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Tout ce qui a été posté par Mohkerz

  1. These games need dongles to unprotect the exe... Useless as is...
  2. Ask dolphin devs... I have a wii u that allows playing it, wii can also do it...
  3. If you want more guys... Send some dumps...
  4. If you have this kind of error, its because game process is not really terminated, sometimes it hangs when you close. Just open the process manager and kill the game exe process. Then relaunch it should work.
  5. Wtf game has been released playable today... Did you enumerate all included games ? There is a lot more in the game. Activate waiwai in test menu maybe...
  6. again, what OS?, what did you try?, well....... at least it boots... try deleting avs00000.bin in bin directory. then you can try deleting everything in save directory.
  7. well, at least tell me your OS, what did you try, and else or anything that can help........ don't you think "HM?" is a little short answer?..... did you read the read-me? twice? ..........
  8. Original files: //!jSZXxI6T!22pAeo7u9iIUnw2fneAHpvn64HK6J5pW91q44x5gYB0 //!aPRGlYqS!F6bLMrRprWw3L1bU0u62udy94LqpwfIihC3XS8LXInE Mohkerz files: OK, here I got i to work with some…. work…. So you'll find the game in a playable state right below… If you have more dumps or files, let me know… The archive includes game dump with hacked exe and dlls, and a launcher taking care of path and enabling ESC for quitting. So to run the game, 2 choices: 1) just extract the archive anywhere and run the LAUNCHER exe "AS ADMIN"….or not…… If it doesn't work for you, just try number 2… 2) OR just put the extracted files on D: drive in a folder named E99 ( D:\E99 ), and run the LAUNCHER from here. If you want to run the exe by yourself, then in D:\E99\bin, run the "game.exe" to play windowed or launch "game.exe -f1 –timerfps 60" to play fullscreen Game has been tested and working pretty good under Win7 x64. [CONTROLS] 4 = COIN 5 = TEST MENU 1 = Player1 START SPACE= Player1 START LEFT = Player1 RED (left) DOWN = Player1 GREEN (center) RIGHT= Player1 BLUE (right) 2= Player2 START F= Player2 RED (left) G= Player2 GREEN (center) H= Player2 BLUE (right) 3= Player3 START J= Player3 RED (left) K= Player3 GREEN (center) L= Player3 BLUE (right) [CAB HARDWARE] CAMERA: this cab can take some picture of you and you're ennemies playing together and being so awesome! Look in SERVICE MENU if your webcam works. Mine was fully working without doing anyhthing. If you happen to take pictures in-game, you can find the crappy bmp in save folder. See the attached bmp present in the files…. REAL-IO: This cab has some buttons, only buttons, 4 for each 3 players, a start button and 3 actions buttons: RED, GREEN and BLUE. I mapped them in line on keyboard, as they are on cab. Note: The TEST button is the trickiest and sometimes is not under control,just press it once to access the TEST MENU, there you can choose/select with other buttons… Note2: I not map the SERVICE button as it doesn't appear to be used… NETWORK: Network is disabled and all e-Amusement messages have been patched to be hidden. Special thanks to: -tanisige5ch for dumping the files… come again… -DUCON for his fun! And here is the download link:!gpZAXKAT!os7aM5tEMP-PQwFnyG7kiCsZshVessHwQWca2UA4RMU!ujoikCRB!Lk8OrrkcUdZUlNCAO4M39w password is MOHKERZ Have fun! --
  9. OK, I did not fully understand last answer, but for you, original release patches and inputs are working even on Win10?.... nice! I worked on some dll patch, but to help users i have to know if they have inputs problems (only offsets?) or d3d problems.... lemme kno.
  10. Ok, so this game require some settings to run, let's try without making game portable, as it seems to break things on different systems. You will need to place game files in a specific path, and add the new simple launcher, or run the exe by yourself... This game have some path sensitive files required, especially main folder on d drive. This game creates and writes settings (nvram, coins, network, etc...) on another drive (E:, F:, or G:) in a CONF directory on root. So if you have none or if there exist one already, settings might not be saved... So, main folder need to be on D:\ drive,precisely in a "JD6" directory, so copy-paste files from the cracked archive from the first post like this: Now, for compatibility reasons and testing with your own settings, go to D:\JD6\contents\exe folder and remove some files here (just cut them and paste them somewhere else atm). There are 5 files you need to remove : d3d9.dll, d3dx9_28.dll, dbghelp.dll, dxwnd.dll and dxwnd.dxw. Now, you're ready for testing again. (Note that depending on screen resolution, game might be forced to window now or mouse offsets might be wrong... let's fix that later...) You now have 2 ways to run the game: (PLEASE REMEMBER TO RUN EXE AS ADMIN!!!) FISRT, in D:/JD6 directory copy the new launcher exe version 6_TEST from this post and just run it...... This launcher just handle some hotkeys to close game and others things, and mainly run the game with Locale emu for japanese, and the main exe (yugiame.exe) with -noerr argument. OR, You can too launch exe by yourself by issuing a bat command like this: D:\JD6\contents\exe\yugiame.exe -noerr This command will run the game with all hooks enabled to play this game on standard computer, except the Locale emulator taking care of japanese. Now that you can run the exe by yourself, let's find your own way to handle Locale... Here is new test launcher download link: TEST_FIX (password is MOHKERZ ) I included some dll for you to try to get inputs working. Just copy paste them to try in the D:\JD6\contents\exe\ folder and rename the old one.... Let me know how it works for you and if inputs are working or not, I'm currently working on dll patch for you to test.... see ya!
  11. Thanks for the screenshot, is everything OK during init ?
  12. About controls, try adding some dinput or dinput8 dll in contents/exe directory. About d drive: What is the exact error message ? Just run launcher as admin... Or Install the win7 package that give subst support to the os... Its included from longtime in updates...
  13. download link is now available!
  14. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Duel Terminal by [KONAMI] ---= Cracked by MOHKERZ =--- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi everybody! Happy new year, bonne année à tous! Here is a new arcade game released, once again, in a playable state. Game is in japanese, so it may not be fully enjoyable to everybody, but maybe someone will dump a US version, or an updated version.... let's hope... Dump includes hacked exe and dlls, a Locale emulator, DxWnd settings, and a launcher taking care of path, cursors and other commands and settings to make the game portable & one-click. So, to run the game, just extract the archive anywhere and run the LAUNCHER exe "AS ADMIN" (if not some patches may fail). Note that there is 2 launchers atm, one for full widescreen and one for fullscreen but with 4:3 aspect ratio preserved. Game has been tested and working pretty good under Win7 x64. So have fun with this one, here is the download link: "DOWNLOAD" (extract with 7zip, password is "MOHKERZ" without quotes). This next link is a first minutes gameplay video i recorded: YUGIOH Arcade Gameplay DEMO As you can see in this screenshot, SERVICE MENU is working, settings are saved, and Google Translate on phone is very helpful [CONTROLS] 1 = COIN 2 = ??? button 5 = TEST button 6 = SERVICE button SPACE = ACTION button / START MOUSE = cursor LEFT-CLICK = touch [CAB HARDWARE INFORMATION] CARD DISPENSER: this cab can dispense some yugioh cards, your computer can't... anyway the device is emulated to fool the game. Don't play to much with it, as it is simply bypassed. There is a FREEPLAY setting in SERVICE MENU that allows to fully disable it in-game. CARD SCANNER: Yugioh Duel Terminal cards embed QRcodes and can be scanned by being placed face down on the cab front panel center. Here some patches, made the thing work with my laptop webcam. Have some fun with yours. There is a SERVICE MENU test screen that helps with that. REAL-IO buttons:This cab has some buttons like SERVICE, TEST and COIN. There is also a big ACTION button that is the main control button, and is mapped to SPACE. Note: there is another button i did not found useful atm, but i mapped it to key 2. TOUCH PANEL: This cab uses a touch screen, and that was the real "fun" here. Screen isn't even multi touch. So i mapped the mouse to fully replace the touch screen, and left-click is the touch event. Small bug: Sometimes, input seems to be OFF, but everything comes back to normal quickly... need to debug more... NETWORK: This might work if you intend to link computers, but i did not tried or fixed anything here. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please note that files are modified and will not properly work on a REAL Yugioh Duel Terminal cabinet. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special thanks to: -DUCON for his knowledge and his friendship. -Manson for the logo design -the person that dumped and uploaded the files... come again... -xupefei for his Locale emulator. -ghotik for DxWnd. -and some more that shared code ,advices & kindness... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Others dumps: Check here:
  15. Hello, here comes a new dump in a playable state… Old game from UNIANA (remember Frenzy Express?), released in 2003. CONTROLS: 1=COIN 5=TEST 6=SERVICE ENTER=START UP=ACCEL DOWN=BRAKE SHIFT=GEARUP CTRL=GEARDOWN SPACE=VIEW LEFT-RIGHT=STEERING Just unzip the archive and run launcher or exe in bin directory. This game uses d3d8 so i used dgvoodoo to make it look better, feel free to tune the settings by running dgvoodoo exe in bin dir. THE LINK:!F1Y30CCS!2G0F2Cj2G1M2jGwCLcadUh7aSrPPKa0FLHnNpQT-iCk Merry christmas et joyeux noel!!!! Enjoy! --
  16. Mohkerz

    King Of Fighters 94

    Or the XBOX unreleased KOF94 Rebout........ HERE!
  17. dongle looks same but data are different
  18. Excellent boulot!
  19. Mohkerz


    Dispo sous format CHD pour MAME, c'est la version Chihiro of course....... Par contre, ce jeu est pas compatible avec les xbox upgradées avec 128 Mo de RAM. Il n'y a que 3 jeux qui fonctionnent sur ces xbox bidouillées: ghost squad, virtua cop 3 et outrun 2 version DEMO... Et de plus, ce jeu nécessite une IO un peu spéciale, si je me souviens bien c'est une grosse planche de skate le controlleur sur la borne. Libre à toi d'extraire les fichiers du CHD et de bosser dessus pour faire tourner Ollie King, mais bon courage!
  20. Plus personne ne cherche, ça fonctionne... Tout le monde a fini par trouver, tu va bien y arriver... Courage! Si tu as tout essayé, dis nous quoi? On ne peut pas deviner ta solution perso si tu ne nous en dit pas plus... Le fichier ini possede beaucoup de reglages différents, pas seulement fullscreen true/false. Et dans le cas contraire je te répete de retenter avec un wrapper different, WineD3D fonctionne c'est sur, mais c'est lent.... Apres il y a encore DXwnd ou DXgl a essayer... voir meme RHloader... Bref... Et encore, si ce n'est pas un autre logiciel qui entre en conflit avec ce jeu en particulier... Pour le son, le setup OpenAL pour Windows 10 a été mis en lien dans les pages précédentes. Mais je me répéte... Peut-etre a voir avec l'interface chaise/clavier,des mauvaises manip, des autorisations sur fichiers ou systeme, lancer les setup en admin ou que sais-je....
  21. @RandomAccessGamer well, just reorder your files accordingly to this post on the page 8: Hope it helps. Bye!
  22. If you have the original arcade machine and no recovery disk, you can reinstall an OS, and add the game. Maybe you will miss some drivers... The better way is to order recovery disks to GlobalVR...
  23. Why would you need an iso? You have the full game in the archive... And there is no ISO, only a virtual machine HDD image... if you find it you will only be able to run it in VMware or else, with all known issues like speed and controls lag...
  24. OK! Voila la solution ultime à tous ceux qui n'arrivent pas à régler leurs soucis sous Windows 10 !!!!!! !!! ULTIMATE SOLUTION !!! Adios!
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