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Tout ce qui a été posté par Houb
ben tu peux essayer de mettre 496x384 à la place de 331x256 (texture_size) dans l'UI de Reshade mais ca va moirer si t'es en FullHD. Pour atténuer un peu le moirage tu peux mettre l'aperture/shadow mask en 1x1 au lieu de 2x2 (aperture_type=1) ca sera déjà mieux et monter le coef boost d'oversample à 2 (ovs_boost=2.000000) au lieu de 1 et aussi baisser le dotmask à 0.280000 au lieu de 0.330000. Mais ça va moirer quand même un peu... Sinon enlever la courbure (CURVATURE=0) peut aussi être une solution très efficace mais ça tue un peu l'effet... Apres si tu veux rétrécir la zone d'affichage tu peux avec l'overscan mais ca veut dire qu'il va te manquer des zones de jeu...
Salut, Ben effectivement la résolution que j'ai mise dans la config M2 n'est pas juste... La vraie résolution de ce systeme (496 × 384) est trop forte même pour un écran FullHD (faudrait un 4K pour que ca rende bien). J'ai donc mis que 331x256 et ca rend pas trop mal en général même si c'est effectivement faux... Par contre il y a des problèmes sur ton screenshot : le bezel ne s'affiche pas en entier et est décalé par rapport au cadre (frame) et normalement si t'es bien 1920x1080 ca devrait pas faire ça avec la config M2 v3.
cool je testerai Pour l'Ui de Reshade effectivement il y a quelques jeux où on ne peut pas l'avoir et c'est super pénible (pour certaines config j'en ai un peu chié lol)...Faut éditer le preset à la main...
Super pour MW, je vais déjà tester ça!! Merci
Merci ca fait plaisir C'est clair que Space Invaders il est métamorphosé avec le shader Pour Yatagarusu il y a une config v3 pour la version PC. Pour la version Nesica ça doit pas etre très différent je pense car c'est presque le même jeu, mais j'ai jamais réussi à faire marcher la version Nesica correctement sur mon PC alors je peux pas faire grand chose...
Most wanted 2005 n'est sorti pas sur PS3 Et carbon rame à mort sur RPCS3 (il plante aux loadings sur Xenia mais marche impec sinon et en fullspeed) Mais en fait ce serait pour mettre sur ma xbox360 RGH (et donc je peux pas télécharger les TU malheureusement) J'ai testé presque toutes les versions xbox360 dispo sur le web et je n'ai trouvé que ça : Most Wanted 2005 PAL (ES) Most Wanted 2005 NTSC-U (EN) Carbon PAL (ES) Carbon NTSC (EN) Carbon CE PAL (EN) Aucune version en Francais malheureusement Most Wanted PAL FR : MediaID 2D661251 Carbon PAL FR : MediaID 3255F557 / TU#2 TU_12K21VC_000000K000000.00000000000G5 (TU#2 de Carbon FR facilement trouvable contrairement à celle de la version USA que j'aimerais bien récupérer...) Mais si tu trouves ce serait super !!
Oui ça serait vraiment cool d'avoir les iso ou RIP de Most Wanted 2005 et Carbon en Français. D'ailleurs pour NFS Carbon du coup je me suis rabatu sur la seule version en Anglais disponible sur web (NTSC-U) mais évidemment impossible de trouver l'update qui va avec lol (j'ai presque toute les autres mais pas celle-là!! lol) Tous les liens et torrents sur le web vers cette TU semblent être morts... File Name (NFS Carbon NTSC-U - Title update #2) : TU_12K21VC_0000004000000.00000000000G1 (3.80 MB) Title ID : 454107EC / MediaID : 51D2B53F Si quelqu'un a ça en stock... Merci par avance PS, pour ceux qui ne le savent pas les versions console de ces jeux ont un mode 2 joueurs en splitscreen que n'ont pas les versions PC
Any solution to get crosshairs using joysticks or keyboard with this game?
D'après le CRC de l'exe c'est la vieille version TTX de ChaosBreaker que t'avais là et pas la version Nesica. Les versions Nesica ont un mode HD avec bezels, Pour les versions Nesica, DarkAwake a les personnages façon région USA/Others de la version TTX alors que ChaosBreaker a les personnages façon région Japan visiblement.
Salut, Avec un peu de retard: Normalement tu peux atténuer l'effet avec le réglage de dotmask (mon réglage à 0.33 est peut-être un peu fort, une valeur inférieure peut être préférable...) Non désolé je sais pas et j'ai pas beaucoup testé avec GameLoaderAllRH à vrai dire... Sinon pour ceux que ça intéresse j'ai ajouté quelques configs de jeux dernièrement : CrisisWing (PC) Jamestown+ (PC) ChaosBreaker/Dark Awake (Nesica)
[Arcade PC] Tekken 7 + Fated Retribution + R2 (Namco System ES3)
Houb a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Quelqu'un aurait une solution pour que la version arcade ne change plus la configuration graphique de la version steam? (changer l'emplacement de la sauvegarde des paramètres) -
When vertical scanline is not activated, the scanline effect is built using the Y simulated texture dimension and the dot mask using the X value. When vertical scanline is activated, the scanline is built using the X simulated texture dimension and the dot mask using the Y value. Nothing is lost, nothing change and everithing work the same: this is just a rotation of the effect and the simulated texture size values should remain the very same with and without this otpion. PS : this option is also very useful to define the X Simulated Texture Size dimension with landscape games (like shown in the PF2012 video demo in the first page at 1'30'').
Can you try to explain a bit more with some screenshots please?
Hi. I'm not sure to understand, a picture would be helpful ^^ they are 2 differents things: - "input video size", this is the original resolution of the game : so 640x480 for these ones but you can leave it at 0x0 if the game is already stretched to your HD monitor's resolution. - "input texture size", this is the low internal resolution of the game, usually it's lower than 640x480 for games needing such treatment, but because windows don't accept resolution bellow 640x480 this resolution is not used for display but we will use it for the effect! Most of the games you are speaking about are rendered nearly in 320x240 so you will have to put this in texture size (if you put 640x480 here you won't have enougth pixels on you screen to display the effect, even in UHD). after that and when everything is ok if you check the "rotated" option it should be ok But I probably misunderstood your problem
if you don't like the textured mask, you can just change it (there are 3 options : simulated aperture grren/purple, textured mask 1x1 and textured mask 2x2) Also if it's too much you can change its strength (when down to 0 the full mask effect is removed) So it's not a problem it's just clear options available in settings. Examples with the crap CRT-Geom MOD Deluxe shader for MAME : Mask 2x2 / Tex 2x2 (default setting) Mask 1x1 / Tex 1x1 Simulated (green/purple) Aperture Strength set to 0 (dot simulation removed => only scanlines) And you can also set : Mask 1x1 with Tex 2x2 (interesting solution...) So finally with our crap (like you said) at least the scanline is accurate (it matches the resolution of the game!), the textured mask is optionnal and you can chose other ones, set its strength (and even remove it if you want), the curvature works even with bezels and artworks and also it works with last MAME releases... What about your amazing solution?? I will reply : the scanline is not accurate and don't match the resolution of the game at all, the full rendering is bluried, this is only plain scanline without any dot simulation, the curvature is rendered poorly and don't work with artworks and also you have to use an old obsolete MAME version to enjoy this poor result... In french we would say : "Ca donne envie!!" BTW at the beginning I had nothing against your post and your settings, and at the opposite I was quite interrested I really don't know why you insulted me and my work like that and with so much hate: I think you really have a problem... I'm disgusted to have to post things like that and I really hope you will change your attitude and stop to denigrade the work of others without any reason...
@Dante82 yes some resluts in you link (liberto forum) are really amazing. @Trouby Ok that's enough, I will play also! So this how looks your awesome settings in 4K on Youtube : This how looks CRT-Geom MOD Deluxe in 4K Yours is so awesome guy!! it makes me dream so much!! Please teach me how you managed to get a so nice result?? PS: for sure none of them looks like a real CRT screen,... but your one is so close!! when i watched your videos i really thought my screen turned into a real CRT screen!! And also your setting is so amazing that we have more scanlines than pixels : I remember, many real arcade monitors were doing such scanlines in the middle of the pixels (my grandmother did had a monitor like that!). So close to the perfection !!
That's clear : We have a winner !!! trouby is a god, trouby has found the best setting and nobody before him managed to get a so perfect result. I really hope he will be canonized, I'm sure many books will be written about his life and his contribution to make this world better. I will write myself at soon as possible a wikipedia page about him and his fabulous work and try to tell to the full earth how he opened our eyes of disbelievers. I can't find my word now: This is so amazing!!! I will never manage to thank him enough!!
Also I would like to say something else : This project started more than 1 year ago now. During these approx 15 months we have relased with Ducon2016 approx 4 big updates of this shader and probably 300 differents individual settings for nearly 100 games. At the beginning it was only a very quick update of the well known CRT-Geom shader for Reshade, only a few usefull features were added quickly. The deal was Ducon2016 at coding and myself for testings, bringing suggestions and releases and it was perfect because I didn't code for many years and also because Ducon2016 is amazing The project has grown up to now and at this time we added 1000 lines of code into this shader and bring it to a multifunction tool that can be used for many different things, even without the use of a CRT effect. This project was not only resumed to that for me. The first thing is that Ducon2016 has became a real friend. We never meet but we spent so many nights to discuss lol I also met lots of nice people here and elsewere with this project and received many thanks for what we made (always a pleasure) This was also an opportunity for me to code again after so many years. And since the end of 2019 I spent many hours days and nights to understand, to add code and fixes to this shaders (and also to the MAME's one) and to make launchers...etc.., I leaned many things I didn't know in different coding languages (very interesting!) and managed to make my own arcade cab much better than never expected. and to finish this was also a good opportunity to change my mind after my father's death... So if someone else wants to come here to only say "it's only crap" or "the result is awful", think about that, try to make friends, to learn something interresting and bring us your work instead of being only a parasite
And what? Even if you think your result is better than our, what will happen exactly?? This is not a competition and to be clear I certainly don't want to reach what I saw on your videos. If I did spent hundred of hours of work to reach your result I would be very sad to be honnest. For my part and my humble opinion of poor newbee, I'm very happy now with the result of our work and I really don't care if you don't
You are probably right. But you forget something : it's completely free and optionnal: you have not to use it if you don't like it. It's just hundred hours of work from Ducon2016 and myself and we just did it out of passion. We are pleased to share with everyone and even more pleased if others like it. I can understand you don't like it, of course it can't be a perfect illusion, but nothing can jutify your aggressive attitude
?? I missed something... What's wrong with you? I just asked 2 missing informations on your post and a screenshot to show the real result because I don't have a 4k screen and on youtube in 1080p it's not accurate because of youtube's video compression. I didn't made any review of your settings so far.... but what I read on your previous post looks like personal attacks... I hope I'm wrong...
Tu peux faire un screenshot en FullHD? (On voit rien sur tes videos, Youtube massacre trop la qualité pour qu'on puisse réellement évaluer le réel rendu) Quelle version de MAME? (tu ne le dis pas) Et quels réglages? (tu ne les donnes pas non plus)
I just tested with dolphin : no problem at all, it works with the x64 dll renamed opengl32.dll (OpenGL) and also d3d11.dll and d3d12.dll ( Direct3D11/12 but you have to disable forcedresolution and fullresolution in reshade.ini) I don't have SSF installed at all
Hi, I think you have seen yourself, you will get a better result using the rotation of the shader. You can disable AllRH auto-rotation :
Hello, Décidément on se croise partout Jamais testé avec Mugen, mais cool si ca marche en opengl Pour la touche guide la xbox360 je pense que c'est normal que l'UI de Reshade ne réponde pas, c'est la touche "home" du clavier normalement qu'il faut utiliser (on peut configurer une autre touche dans l'interface). Après ben faut un minimum de réglage, notamment faut paramétrer la taille de la texture, si tu laisses "0,0" il y a peu de chance que ça colle. Teste 320x240, 320x224 ou 320x256 pour les jeux 4/3 ou 427x240, 640x360 pour les jeux 16:9 (juste des exemple, ça peut être n'importe quoi, faut trouver ce qui va le mieux et avec muggen et des sprites probablement ripés dans des résolutions natives différentes ça risque d’être compliqué...) Edit : faut aussi faire tourner le jeux dans la résolution la plus haute possible (idéalement FullHD ou supérieur, car il faut minimum 3 à 4 fois plus de pixels à l'écran que la texture que tu vas mettre) Bon courage