My main machine is Windows 10 x64 on which it runs perfectly however I have set up a small WIndows 7 x64 machine for light gun games and it refused to run no matter what I tried always with a sound error, I tried every fix I have read on this forum and others and none worked then by accident I actually got it working. I have a NAS drive which is mapped as "T" drive in explorer, the NAS had a backup of the game on it and I mistakenly hit the game.exe when viewing the folder and believe it or not the game started immediately with no errors. I copied the exact files over from my NAS directly over to my C: drive and it still gives me a sound error every time, I have never encountered anything like this before and struggle to think of a reason why.
TLDR - The game will run when the game files are stored on my NAS but refuses to run when the same files are copied over to C: Drive