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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. don't see a Daytona USA HD... did you create something that might interest us?
  2. the only dedicated one there at the moment.
  3. As well as you seek help and get it, it is worth publishing your solution to solve the problems of future users
  4. Are you sure the problem is when you check this option?
  5. make sure you are checking widescreen mode to remove vertical black bands
  6. but that effect does not exist in the original model3 hardware
  7. but ... I don't know if another color is very nice, it is simply thought that it is easy to configure supermodel 3
  8. could you start VSync=0
  9. haha ok I don't even bother adding the new changes! it has all the GUI code ... I hope some of you improve it!
  10. my question is, how do you activate these options? I mean when you want to play again do you edit the ini file again? QuadRendering = EmulateNet = LegacySound = New3DEngine = EmulateDSB =
  11. that if that is strange friend, I would instead look at the configuration of khz is the emulator or supermodelUI problem ??
  12. m .. I imagine that the PowerPCFrequency has different values in their versions. the supermodel is pure processor and obviously the graphics card then only draws. I remember to optimize my system so that "no" programs starts with the system. all this was for the supermodel and other emulators to run at full speed, had a slower PC back then
  13. sure yes, the next version will not have this bug
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