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Tout ce qui a été posté par Friko

  1. Pas besoin de Teknoparrot pour lancer Daytona Championship USA.
  2. Esc marche pour moi. Utilise le Launcher
  3. LOL. The way I start the design of my cabinets is to primarily think about how I want it to play and how to maximize comfort. In this case, I knew I had to get cockpit chairs to begin with. Once I got it, I measured how high I wanted the steering wheel to be and how far the pedals can go. In my case, I was aiming for it to be used from 4+ years old and adults. So I had to get my kids to sit on the chair and take measurements. The rest is just an enclosure to hold the TV and to hide the PC. You should also look at existing arcade driving cabinets to give you ideas with regards to dimensions.
  4. No sorry, everything was done on the fly. There were scribbles here and there for the measurements for the woodcutting but no actual plans of the cabinet
  5. Unless someone can get hold of one of the Rpi and extract the data, I don't think there's hope
  6. Sega uses a Raspberry Pi in the original arcade. I don't think there's an image of it that's downloadable anywhere
  7. Very nice. Did you get the billboard display to work?
  9. What would you like to know more about?
  10. 1. Thrustmaster Ferrari Red Legend edition 2. Oui FFB marche mais pas sur ce volant 3. Maman joue aussi
  11. Upgrade the graphics card and ram
  12. Did some more research on the billboard. It looks like Sega is using a Raspberry Pi to handle the billboard data and output. There goes my hopes to be able to replicate it at home
  13. Once you run shell.exe, you should be able to change it in the settings, if I remember correctly. Have you tried editing x360ce.ini? No idea about DDS files
  14. Your problem: Radeon Get an Nvidia, at least a GT1030
  15. You must be doing something wrong. Mine runs full screen from the start. There is more than one place to set the full screen setting, do a search in all the ini files. You don't need 1080p to go into the menu, I have the game running on 720p TVs I set one button for insert coin and one for start, works fine
  16. Oui c'est normal. Faut que ton antivirus le laisse passer
  17. Pour celui la, dans Windows, change le 'output' du son. C'est surement en HDMI en ce moment, change le a ta carte son de ton ordi
  18. Faut regarder ce que dit le fichier systemXXX.log
  19. Je pense que Manson parle du pop up de la fenetre DOS qui apparait brievement lors du lancement du jeu. J'ai pas trouver un moyen d'enlever les concurrents.
  20. Just the logs in the shell folder. They are generated when you attempt to run shell.exe
  21. Can you run Shell.exe and access the config screen when pressing T? You do this when the game is launched Also what specs PC are you running it on?
  22. I have tried doing this without any success. I know it's possible in Daytona 1. As far as I know 1 = Blue 2 = Red 3 = Yellow 4 = Green
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