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Tout ce qui a été posté par Mohkerz
[Arcade PC] Justice League - Heroes United (Global VR)
Mohkerz a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Pour le son c'est un setup compatible Win10... pas des dll... Pour la res, le probleme est connu, as-tu essayé de passer ta résolution d'écran en 1360x768? Le ini a également quelques trucs a tester comme la détection automatique de la résolution etc..., mais tu as déja du essayer... Sinon un wrapper tel que DXwnd peut aider... -
[Arcade PC] Justice League - Heroes United (Global VR)
Mohkerz a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
@totoff28 Hello, alors pour commencer as-tu lu le READ-ME? As-tu parcouru le sujet depuis la page 1? car tout ces problemes ont été évoqués.... Pas en full screen c'est à dire? Screenshot please... As-tu modifier le fichier INI? ...mis les bonnes résolutions au bon endroit? Pour le son as-tu installé les drivers openAL qui vont bien pour Win10 et qui sont fournis par un membre dans les messages précédents? -
[Arcade PC] Aliens: Extermination (Global VR)
Mohkerz a répondu à un(e) sujet de sonic323 dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
@razor1978 wrong thread ask in the good one... @xtremebuga you have to calibrate guns in service menu, so learn to use it, here are the controls: -------------------------------------------------- To go in service menu : [5] Up and down in menu : [9] and [0] Validate : [6] Start 1P & 2P : [1] and [2] -------------------------------------------------- -
[Arcade PC] Aliens: Extermination (Global VR)
Mohkerz a répondu à un(e) sujet de sonic323 dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
@atrain9 So try that: open AMD catalyst control center (you must have it if you have an ATi card with up-to-date drivers). Go in something like gaming or 3d applications section. Then look for something like framerate control or V-sync or vertical refresh or something related. Turn this to always ON. Finally try the new settings with Aliens. Remember this setting, as you might have to disable it for some other games that would not work correctly with. If it does not work, sorry I don't know how to halp better with AMD... For nVidia users the same kind of thing applies for nVidia control center with different names, and you can have a different setting per game. Good luck! -
[Arcade PC] Aliens: Extermination (Global VR)
Mohkerz a répondu à un(e) sujet de sonic323 dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
@atrain9 well, if you want some help tell us more about your system... what OS, and what graphic card? @xtremebuga what's your graphic card? try tweaking some settings, enabling vsync for example... with nvidia control panel I know it's possible to set parameters for games individually... Oh and for both of you, I hope you're not running the game inside a VM.... it's a known behavior of the game when run inside a VM. Finally there is a commandline switch for this game that I did not find any use: try adding -nooverload to command launching aliens game exe and report anything.... -
[Arcade PC] Aliens: Extermination (Global VR)
Mohkerz a répondu à un(e) sujet de sonic323 dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
@xtremebuga About the error you posted a screenshot, just install the divx codec that is in the previous page.... Then about speed, what OS do you run? Read the whole thread i think it has been already mentionned. -
[Arcade PC] Aliens: Extermination (Global VR)
Mohkerz a répondu à un(e) sujet de sonic323 dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Ok thanks for the precise explanations! And thanks for the code too argonleouf! So my v2 launcher loads mouse_enabler with the full screen res X and Y, it's nice if your using game with full screen res too... Else this v2 launcher might load mouse_enabler with incorrect parameters.... so use another method. -
[Arcade PC] Aliens: Extermination (Global VR)
Mohkerz a répondu à un(e) sujet de sonic323 dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Ok I can add parameters, what are they exactly? Only the resX and resY? resX is screen width and resY is screen height? It will be done in 5 minutes... ALIENS+controls_LAUNCHER_v2.exe Done! Now the launcher find your screen resolution and add resX and resY parameters when launching the mouse+KB enabler, then it runs ALIENS.exe game.... Lemme know if it working good! Note: its working for any screen resolution you want automatically. Just patch game exe to your screen res at first. -
[Arcade PC] Aliens: Extermination (Global VR)
Mohkerz a répondu à un(e) sujet de sonic323 dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
The Mouse Enabler source is available in this thread. Original source was given previously by Argonlefou. Source was given too in previous pages by Ducon with modified code to use keyboard. Please just read the thread, it's only 8 pages.... And if you mean the source of the launcher, it's a simple ahk script compiled to exe. The whole code is 30 very short lines. If you want to learn about it just learn to use Autohotkey... or decompile the exe -
[Arcade PC] Aliens: Extermination (Global VR)
Mohkerz a répondu à un(e) sujet de sonic323 dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
@LEGEND80 Here is an archive with a mouse enabler moded to use "ALIENS.exe" (thanks Argonlefou & Ducon for the sources). I also included a new launcher that silently launches mouse enabler in the background and then runs the game, so you can now launch everything with one click! Have fun! ALIENSext_LAUNCHER+controlMOD_v2.rar -
[Arcade PC] Aliens: Extermination (Global VR)
Mohkerz a répondu à un(e) sujet de sonic323 dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
@maximumstyle well look page 6 and 7, there are some links....or try this one, it is working for sure, tested and approved: DivX 6.0 Codec (you don't need everything in this pack, omit the converters if you prefer to...) -
[Arcade PC] Aliens: Extermination (Global VR)
Mohkerz a répondu à un(e) sujet de sonic323 dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Copy/paste all the DLL from the DATA folder next to your exe.... then it works. The dll are alut.dll, openal32.dll, wrap_oal.dll and glut32.dll. And to use the launcher, rename the exe to ALIENS.exe. Here is a folder snapshot to help: Now your game is fully portable! -
[Arcade PC] Aliens: Extermination (Global VR)
Mohkerz a répondu à un(e) sujet de sonic323 dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
@LEGEND80 Seriously? You have to put the exe right next to DATA, AUDIO & shaders folders.... that's all...., then move the folder containing these folders, exe and dlls anywhere you want. I added here a loader that quits the game with F4 and denies some windows shortcut as ALT+tab, win keys and some else.... To use it rename your game exe to "ALIENS.exe" and use this launcher to quit game with F4. Note1: add this file next to the game exe. Note2: this is quick and dirty loader, have fun.... ALIENS_LAUNCHER.exe -
[Arcade PC] Justice League - Heroes United (Global VR)
Mohkerz a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Just read the read-me and read this thread, and then re-read them all, and again... all answers are here. This is for all people asking same again and again without reading....... JUST READ! or die! Yeah education is a key... -
[Arcade PC] Justice League - Heroes United (Global VR)
Mohkerz a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
I agree!!! That would be nice, and the problem has already been asked, answered and solved! So read the read-me then read the thread....... For 2players controls, it would be nice too if someone figured it out for everybody! I'm done with this game, and will not help further. Bye! -
[Arcade PC] Aliens: Extermination (Global VR)
Mohkerz a répondu à un(e) sujet de sonic323 dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Hello! Comme j'en discutais hier avec un mec sur 1CC, voici la dernière version du crack que j'avais fait ya déja un bon moment. Et pour ceux qui suivraient pas, pas besoin de VM ou d'images disque, de dongle ou d'émulateur, etc... juste le dossier du jeu... Donc le crack est toujours le meme et fonctionne bien, la nouveauté c'est que vous pouvez mettre le jeu ou vous voulez sur votre PC, et non plus dans "C:\PC\aliens\". Donc toujours placer cet exe à la racine du jeu et HOP! Parfait avec le ResChanger dispo... Voila le lien: ALIENS CRK v2 Allez a plus! -
[Arcade PC] Justice League - Heroes United (Global VR)
Mohkerz a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Merci qui? Merci DUCON!!! -
[Arcade PC] Justice League - Heroes United (Global VR)
Mohkerz a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
@punkdark2000 x360ce and else are XINPUT, I said DINPUT, read again, try the DLL included to this post maybe it works, else I don't care........ @bibione I personnally play the game with keyboard. For that you have to get a remapper that handles DINPUT, an XBOX controller (not Xbox360) emulator. There is one decent and easy to use called UCR that is done with autohotkey, you just have to use this, and configure as Xbox controller with 4 buttons + Start + 1 Stick (X+Y) Link: UCR @everybody: About shaky camera, as you can see on character selection screen and ingame, this game has camera control that is mapped to mouse or Xinput axis, so don't use those types of controllers is my advice. If you really want to use them, use a remapper or disable Xinput axis or raise the deadzone on the axis, that's all. Maybe the DLL in this post will help, Then if anything else, game is working very good under Win7 x64, if you have any other OS and tried everything here, well,.... install Win7. Can't help more. Xinput DLL: xinput1_3.dll -
[Arcade PC] Justice League - Heroes United (Global VR)
Mohkerz a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
@punkdark2000 read the read-me lol, dinput only........ -
[Arcade PC] Justice League - Heroes United (Global VR)
Mohkerz a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Yeah no problem! Anyway thank you all for your reports and solutions too! And have fun with this game! -
[Arcade PC] Justice League - Heroes United (Global VR)
Mohkerz a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Game is logging lots of things. Please only report logs if the game is not working, else if working, then everything's fine! I don't have much time to debug things that seems to work... The line in log file: ERROR: Could not render source output pin!...... refers to some codec errors while loading audio or video files, so you certainly have no sound or video cutscenes when this occurs. To fix this just install the good version of openAL audio thing for your OS, and the video codecs included. As mentioned in read-me, the old indeo installer is buggy with most recent OS and doesn't register DLL properly, so it's needed to perform a manual install (very easy). Then, this line must disappear from the log as you have working audio & video. -
[Arcade PC] Justice League - Heroes United (Global VR)
Mohkerz a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
@jonathanhooper please read the read-me, the codec installer is not working fine on win10 win8 or win7, it doesn't register the dll. So please install manually. -
[Arcade PC] Justice League - Heroes United (Global VR)
Mohkerz a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Ok so i don't know about this issue. Maybe try some openAL installer that is better for Win10 or tweak your audio settings. That's a problem with your system and openAL or maybe OGG vorbis as the game uses it as well. Can't help more with this, sorry... -
[Arcade PC] Justice League - Heroes United (Global VR)
Mohkerz a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
@Scooby: is it working OK now? @july2779: firstly did you read the Read-Me? then did you install openOAL from codec folder? try running this without compatibility, or better try XP... maybe you need to try some other openAL installers for windows10, i don't know about this and can't test under win10? -
[Arcade PC] Justice League - Heroes United (Global VR)
Mohkerz a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
It is not a supported resolution. Try using 1600x900 and turn fullscreen to true. Also change all lines concerned in JLH as instructed in read-me.