optimiserait ce fonctionnement
  5. je pense que quelque chose t'as changé mon beau fichier commandline.txt. Normalement moi j'avais réglé pour "game -PBsv/ -MEM256000 -F -SX1920 -SY1080" (c'est ce qu'il y a dans l'archive de la config du shader) et je pense que toi t'as maintenant un truc du genre "game -PBsv/ -MEM256000 -F -SX1440 -SY1080" non?
  6. The New Package for Demul using shader v3 with a launcher to save configurations for each game has just been updated - The window mode with gpuDX11old is now fixed. - The performances should be better (less arts by defaut and optimised launcher). - Disk game names (mostly Dreamcast game names) should be fixed. - And a few other changes. You can download the minimal package only and add also the arts pack including many bezels ready to use (performances won't be impacted). Enjoy! Please feel free to test and keep us informed here (For best results the best would be to do again a clean install ) The folder addresses have been changed, here the new one for recent updated (1st post updated also):
  7. The setting is made for the Nesica version of this game and you are trying to make the TTX version running with
  8. Cool Merci pour ton retour. Toutefois la réponse à chacune de tes remarques est belle et bien dans le readme Help!! It's slow as hell... => A good computer is needed but you can try to disable bezel/background/bloom/frame/overlay etc... Edit : la bonne solution ce serait de complètement effacer le dossier reshade-shader et de retélécharger la toute nouvelle version de ce matin (23/04) en faisant une installation propre. Déjà le launcher devrait être plus rapide. et en plus j'ai viré des textures qui servent à presque rien et qui doivent pomper un peu. De plus j'ai désactivé quelques trucs inutiles et fixé quelques soucis que j'ai repérés. Donc ca devrait être mieux. Si ca suffit pas tu peux aussi enlever overlay.png (et même frame.png si t'aimes pas trop l'effet de ce cadre) du dossier reshade-shaders\textures Je pense qu'avec tout ça ça devrait déjà aller mieux Oui mais c'est pas le but car chaque jeu et system et les options nécessitent une configuration différente donc ça "marchait" oui, mais jamais bien sans utiliser le launcher pour sauver les configs pour chaque jeu et systeme. Et le launcher était tres limité en configuration et n'autorisait presque aucune option. Demul ne sait pas lancer les Jeux Gaelco avec le nouveaux plugin (si t'essaies ca fait une erreur tout comme ici) Donc rien de nouveau et ca vient pas du shader I read the text above but want to use gpuDX11old and the option is always reseted to gpuDX11(new) at start!! => Yes because there is too much issue unfortunately. BTW it works in fullscreen. You can start the emu with gpuDX11old by editing AllowOld to "1" in \reshade-shaders\ReSahde.ini To get a good result with gpuDX11old and DC, Naomi, Atomiswave and Gaelco games in fullscreen you need "at least" internal resolution set to 2x (scale doesn't work with Cave CV1000 and Hikaru games btw) En gros je trouvais dommage d'avoir un mauvais fonctionnement pour tout (et sacrifier les jeux Cave completement) juste pour 3 jeux Gaelco. Fais des raccourcis avec les commandes données aussi dans le readme. Demul07_CRTGeomMOD.exe -run=gaelco -rom=atvtrack Demul07_CRTGeomMOD.exe -run=gaelco -rom=gfootbal Demul07_CRTGeomMOD.exe -run=gaelco -rom=smashdrv La question qui va venir juste apres ca sera : Aspect ratio is bad with Gaelco games in fullscreen!! =>Yes and it's the same without the shader (Demul issue) :D Try to use the resize_ratio adjustement to match the game display (the value is unknow because it changes with your desktop resolution...) When set you can also adjust the aspect ratio as you want (arts aspect ratio also) You can also use "Stretch" option in Demul and set your "aspect ratio" in the shader UI with the slider (probably the best option...) La encore c'est un probleme qui vient de demul. Si t'as mis un ratio de 4:3 regle le probleme une fois pour toute avec le slider "Resize Ratio Adjustement" (la valeur varie selon ta résolution et il n'y a pas de formule : c'est buggé du coté de Demul avec les jeux Gaelco justement...)
  9. No beta anymore Standard small package with minimal arts inside Additional Arts-Pack also available in option with many game backgrounds Please test and keep me informed and read the readme!!
  10. This is the job of "input image resolution" (inp_video_size) just put the size of the game here (640x480 or 1280x1280 for example) and use it with Resize Method "0" (simple from top-left corner) About the saturation, you can check the lum and also gamma sliders already
  11. CRTGeomMOD v3 for Demul with Launcher (please read the readme!!!) Please don't quote the following but feel free to test and give your results!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CRTGeomMOD 3.2 by Ducon2016 and Houb Special version with launcher and auto settings for Demul (2020-04-22) by Houb This "ready to use" config pack should give you a nice CRT effect and many enhanced features for Demul display. How to install : - First remove all the previous Reshade files including our full previous config files and presets (don't keep any old presets, dll, ini files nor launchers) - Extract the full archive in your Demul's folder just next to your original "demul.exe" (original exe should be named demul.exe). - Start the emulator exclusively with the launcher included (just click on it...) How to use : - You can use Demul as always but to get the effect you need to start the emu using the launcher included. - You can still use Demul in command line : just send usual commands to the launcher directly and not to demul.exe anymore. - You can set your emulator to any configuration (high resolution monitor will be requiered and so probably a good graphic card also...) - Use "home" key to get the ReSahde's UI option ingame. You can check CRT-effect, dot mask, bloom, bezel, background, overlay, frame, manual rotation, aspect ratio correction, crop... (your settings will be saved for the current game) - The best setting is with gpuDX11(new) plugin (works better than the old one) btw both are working (DX11old plug may crash the emu with ReShade when closing a game and CV1000 games won't look nice with this old plugin). So by defaut gpuDX11(new) is somehow forced excepting when you launch a Gaelco game in commandline (the Demul ratio is also nearly broken with these games in 4/3 so you may have to use the "ratio resize adjustement" slider in the Reshade's UI with Gaelco games in 4/3). - If fullscreen is set in Demul's config the games will be launched in fullscreen (all of them, even the ones who usually don't) - If Stretch/4:3/16:9/AutoRotate or even RotationAngles are set in Demul's config the games will be launched according to your settings and hopefully most of the shader settings should follow at best. FAQ : Help, Demul now crashes when I launch a game!! => Try to increase SleepTime value (ms) in \reshade-shaders\ReShade.ini (defaut is 2000) Help!! It's slow as hell... => A good computer is needed but you can try to disable bloom/frame/overlay in presets and also remove the these unused images in "textures" and "reshade-shaders" folders... Also try to increase SleepTime value (ms) in \reshade-shaders\ReShade.ini (defaut is 2000) Window mode is completely broken with gpuDX11old plugin! => FIXED (04-23) => yes, unfortunately... The best you can try will be to set a window resolution with the very same ratio than your desktop one (it should work!). If it doesn't help use gpuDX11(new) in window mode or gpuDX11old in fullscreen only or in stretch mode. Demul crashes when I quit my game!! The shader effect works only the first time I launch a game but if not the next ones... => It seams to be an issue with ReShade dlls and Demul. Again gpuDX11(new) appears to have less issues but if not Quit and Relaunch Demul when it happens... I just get nothing at all! A true shit: it doesn't work!! => Launch Demul "only using the launcher". It won't work if you launch Demul.exe directly. I don't have CRT effect with Hikaru games => Yes it's disabled by default because the render is done only in 640x480 and unfortunately it's too low to get a good result. But if you want to make a try with the effect just set CRT_EFFECT=1 in presets (hikaru.ini and romname.ini) or check the same option in Reshade's UI ingame (home key). I put the new config over my old one and now it doesn't work! => As said above, you need to do a clean new install. Don't keep any old presets from the previous version of the shader! The effect is not pixel perfect, can I get better results?? => Yes you can try to change the texture size and offsets. By defaut it's set to 320x240 but for some games it's not perfect. Try different values, offsets... (the setting made will be saved for the current game preset) Aspect ratio is bad not perfect with Gaelco games in 4/3 aspect!! => Nearly FIXED on 16/9 screen (04-24) =>Yes and it's really worst without the shader! (Demul issue) Try to use the "resize ratio adjustement" slider to match the game display (the value is unknow because it changes with your desktop resolution...) When set you can also adjust the aspect ratio as you want (arts aspect ratio also) You can also use "Stretch" option in Demul and set your "aspect ratio" in the shader UI with the slider (probably the best option...) I read the text above but want to use gpuDX11old and the option is always reseted to gpuDX11(new) at start!! => Yes because there is still some issues unfortunately with this plugin so gpuDX11(new) is somehow forced at start (excepting for Gaelco games when launched in command line). I you want really want gpudDX11old you can editing AllowOld to "1" in \reshade-shaders\ReSahde.ini and change (after that it won't be reseted next times) How to change the art files?? => Just check the \reshade-shader\Textures\ folder and you will understand quickly I think How to use with a FrontEnd?? => just set your frontend to the launcher's exe using the very same commands than before (usual ones) but send them to the launcher directly! Some examples : -Naomi games: Demul07_CRTGeomMOD.exe -run=naomi -rom=mvsc2 -Atomiswave games: Demul07_CRTGeomMOD.exe -run=awave -rom=mslug6 -CV1000 games: Demul07_CRTGeomMOD.exe -run=cave3rd -rom=akatana -Gaelco games: Demul07_CRTGeomMOD.exe -run=gaelco -rom=smashdrv -Hikaru games: Demul07_CRTGeomMOD.exe -run=hikaru -rom=swracer -Dreamcast games: Demul07_CRTGeomMOD.exe -run=dc -image="D:\DC Games\King of Fighters Evolution (NTSC-J).cdi" When used with RocketLauncher I can't get fullscreen with CV1000, Gaelco and Hikaru : it goes back immediately to windowed (added 04-26) => Yes the launcher included send Alt+Enter for these systems when Demul is set to start in fullscreen because Demul doesn't. But it seems like RocketLauncher does the same so it's sent 2 times :D In this case set "NoFullScreenFix" to "1" in "\reshade-shaders\ReShade.ini" Info / Support : Credits : -"Alex DC22" for most of the bezel arts used for Naomi and Atomiswave -"AshuraX for most of the the bezel arts used for CV1000 -"Fire10" for its testing ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Download :
  12. Désolé j'ai jamais testé avec ces émus (faut la dll x64 peut-être??)... Mais le mieux c'est peut-être déjà de tester ce qui marche avant de se lancer à la découverte
  13. d3d8.dll (d3d8to9) and d3d9.dll (32bits) works with GGIsuka (at least the gog version)
  14. Hi, Last days I worked on a new Demul Pack. An updated version has been requested many times and I'm glad to say it's closed to be ready This new version still includes a launcher and but should be really better than the old one. Also this time it should work even using the Demul GUI, just like the original emulator. For now there is no known restriction, every options could be used even if some of them bring sometime little better results everything seams to work If some of you want to test it next days and tell me if everything works well before a release (most probably this week) it would be nice! If you are interested to help and test please keep me informed Thanks
  15. I don't remember exactly but yes there is an issue with Hikaru games. I think Demul uses a very small frame buffer with this system and it's stretched after so we can't use our shader (it's awful when it works). For Hikaru games try to disable full resolution and forced resolution in Reshade.ini and also disable the CRT effet in the UI. PS : SuperModel3 et Model2Emu configs updated to Shader v3 are available
  16. Ca ne marche bien mieux qu'avant et c'est pas plus compliqué. Sauf qu'avant c'était au "petit bonheur la chance" pour que ca marche avec AllRH alors que maintenant ca marche presque à tous les coups. Je viens de tester PI5 et ça marche impec avec AllRH, faut juste mettre en fullscreen et mode "dg" (ca marche avec jvs_loader ou ttx_monitor) mais le jeu en version TTX uniquement (pas Nesica) et faut bien notre dll dans le dossier (avec la dll il n'y a même pas besoin d'activer ReShade dans AllRH et le résultat est meilleur qu'en utilisant la fonction ReShade de AllRH).
  17. Many new "ready to use" config files with shader v3.2 for arcade games are uploaded in V3.0 folder here : These new config files should be suitable for all loaders (ttx_monitor, jConfig/iDmacX, TeknoParrot) and should be still correct with new GameLoaderAllRH versions or without. To use with GameloaderallRH you need to set it like that (but it works also without) : Sometime it could need "Select Setting 1 in 1920x1080" instead of full screen mode... The configs are all set in HD when available so they could be used also with TP this time When using with jconfig you have to uncheck the D3D9 Wrappers At this time the following 27 arcade configs are uploaded : ArcanaHeart3LM6S_HD_Nesica_v3 ArcanaHeart26S_HD_Nesica_v3 BattleFantasia_HD_Nesica_v3 ChaosBreaker_TTX_v3 DaemonBrideAG_HD_Nesica_v3 ElevatorAction_HD_Nesica_v3 EnEinsPerfektewelt_HD_Nesica_v3 GigaWingGenerations_TTX_v3 GuiltyGearXXACPR_RingEdge2_v3 Homura_HD_Nesica_v3 HyperStreetFighter2AE_HD_Nesica_v3 KOF2K2UM_HD_Nesica_v3 KOF98UMFE_HD_Nesica_v3 KOFSkyStage_TTX_v3 MeltyBloodAACC107_RingWide_v3 PowerInstinct5_HD_TTX_v3 PsychicForce2012_HD_Nesica_v3 RaidenIII_HD_Nesica_v3 RaidenIV_HD_Nesica_v3 RastanSaga_HD_Nesica_v3 RumbleFish2_HD_Nesica_v3 ShikigamiNoShiroIII_TTX_v3 SpaceInvaders_Nesica_v3 StreetFighterIII3rdS_HD_Nesica_v3 StreetFighterZero3_HD_Nesica_v3 TroubleWitchesAC_HD_Nesica VampireSaviorTLOV_HD_Nesica_v3 To show quickly how they look with shader version 3 (you can click and watch fullsize) : Enjoy
  18. Hi, I will try to answer. 1/ if you want some game to don't use this shader just make a ini file for them and remove the chain and the BGFX mode also if you want. 2/ Mame doesn't save the BGFX shader config at this time so you can't change the setting in the UI and expect it will be applied later: it won't. The only way to change the setting is to edit the file in chain folder just like you do. If you want a special setting for some games you can dupplicate crt-geom-mod-deluxe.json in the chain directory and change the setting in it. So you can have for example in this chain folder : crt-geom-mod-deluxe.json, crt-geom-mod-deluxe2.json,crt-geom-mod-deluxe3.json, etc.. To apply one of them to some specific game just create an ini file and select the new setting for the chain (ex crt-geom-mod-deluxe2.json). Hope it helps ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PS : I'm just uploading now a few v3 shader configs for some TTX/Nesica games So feel free to check V3.0 folder here as usual :
  19. Salut, désolé j'avais pas vu ton post... avec un petit mois de retard : XenoCrisis : Lien commercial de ce jeu très récent en version rom Megadrive Irena : Free Prototype Demo 04 Sonic and Knuckles & Sonic : Sonic and Knuckles & Sonic 2 : Sonic and Knuckles & Sonic 3 : Sonic in Chaotix - Hack, Rev.2 : Voilà
  20. In the last versions of our shader it has been somehow automated. Now inp_video_size "0 x 0" means full screen size. texture_size can't be really automated because it changes for nearly every games and it has no real logic for PC games. But now "0 x 0" means game dimensions divided by 4 (it's not accurate at all btw). Also "0 x 240" now means "320 x 240" for a 4:3 game and "426.666667 x 240" for a 16:9 game for example (so it works semi-automated for square pixel games)
  21. Houb

    Game Loader All Rh

    Thanks! Nice video but it's still the old methode and not the new GameLaoderALLRH support now included BTW at this time using our dlls as you do still brings by far the best result @djexpert The way it's resized by dgVoodoo's methode brokes very often completely the rendering of the effect and the result is not good at all. To work correctly the CRT shader needs a clean full desktop size buffer and should never be resized later. And unfortunately at this time it's not the case with the actual dgvoodoo's methode used by GameLoaderAllRH. But for some games it helps
  22. Houb

    Game Loader All Rh

    Just a copy/past of my post in our shader topic. It can help here also I think How to config your game (TTX and Nesica) with CRTGeomMOD and the new GameLoaderAllRH Support : Just a general config at this time (how it works now can be changed by ArcadePC/djexpert at any time), it's not tested enougth for now and will be most probably updated later so PLEASE DON'T QUOTE ! Just put and install GameLoaderAllRH (361 and later) in your game folder and don't add any of our CRTGeomMOD dll nor configuration. In GameLoaderConfig set as follow : * Loader Mode : LoaderMode = dg * Loader Settings 3 : check ReShade * Window Size : check Full screen Mode (or "Select Setting 1" set as your full desktop resolution) * Loader Settings 1 : uncheck Desktop Rotation * Other 3 : uncheck Enable Hot key Save and launch your game with GameLoaderAllRH. The game should be displayed fullscreen and stretched to your full desktop resolution (if not there is a problem). Ingame push "Home" key to get the Reshade's UI. Ensure CRTGeomMOD is activated and set its parameters - The "game ratio" should be wrong so set it to the expected one (in Resize Advanced Settings). - The rotation should be not done so check "rotated" if needed. - The CRT effect is certainly wrong so set the internal low resolution of the game in "Simulated Texture Resolution" (usually something like 320x240 for 4/3 games or 427x240 for 16/9 ones) - You can activate bezel/background/overlay/frame images (background.png and bezel.png should be added in ".\sv\reshade-shader\textures" folder, background is the prefered option) - You can also set all the others options you want PS : in most case "Dot-Mask Texture 2x2" looks better than the defaut "Simulated Aperture (Green/Magenta)" setting. ------- Special cases : KOF MIRA : the intro video format can't be taken by our shader. If you want the full game to be 4/3 (and the intro also) and be able to put a bezel you need to set AllRH the same but : - Window Size : don't set "Full screen mode" but "Select Setting 1" and put a 4:3 resolution in it (like 1440x1080 for 1080p display). - Loader Settings 1 : "Loader to use" make sure ttx_monitor is selected To get a bezel use this time GameLoaderAllRH's bezel function - Put a bezel image (png with alpha transparency) in the folder ".\image" - Other 3 : check Enable for "Bezel Image" and select your bezel image. - Ingame, in Reshade's UI (home key) set 320x240 as "Simulated Texture Resolution"
  23. How to config your game (TTX and Nesica) with CRTGeomMOD and the new GameLoaderAllRH Support : Just a general config at this time (how it works now can be changed by ArcadePC/djexpert at any time), it's not tested enougth for now and will be most probably updated later so PLEASE DON'T QUOTE ! Just put and install GameLoaderAllRH (361 and later) in your game folder and don't add any of our CRTGeomMOD dll nor configuration. In GameLoaderConfig set as follow : * Loader Mode : LoaderMode = dg * Loader Settings 3 : check ReShade * Window Size : check Full screen Mode (or "Select Setting 1" set as your full desktop resolution) * Loader Settings 1 : uncheck Desktop Rotation * Other 3 : uncheck Enable Hot key Save and launch your game with GameLoaderAllRH. The game should be displayed fullscreen and stretched to your full desktop resolution (if not there is a problem). Ingame push "Home" key to get the Reshade's UI. Ensure CRTGeomMOD is activated and set its parameters - The "game ratio" should be wrong so set it to the expected one (in Resize Advanced Settings). - The rotation should be not done so check "rotated" if needed. - The CRT effect is certainly wrong so set the internal low resolution of the game in "Simulated Texture Resolution" (usually something like 320x240 for 4/3 games or 427x240 for 16/9 ones) - You can activate bezel/background/overlay/frame images (background.png and bezel.png should be added in ".\sv\reshade-shader\textures" folder) - You can also set all the others options you want PS : in most case "Dot-Mask Texture 2x2" looks better than the defaut "Simulated Aperture (Green/Magenta)" setting. ------- Special cases : KOF MIRA : the intro video format can't be taken by our shader. If you want the full game to be 4/3 (and the intro also) and be able to put a bezel you need to set AllRH the same but : - Window Size : don't set "Full screen mode" but "Select Setting 1" and put a 4:3 resolution in it (like 1440x1080 for 1080p display). - Loader Settings 1 : "Loader to use" make sure ttx_monitor is selected To get a bezel use this time GameLoaderAllRH's bezel function : - Put a bezel.png image in ".\image" folder. - Other 3 : check Enable for "Bezel Image" and select your bezel image. - Ingame, in Reshade's UI (home key) set 320x240 as "Simulated Texture Resolution" To be continued...
  24. push start : l'effet ne s'active que ingame @shakex I'm just now trying to make a quick tuto for GameLoaderAllRH because at this time it now works but it's very far to be plug&play. Stay tuned
  25. Je crois que TP lance tous les jeux Nesica/TTX en mode HD et il semble qu'il n'y ait pas d'option SD. mais les configs sont tres faisables si elles n'existent pas. Content que t'ais pu arriver à faire marcher le shader pour MAME. Pour FinalBurnNeo ben malheureusement non je ne ferai pas de config (j'utilise pas cet ému et par rapport à MAME je ne vois pas ce qu'il apporte...). Et malheureusement je doute que les versions actuelles de notre shader puissent marcher avec cet ému correctement.
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