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Tout ce qui a été posté par Pantherheart

  1. @MrThunderwing Joy and sorrow of the sophisticated modern day Arcade-to-PC gamer are often so close to each other, as you vividly describe it within your latest post. Due to the lack of sophistication in that field - call me a purist, in fact -, personally I still don't feel the need for anything that goes beyond a pure Teknoparrot (or JConfig) installation in combination with a simple game icon (that I usually take from the Arcade flyer jpg) for an automatic game start - and ready I am for my "ultimate" Arcade experience. No Hyperspin, no cabinet, no special sticks. Oh yeah, maybe I should evolve, but only time can tell if that will ever happen. 😀
  2. What a pity that those Battle Pods refuse to work on your preferred setup for that game. And I thought the omens were good, due to the gametechwiki contribution I had linked for you. So your last chance might indeed be to give your Barcade Windows 7 system the ultimate boost by updating it to the max. At least I can say that I still made use of a fully updated Windows 7 (32-Bit) on my old PC when that operating system was no longer supported (for even more than a year, in fact), and it wasn't to the detriment of all those Arcade games as they still continued to operate properly. As far as I'm concerned - and in terms of Arcade games -, I'm surely lagging behind, because at the moment I feel a strong need to catch up on all those interesting and technically demanding PC games I had to do without for almost a decade, since I held on to my Dual Core machine for an unbelievably long time (from Autumn 2009 until Summer 2021, to be precise). But hey, even Initial D Arcade Stage 8 Infinity ran flawlessly on that oldie, so there wasn't that much to complain about, actually. Even Lindbergh emulation in regard to Outrun 2 SP SDX (and others) didn't disappoint at all, which, of course, is a game that I always associate with you, the godfather of all Outrun media coverage out there. 👌
  3. Hi there @MrThunderwing, greetings from Germany! Long time no see, bud, and so I hope you're alright. Well, the bad news in regard to your question is that unfortunately I'm not able anymore to check if Star Wars' Battle Pods is working in a Windows 32-Bit system environment, because my PC configuration has finally changed for the good again (check my profile to find out more); but the potentially good thing is that according to this site here... (under section "Converted PC Hardware") ...only Taito Type X³ is specifically listed as being based on an embedded Windows 7 64-Bit, while Battle Pods' Namco System ES3, among others, is specified with just an embedded Windows 7 (without the Bit amount being said, which, in other words, could imply that 32-Bit is used with it). So I'd say chances are quite good that you'll find out to be a lucky guy once your pod engine is ready to take off on your old Bartop Arcade Cabinet. I'll keep those fingers crossed for you anyway. 🙂
  4. That is indeed a strange behaviour of the game, because for a product filled with so much prestige you wouldn't expect less than a cliffhanger ending, followed by a "To be continued..." message stylishly fading in and concluded by rolling credits that would have made for a worthy finish. In fact, I didn't know of any Arcade game before that was so roughly splitted into two halves respectively two Arcade machines like it had been done with the herein discussed Time Crisis 5. Although I'm quite sure that Bandai Namco Entertainment's consultants and officials could justify their reasons for doing so well enough if you were to ask them to see your own assessments of the issue confirmed. Anyway, I have thanked kimsama in the way he absolutely deserves, but I rather prefer to "think big", so to say, by saving my joy and harddisk space for the whole True Mastermind experience, because (even more) good things come to those who wait (even longer), you know. Stay tuned - and thunderwinged -, my brother in (Arcade) spirit! :-)
  5. Hi there, @MrThunderwing, long time no see, but nonetheless playing Arcade games up and down! Hope you're doing well like myself, who's successfully defying the state of pandemic emergency! :-) To answer your question (or to make a promising try, at least), the reason why kimsama's fantastic contribution, namely the 5th Arcade incarnation of the mother of all taking-cover-in-action on-rails lightgun shooters, puts a rather abrupt end to your accomplished gunfighter's deadly ambitions could be due to the possibility that this is not the True Mastermind Edition (真の黒幕編 Shin no kokumakuhen), which saw release in Arcades about half a year later and contains the second half of the original Time Crisis 5 by offering three more new stages (I wikipedia'd this info). On the other hand, the way in which your session has stopped so suddenly rather suggests some kind of bug than an official end of the game. But then again, maybe it ain't a bug, but a feature (whether to laugh or cry about that would be up to you), if considering that two Time Crisis 5 Arcade releases are out there in fact - one having an open end, and one complete affair.
  6. Maybe that's where the problem lies. So instead of not touching anything, keep holding your Steering Wheel to the left as soon as the words "Steering Left" appear on screen until the message disappears again. Right after that you're doing the same procedure with "Steering Right", and sesame! :-) After calibration is done and the game is booting, just ignore the notice "Calibration Failed" which might appear on the "Handle Calibration" screen after that. Chase HQ 2 will fully work nonetheless. Note: I don't have a steering wheel, but it's obvious that the calibration process always remains the same, no matter if it's getting handled with an XBox 360 Controller (as in my case) or with a Steering Wheel (as yours).
  7. @MrThunderwing Thanks for introducing me to the dark side of Oxford, haha. As a matter of fact, before you've filled me in, I just had a vague idea of what went lost in translation with that "shizzle", but your answer tells me that I had been on the right track at the least. So, when I was asking for a possible video review of H2Overdrive, I had one in mind in the vein of your legendary Outrun comparative video, which fascinated by its overall composition of chosen words & voice, pictures & dramaturgy. Certainly, there's not much to compare with an H2Overdrive on its own, but watching your talent for in-detail-analysises is an experience not to miss in general and definitely worth my time. If "Ich bin ein Ausländer" is the only phrase you're aware of, then it is not the baddest choice in terms of How-To-Survive-With-Just-One-Sentence-In-Germany for sure. :-) Because it won't take long after that until someone asks you if you're versed in English language, since it is still the most spoken foreign language in the whole wide world. You just can't expect the same English skill level of my average fellow countryman (as a non-native English speaker) than of someone, to give but two examples, who grows up in the Netherlands or somewhere in Scandinavia. But I'm convinced that the majority of German people will endeavour to help you along your trip with at least that little bit of English knowledge somewhere hidden in their brains about which they surely haven't forgotten from their youthful days in school. @ark216 As long as you don't learn any new German words from games like "Wolfenstein", I will sleep a little easier, haha. But seriously, I sure can see the fascination for Rammstein, even if their sound isn't quite something that personally pleases me. I'm more of a sucker for (Melodic) Hard Rock, you know.
  8. @MrThunderwing It seems that your urban slang is too much to comprehend for my German ears, which are mainly used to Oxford English, haha. So, what exactly does it mean if someone like you is "all over that shizzle", mate? :-) @All I switched back from Teknoparrot to JConfig again, but a strange issue in "Track Select" is annoying me now. In fact, the tracks Frozen Tundra and Down Underdrive are always automatically flagged as "Backwards", while the female announcer's voice sounds like gibberish (a highly indistinct mix of "backwards" and "forward", I guess) in an extremely fast loop over and over again, as soon as I highlight these tracks with my controller. At the same time, the respective track's scenery preview window in the upper part of the screen is totally kept in black. Only when I hold down the "View" button on "Frozen Tundra" or "Down Underdrive", the "Backwards" sign disappears and switches to the usual forward layout design again with a proper scenery picture as well and, obviously, no voice loop anymore. Well, I never drove on those two tracks before, so I wonder what kind of mechanism triggered that problem, because it wasn't there from scratch. So, as a result of this, I deleted my whole H2Overdrive folder and reinstalled the game again, but that didn't help one bit. Maybe there's an H2Overdrive related folder which still has to be deleted from my system's AppData, but I don't think so. Aside from this, everything else within the game works to my complete satisfaction.
  9. I'm not quite sure to what extent cross postings will be tolerated by the Mods, but seeing as we discuss any H2Overdrive problems right now, I thought it might be of interest that the game runs perfectly for me - which means that any steering and analogue accelerating + breaking issues are no longer existent - when using the latest Teknoparrot version (in fact, I downloaded it from the godly coder group's website, started it (No Patreon) and ran all the updates directly thereafter). @MrThunderwing Once you decide to create a video review of this fine motorized watersports game, please let us all know. :-)
  10. Only Santa Claus himself knows for sure what exactly took him so long this time to make me happy with at least one new super duper Arcade Game to play, but it finally happened that past evening in Germany, to be precisely, and in shape of "star-spangled" JConfig data to be found within H2Overdrive_2020_01_04.rar. Of course, it was anything else than a clear matter if and how one of my most eagerly awaited original Arcade games - namely, H2Overdrive - (Hello, MrThunderwing!) would actually work together with my ol' granny (will say: my Laptop, which already has clocked more than 10 years of good service by now). So, I grabbed the dump plus the aforementioned JConfig files, configured the total package and eventually gave it a go by a spirited click on H2Overdrive.exe... If that procedure was crowned by success? Well, I'm sure you have guessed it already that the answer is....YES!!! 60 frames per second with no whatsoever glitches so far. Which isn't that bad at all for a first look into a game whose nuances regarding technique & gameplay will surely take up some (highly pleasant, I suspect) testing time before fully opening up to me. In any case, I thank you coders so much for bringing this wonderful game to any ordinary PC (which has got at least some (little) horsepower left within its (Dual) core like mine)! :-)) Edit: Yeah, no analogue acceleration & breaking / Overall steering is a bit sensitive (still bearable, but not optimal).
  11. Yes, we can, @mark360! Since Nancy is fluent in both English and Japanese (great dubbing, by the way), it is completely up to your choice which of those two languages she'll make use of, while you chase the bad guys on her command. To do that, just open the chq2.ini to be found within your Chase HQ 2 folder and change the setting DEST_COUNTRY from value 2 (JP, V.2.06) to either 3 (US, V.2.05) or 0 (UK, V.2.08). And that's it.
  12. If you look at page 15 of this thread, you gonna find my settings for a perfectly working, mouse-operated Let's Go Island (not Let's Go Island 3D) in fullscreen, using Game Loader All RH version
  13. It is as easy as this: Just click on the tab Update Rate, then move to the field Update rate Mouse Cursor Hide, check Enable and leave a blank space within the box named ms. And so your mouse cursor will be hidden from now on whenever the game gets started. In terms of "HD", I've upscaled Operation Ghost's original resolution of 1024x600px to 1366x768px (which is my 16:9 monitor's fullscreen resolution) just by choosing Loader Mode 6, then heading over to tab Loader Settings 3 and doing the following stuff: Full Screen Resolution: 1366x768 Keep Aspect Ratio: On Force Aspect Ratio: 16:9 Especially noteworthy, by the way, is the Bicubic (PS 2.0) Expansion Filter, since its realised interpolation allows connoisseurs to smack their lips appreciatively.
  14. @POOTERMAN Are you actually able to run and access Window's command line interpreter cmd.exe as an additional program instance while Game Loader All RH is (still) running? If so, you could try using the TASKKILL command to terminate the particular .exe you'd like to kill for the time being. The command syntax is as follows: taskkill /im filename.exe /t /f Parameter descriptions: /im (particularizes the image name of the process that needs to be terminated) /t (terminates the selected process plus its child processes) /f (forcefully terminates all chosen processes)
  15. Like a Christmas phoenix from the snow-covered ashes rose this kinda interestingly appearing sleeper from your vault. Thanks for that, @Mohkerz! And even if the game is still underrepresented on the internet, the little information I found out implies that Chase HQ seems to be some kind of godfather for Hog Wild. So let's see if Uniana's interpretion of the cat-and-mouse principle can catch up with the original. I am very pleased at least to see if it does. Merry Christmas and associated holidays to all of you, whoever feels adressed!
  16. @petran79 Just follow these steps, and you should be fine: (copied & pasted from page 1) 1.To put the 3 exe in the folder of a game 2.launch the Game Loader Installer.exe file (do it once) 3.Go to C: \ Users \ My Session \ AppData \ Roaming \ Game Loader All RH 4.Edit TTX.ini and add the line warning = agree (in [ignore]) * 5. run the Game Loader Config.exe file from allrh 6. Launch Game Loader All RH.exe For additional information on Game Loader All RH, I recommend you to study WildWolf's affectionately arranged tutorial, which you will find here:
  17. @twobucks I stumbled across the same problem, but then I found out that first and foremost you have to make Operation Ghost work with Teknoparrot (Loader Settings 1 -> TeknoParrot Settings -> Select Folder). Only after completing said step you'll be able to get the game running without Teknoparrot (by checkmarking Do Not Use Teknoparrot, indeed).
  18. Tu peux trouver ce fichier via... Type X ~ X%2B (2004-2010)/Chase H.Q. 2 (2007)/ ...dans "Chase HQ2 Arcade.7z"
  19. Est-ce que tu lances Chase HQ2 avec gameorig.exe? Parce que c'est le fichier que tu as besoin pour commencer le jeu correctement.
  20. Peut-être c'est quelque chose qui le jeu fonctionne pour toi avec XBOX 360 Controller (ou similaire): 1) Sélectionne "Start Game" dans Teknoparrot (ou démarre Chase HQ2 sans ce loader) et attends jusqu'à ce que le jeu affiche "Test Menu" 2) Appuie sur le bouton "T" pour entrer, les touches directionelles pour choisir et la touche retour pour régler "Bookkeeping" and "I/O" 3) Si tu calibres la direction, tiens le stick analogique à gauche (quand tu vois le message "Steering Left") et à droite (quand tu vois le message "Steering Right") Amuse-toi bien! P.S. Ignore le message d'introduction "Calibration Failed" après tu as lancé le jeu.
  21. Here are my exact TP settings for GTI Club Super Mini Festa that I play with, using my XBox 360 Controller (plugged, not wireless). Note: Set Emulator Settings (Joystick interface) prior to Input Mapping. Emulator Settings Joystick interface: XInput Enable sTo0z Zone: 8% Game Specific Settings C:\Games\Arcade Dumps\GTI Club Supermini Festa\gti3.exe General - Windowed: OFF Input Mapping Test: Input Device 0 LeftShoulder (Left Shoulder Button) Service: Input Device 0 RightShoulder (Right Shoulder Button) Coin: Not used Start: Input Device 0 Start (Start Button) Shift Down: Not used (I'm a non-shifting sissy, haha) Shift Up: Not used (like I told you, haha) Action Button: Input Device 0 A (A Button) Select Button Up: Input Device 0 DPadUp (Digital Up Button) Select Button Down: Input Device 0 DPadDown (Digital Down Button) Select Button Left: Input Device 0 DPadLeft (Digital Left Button) Select Button Right: Input Device 0 DPadRight (Digital Right Button) Wheel Axis (by pressing the left Analogue Stick to the right): Input Device 0 LeftThumbInput Device 0 X+ (Left Analogue Button) Gas; Input Device 0 RightTrigger (Right Trigger) Brake: Input Device 0 LeftTrigger (Left Trigger)
  22. @susoarkangel & @torostanco (sorry, I can't answer you in Italian) As I understand it, the both of you were able to enter GTI Club's Test Menu and navigate through it with your pad (or keyboard), as well as starting the game by pressing the appropriate button at the Press Start screen and choosing your selections afterwards, but within the actual heat of the action, so to speak, suddenly your controls didn't respond anymore? To be honest, I don't have the slightest idea what kind of problem you're dealing with here, but nonetheless can provide you with two tips which possibly might help. 1) Check what kind of Teknoparrot input mode (XInput or DInput) works best for you (for me with an XBox 360 Controller, it's XInput) 2) Try running the game in Administrator mode (many thanks to @MrThunderwing once again for the hint that saved the day, and those which followed...:-) And by the way, I'm using TP Version 1.68 for Supermini Festa where it works error-free for me.
  23. Indeed, GTI Club Supermini Festa gives you a hard time if you wanna try to insert coins for getting any credits to start the game, eventually. But fortunately, there's an quite easy workaround for this issue. Just enter the TEST MENU => COIN OPTIONS => FREE PLAY and change the setting from NOT FREE to FREE. That, I guess, should solve your problem, if I ain't terribly wrong.
  24. I uninstalled Game Loader All RH (303) once. For doing that, I simply clicked on Game Loader Installer.exe, then followed by the Uninstall button. But something inside tells me your friend's problem won't be solved THAT easily... ;-)
  25. It wasn't until now that I became aware of EmuAl's post and his screenshots from last Friday, using pretty much the same Game Loader setup like I do. Except that I turned on Fullscreen, 16:9 mode at a resolution of 1366x768p and Bicubic interpolation for a sharper image, together with slightly different Mouse Cursor Hide settings.
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