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    win xp

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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. Hi I have the same problem, I disable msaa and it works fine but when I go to start it it did not save. Were you able to save us? In the menu I also restart but the problem is not solved
  2. Hi I have your same problem with aimtrak, were you able to solve?
  3. I overwrote your files with mine, and it worked. Thanks I hope this change doesn't bring me problems in other games, I just tried to update the drivers
  4. hi guys i get this error happened to some of you???
  5. Grazie
  6. GOD bless you, it works perfectly
  7. It worked perfectly, Thanks but I accidentally went back to the file when it was just reading and now to start the teknoparrot I have to delete the abc.xml file from gameprofile but then when I put it back it doesn't start, I can't configure the game anymore?
  8. 46/5000 how did you solve graphic errors?
  9. someone seems to have solved it
  10. Help Me! I have my mario kart dx 1.10 with these graphic problems, can any of you help me? In tecknoparrot in setting game I configured my resolution, 1920x1080
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